Wednesday, December 17, 2014

AP story becomes fodder for Pat McCrory fundraising appeal

N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory's office hit back Wednesday after an Associated Press story reported that he had taken what it described as ethically questionable payouts from an online mortgage company, of which he was a director.

His campaign hit back too -- with a fundraising letter.

"We need your help," the campaign emailed supporters. "The media is at it again. This time it's the Associated Press. Yesterday they released a story attacking the Governor with false claims and innuendo made by anonymous people with no regard to the facts....

"Help Governor McCrory fight back and ensure that the citizens of North Carolina know the real story. Donate today ..."

The appeal was signed by "Team McCrory."


  1. Is asking for money the best way to respond to a news story questioning how you received money?

  2. Associated Press is a despicable complicit regime agenda supporter.
    They ALWAYS protect lieberals and
    try to destroy 'conservatives'.
    Strive to be smarter than the AP EVERYDAY!

  3. And Moronymous Rex emerges @ 2:53 to spout some meaningless gibberish before returning to his task of lining his basement spider hole with tin foil to keep "big gubment" from reading his thoughts...

  4. If you're going to suggest that conservatives are smarter, you might want to learn how to spell "lieberals."

  5. The postscript letter ( R or D) means nothing. Professional politicians are of one ilk. I care for none of them.

  6. Puppet Pat fooled the voters of NC and now he cashing in on occupying the office. He is the Court Jester for the Dark Feudal Lord Art Pope.

  7. The answer is...... did he change/help/speak-up for the Mortgage Industry in NC?

  8. Another example of the Liberal media trying another one of their never ending attacks on a Conservative. I hope they get their rearends sued.
    I agree with the poster that called them " (Lie)berals ".

  9. He is a politician.Instead of providing proof the report is not true..... Just bash the source.

    Gov,If your integrity is as you say it is,provide proof everything was above board.

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