Speaking to a group of Uptown Charlotte Democrats today, House Speaker Joe Hackney tried to mollify concerns that Raleigh lawmakers don't show a lot of love to Mecklenburg County.
"There's often a perception in Mecklenburg, I am told, that nobody cares about Mecklenburg," he said.
"I can assure you I keep up with it. I know all about 495 ... " People in the audience quickly corrected him that it's completion of the I-485 beltway that is a concern to Charlotteans.
"485, same thing," Hackney said quickly.
Meanwhile the Chapel Hill Democrat blasted Republican legislators for "trying to fight against us at every turn" during the last legislative session. He outlined the difficulty of balancing a state budget that had a $4.6 billion shortfall. The Democratic controlled General Assembly used a package of cuts and tax hikes and federal stimulus money to balance the budget.
"We did what we had to do to protect education and our universities," he said, adding that Republicans did nothing but ridicule Democratic proposals. "This session (they) were not serious about government ... It's a national trend."
My colleague Ben Niolet posted this from the N.C. Republican Party:
N.C. Republican Party Chairman Tom Fetzer couldn't resist poking fun at a gaffe House Speaker Joe Hackney made while trying to show he is knowledgable about issues related to Charlotte.
Hackney mistakenly referred to Charlotte's incomplete Interstate 485 as "495."
"Despite his selfless attention to Charlotte’s roads, Hackney struck an oratorical pothole when he didn’t know which road he was talking about, and had to be corrected by the audience," Fetzer said. "Speaker Hackney went to Charlotte to demonstrate his awareness of the Queen City’s needs and laid an egg. Let’s hope he didn’t take the wrong road home to Chapel Hill.
"The Speaker should know his roads. And not just the ones that curve sharply to the left,” Fetzer said.
Best article I've ever seen written by an Observer writer.
Wow. No body and you couldn't even spell all five words in the title correctly. Keep up the good work.
Is Morrill always as stoned as he looks? Based on his spelling and punctuation, I'd say YES.
Hackney is right the Republicans need a Jim Black to screw up things and then when they try to appear honest then blame the Democrats for the budget mess.
Hackney and his cronies were up to their garter belts over the last few years and now they are mad at everybody.
"Protect our universities"? From non-Triangle students maybe. Those three counties now account for more than 20% of the enrollment at
UNC-CH where incidentally there are more citizens from Mexico than most NC counties. This idiot thinks it is better to educate an illegal than it is our own.
Get a haircut!
Yes, it's the Repubs fault that Bev promised to complete 485 and back tracked, yes it is the Repubs fault for electing Jim Black and the esteemed Sleaselys, yes it is the Repubs fault for spending and taxing us into oblivion. The sad part is the the Nick Mackey voters will believe this dope.
Seems to be a trend to dismiss the options Republicans offer and then complain they don't give options.
Sounds like the Democrats have adopted the "ignore any ideas and blame for giving no options" philosophy from the Federal all the way down to the local dirt shovelers. Healthcare debate anyone?
I-495? Are they serious? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA. This sure explains the road situation around here!
Good news about I-495 then...
I don't understand how he blames Republicans with a straight face when Democrats hold a majority in the state house and senate.
Aren't all those straight ticket democrat, voting sheep glad they keep this Party in charge of our part of the state? Even you liberals that don't like Mayor Pat, have to admit, he would fare better than the 24% approval of Gov. Bev and her Eastern NC political cronies...
When will people understand that Republicans AND Democrats are all corrupt. Neither party is innocent and both sides do stupid things.
The Party of Bush-Cheney-Bill James-Tom Delay-Rush Limbaugh-Ann Coulter-Bill Belk and all the other draft-dodgers, hypocrites and haters shouldn't throw stones.
Palin-Sanford in 2012! The best GOP
ticket ever!
Of course he knows all about I-495. It will be the second ring road around Fayetteville to be completed before I-485 is finished around Charlotte.
Jesus and George Washington should get haircuts too?
Anonymous could start his own blog with all his two cents. Give us your name, Anonymous, all this praductive brilliance shoud be ascribed to someonw.
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