Foxx travels to Washington this afternoon for the speech, where he'll be a guest of U.S. Rep. and fellow Democrat Larry Kissell. Each member of Congress can invite one guest.
Foxx also got a new assistant today. Kevin Monroe will serve as a sort of chief of staff, working out of the same office as did longtime Pat McCrory aide Dennis Marstall.
Monroe, 47, was a strategist for Foxx during last fall's campaign. He ran U.S. Sen. John Edwards Charlotte office for four years and before that worked on Capitol Hill for former Democratic Sens. Terry Sanford of North Carolina and Bob Graham of Florida. He also served as Senate liaison for the U.S. Department of Energy.
In his new role, Monroe says, "I want to certainly play on my policy background."
Kind of like watching Mules fight over turnips. Nobody cares.
anoy@ 12:10 pm Nobody care to watch your tired butt. Get a life.
Charlotte is doomed with Fox in office.
Big ears, meet big ears. You both have something in common besides your dumbos, you are both clueless.
Anoy@ 1:46 You are not God and you can't predict the future.
Anoy@ 1:55 You have a big mouth and big ears. When an adult calls someone else out about their physical characteristics that simply means they are ugly themselves.
I see both of you must be repubs what a waste of a party (republicans) A bunch of namecalling junkies with no direction.
Anoy@1/27/2010 02:09:00 PM. Face the facts, your guy(s) is a failure.
All I can say is "The train kept a rollin!!!!" I think you know what I mean. Enough said!
Anon (1:55) is right. Name calling is for amateurs and those without thoughts. Just use your brain and think about what you want to write...a leader with no leadership, a leader incapable of completion of tasks and a leader with no direction. That is much nicer and correct. Oh, and that goes for both O and Foxxy. Sorry guys, until you show me more, everyone believes this.
I wonder if he was invited because of the content of his character or the color of his skin?
Anon 1:27
You are not everyone....don't speak for me. If you know of someone better for the job of President...please say.
Only critical, no real ideas
Al Sharpton for president!!!
Where's Beverly Perdue???
The Mayor of our city is going to be sitting in on the State of the Union by our President tonight. Charlotte is finally getting the national attention it deserves. This should be an honor to celebrate in our community. Instead, some just feel they have to keep whining. What a shame.
Please explain why Charlotte deserves your so called "national attention".
Anoy @2:19 Foxx has only been in office about 2 months how do you know what he is going to do? Oh excuse me you can judge someone on what you think and not by what they do whatever? You complain about Obama but he is doing more as President than GW did in 8 years. More positive things and more people involved. Get your party together then you may be able to talk.
Like I said, No Real Ideas!
Lets build a train in Charlotte!!!!
This proves that all that remains of the Observer following are Right-Wing, Mouth-Breathing, Knuckle-Dragging, Flat-Earth Believing repoblicans! You racist low-life scum deserve to be stuck in your mother's basememt or in your double-wide! Yes, I resorted to name calling because that is the only thing this people understand! The world is so much better off with Obama and Foxx even if they have not cleaned up all the mess left bu they repoblican predecessors!
Anger management is needed
The question becomes "Why?" Certainly a personal coup and honor for the mayor but, frankly, what's in it for Charlotte? The taxpayers are flipping the tab for this junket in what seems to be nothing more than a victory tour.
You mispelled Republicans!! Geez get it right.
It was not mispelled! You people do not deserve to be respected by the correct spelling!!!
I think he said "charlotte was getting the national attention it deserves"
Let Foxx go up there. The more he is associated with Obama, the less likely he is to be re-elected. That's good for all of us.
Anything is better than that bush loving, G.D. Patty McCrary in office. Years of trash and mess in the mayors office and of course in the damn white house. This is great about our new Mayor, and our President. God bless them!
They will both be re-elected, you racist bastards! I love it when you all miss your Klan meetings AND lose an election!!!!!
Wow, I cannot believe all the republican, right wing psychos here in Chalotte. Wait a minute - yes I can! I have been victimized myself by this racism. I am from the eastside and we hear the same BS always coming from southpark: We love Rush, Glenn Beck, Palin, Bush and anyone else who is a lying, warmongering psycho racist. Hope you soccer moms rot down in your southpark hell.
Stay on the eastside then, thats where you belong!!!
Anoy @ 3:49 You belong in the swamp! Get to swimming you POS!
What does this have to do with race? So I guess if you think Obama and Foxx shouldn't get re-elected, then you are racist. Get a life. It amazes me how ugly the comments are on here from the left wingers yet the republicans always get accused of being harsh. Left wingers are some of the most close minded people I have ever met. The mantra of "if you don't see things my way, then something is wrong with you" philospophy is pretty close-minded.
See, they still continue to victimize everyone that is not a rich republican racist. We will stay here and are very proud of it. I wish to God that you would come and visit. I would slap your white soccer face and you'd wish to the lord you were back in southpark.
Why do people dislike Glenn Beck for telling the truth. ?? I just don't get it? If the doubters would actually watch the show, he only shows "clips" of what is really coming out of these politicians mouths! They have "doomed" themselves, not Glenn!
Eastside = garbage dump
Southpark = RACIST MF!
Eastland Mall rocks!! NOT
Foxx has the same skill-set that Obama used to get himself in office. Minimal experience, no leadership skills, panders to his constituent base at the expense of the general public, good oratory skills and large ego.
It's no wonder Obama invited him -- I'm just surprised he would allow a fellow narcissist to bask in his limelight.
Southpark Mall is a big joke = Yes!
Anoy @ 4:14. You are made because you are not liked as much as Obama and Foxx. Maybe you should seek menatl help to work on your low self esteem. Good Luck with your own pity party.
Excuse me spelling made = mad
Hey Anoy 4:14pm I bet Anthony Foxx doesnt live on the eastside. Oh yeah he lives downtown charlotte!! He doesnt care about you!!
Well at least he doesn't live in Ballantine you racist bastard!
I know where he lives and for the record I don't like on the eastside either. I personally have never lived on the eastside and never will live there.
Glen Beck should burn in the pits of hell for his lies and misleading people. I can't believe the people that follow such a devil. He is the father of lies. He is damned to hell and so are you predictable, selfish right wing crazies.
If Foxx can make contacts that bring federal money to Charlotte, I am for it. If he can go to Raleigh and get state money for Charlotte, I am for it.
I supported McCrary but wonder if constantley fighting with the state was good policy.
You hate the eastside because you are one of those south charlotte dwellers who hate and gay bash and stay locked up away from reality. Well, one day we are going to bust your little Klan bubble. The soccer mom trash will hopefully not live long enough to grow child racists like that parents! I wish the earth would open and swallow the south charlotte area and all you hatemongering Bush lovers with it.
I love the Dem's talking smack to those whom they don't know. Most of the postings from the Rep. side are very angry as this President and this Congress have done nothing. Please argue otherwise (with facts and actual data to the contrary). We can all agree that there is much left over from the Rep. days (both Pres. and Congress) that have contributed mightily to our current issues. So to did the period preceding Bush which would cover your beloved Clinton. Don't be that naive that the only growth in this country occurred during the last 8 yrs. I have the facts to show you. Additionally, our current Pres. made a lot of promises on the camp. trail that have not come to fruition and has done ZERO/NOTHING to create jobs or incentives for jobs. Argue that my friend(s) on the left.
We aren't your friends. Bush is responsible. It takes more than one year to trash a country the way he did. There is more to be done by our President and we feel confident that there is time to do that. And yes, you're bloody right: he IS our beloved Clinton. May God have mercy on your lying souls for your hatred and misguidedness.
Anony@ 4:36 The job loses are because of Bush you dipshit. Maybe your pockets were padded from Bush being Prez but mine was not. Obama has done more in a year than Bush did in 8 years to help the people of this country. You are just a Rush wannbe Linbau listener. So please just STFU!
Anony@ 4:36 The job loses are because of Bush you dipshit. Maybe your pockets were padded from Bush being Prez but mine was not. Obama has done more in a year than Bush did in 8 years to help the people of this country. You are just a Rush wannbe Linbau listener. So please just STFU!
Can you name a "lie" that Glenn Beck has said.? Really, just one. And, just who has he misled? Pretty tough to hear the truth sometimes. Just glad we have someone to expose these hypocrties!
Glen Beck _ Hypocrite and crook!
Poor, Poor Anon - 4:40 and 4:44. Big still could not answer my inquiry. And because you know me so well, you would know that I have been self-employed for 2.5 yrs. and have struggled mightily through this credit crunch. I blame yours and my generation for becoming stewards of the leverage generation. Just b/c I have and sell drugs does not mean you have to buy them. Leverage/borrowing above your means (for you Dems who dont understand) was not a requirement and we all had the choice not to do so. Government and Bush did not make you or anyone else do so. Quit blaming and look in the mirror. Again, what has our President done for us in just over a year (specifically). You can't answer the question and hence you spit venom. That is why you will get nowhere in life. Sorry Friend!
Just Like a good Lemming should....
TaxPayers Know...the deal...
These comments were the funniest things I have read all year! It was like hearing "Dumb and Dumber" driving the dog car toward Aspen or Jane Curtin and Dan Aykroyd on the old SNL. Please stop, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!
Anon@ 5:02 Let me be very clear there lies your problem. I don't own not a one credit card and have not owed anyone for a credit card since 2000. Maybe you will learn the risk of living off credit. I live a very good life. My house is paid for and my car I paid cash for when I got it 3 years ago. See I learned along time ago that credit cards are a no! NO! I work and save my money and invest. I pay about 30% of my salary in taxes because I have no kids. Still I have not credit cards and own no one for nothing every month put utilities, and insurance. If I can't pay cash since 2000 I don't buy it. Just that simple. May I suggest you watch Suzie Orman to help youself. As far as the drug thing goes maybe you should tell all of your friends kids and your own to leave the meth and prescp drugs alone. Never have done drugs and never wiil. See all black folks are not on drugs. Get your head andyour ass and see the real world.
It matters not what o bomb ba says tonight. It will be a lie, whatever he says.
Who cares what the Marxist's partner in crime, lies and more lies, DUMBA--- FOXXY WOXXY DOES???????? LIARS, THIEVES, AND CROOKS, BOTH!
To: All the republican psychos
I'm buring in hell. Wish you were here. See your condemned asses very soon.
McCrary and Bush destroyed everything. I hope they join Billy James, the anti gay clansman, down there with you Satan!
Glen Beck will meet them all in hell! I would slap his face on behalf of everyone Bush has killed and made suffer. WAR TRIBUNAL please!!!!!
5:18 is my favorite friend! So that you and I understand one another...I too have lived in my house for 11 years. I am too young to have paid for it, but am working hard to do such. I have a card paid for and another that just came off a lease ($4,000 to the good). I don't use revolving credit either and needed to use some of my HELOC due to difficult times. I too am very conservative and have done very little to add to our current problems. However, you and I are unique in this environment where most people borrowed their lives away on their homes, upgraded homes, cars, etc. I am stunned however, that you did not get my drug analogy. If your really believed that I sold them, etc., you must be a bit naive or bordering ignorance. I used that as an example to make a point. Please tell me that you have had someone use examples in your life before. B/C you are black, should have nothing to do with our conversation. I hope that you are smarter than that. And as for real world, I am living in it and by the comments that you have made, feel that you may be missing a lot of what is going on. To say you did and have not done drugs means that you may be a little naive. The best advice I have ever gotten on numerous subjects where from people with the greatest experience on those subject matters - they learned from the school of hard knocks good or bad. Let's try and start our conversation over again now that we have all of the bases covered.
Who cares??????
RON PAUL 2012.
I see the Nick Mackey voters are out trolling for more hard earned money from the the real tax payers. I repeat, big ears meet big ears. And I quote from the the new genius leader of the future Detroit of America, specializing in white flight "Washington has our attention now" from Foxx. Meaning of course, now that black, no resume liberal has been elected we might get special favors from the most clueless White House since Jimmy Carter, a real southern Dem racist. Nice work libs. What day this week does your welfare check arrive?
best string of comments thus far this year.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads" Ron Paul
Say NO to socialized healthcare! Say NO to Cap and Trade!
So who paid his way to Washington?
Good for Mayor Foxx. I didn't see a problem with Mayor McCrory having ties to President Bush and I don't see a problem with this mayor having a tie to President Obama. That can't be bad for Charlotte. I see the teabaggers are out in full force. Never met a more uninformed, miserable group in my life. Rip Van Winkle, asleep for 8 years and just waking up, angry.
Inflation is coming. Be prepared. It's going to hit the fan.
No surprise here birds of a feather flock together.. Look out Charlotte as bad as things look now they are going to get worse.
This state of the union speech is way too long........
No doubt things are going to get worse. Be prepared my fellow Americans.
It is so sad to see a city that is so racist. Get a life people, it isn't the 50's and everyone has the same rights's. It isn't a white's only country. Also, for the so called Christians that bash because of race. I hope you do some bible reading and learn how to be a Christian. BTWm I am a proud white, Texan, who is glad to say am also a FORMER North Carolinian
Ringside on the Titanic
wow - I was directed here to read these comments. amazing how so few can make so many look ignorant.
I like the way things are going. Been on unemployment for 5 months, getting paid,'s a good deal.
To: All the republican psychos
I'm buring in hell. Wish you were here. See your condemned asses very soon.
The Charlotte people are blessed to have both Anthony Foxx and Kevin Monroe working for them..
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