The Hoke County businessman gave his campaign another $50,000 on April 29, bringing his total to just over $1 million.
Only three House candidates in the country -- and none in North Carolina -- have reached deeper into their pockets, according to the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics.
D'Annunzio faces five challengers in the GOP primary for the seat held by Democrat Larry Kissell.
All that money he put into his campaign and still not a solid lead. Goes to show money isn't everything---his personality and criminal record have hurt him greatly. Sure hope this guy doesn't win!
So what are you saying here, Jim? That you'd have preferred it if he had raised money from other people and not just blown his own coin on the race? I just don't get it with you man.
Good Times.
Any time you meet a payment.
Good Times.
Any time you need a friend.
Good Times.
Any time you're out from under.
Not getting hastled, not getting hustled.
Keepin' your head above water,
Making a wave when you can.
Temporary lay offs.
Good Times.
Easy credit rip offs.
Good Times.
Scratchin' and surviving.
Good Times.
Hangin in a chow line
Good Times.
Ain't we lucky we got 'em
Good Times.
ANYONE but this man for CONGRESS!
I am a Republican, but I would vote for Larry Kissel in this race. He voted like I would have wanted on the bills that interested me most. Larry has NC on his mind and the people who live here. Thank you Larry Kissel.
I agree, all that money that puts him in #3 in the country in how much the individual donates to his campaign and he continues to be arrogant and impersonal along with everyone in his camp.
People should get to find out how he is as a person because it is the person along with their views that goes to DC. His personality is to volatile to be an effective representative for us in the 8th District.
The 8th district would be a joke!
Well, you can slander him all you want, but anyone who says he's impersonal has never met the man. I have, and I can tell you that he would be a great representative for the 8th district. If you claim to be a Republican but would vote for Kissell over D'Annunzio, you stink of mediocrity and you deserve a spineless representative like Lindsey Grahamnesty. People like you are the problem. A representative's job is to uphold and defend the constitution and represent his state, not give you whatever you want. Did you not see the pork propaganda that Kissell sent out a couple of months ago that proclaimed how he has brought $1 billion of federal funding to NC?
I think it's hilarious how all of you leave your names anonymous. You're all as spineless as the politicians who you elect.
I don't think Morrill is commenting on D'Annunzio's campaign contributions, I think he's just reporting the facts, kind of like a reporter is supposed to do. If the fact that the Observer is reporting a candidate has poured over a million dollars into his own campaign troubles you, maybe you should ask yourself why. Maybe the few Tim supporters left are slightly uncomfortable with the fact that their candidate is spending a million dollars to get a 100K job. Doesn't exactly make sense now does it?
I agree with Michael. Tim D'Annunzio is a good man, a Christian man. He has turned his life around and been in no trouble in over 10 years. The evil media does not tell the truth and is responsible for what you think and hear about him. Tim D'Annunzio is a gentleman and has earned our respect and our votes. Please give him a chance.
I have heard accusations about "D", but not facts. I am trying to do some research for the primary vote. I am thinking about voting for him. From my research at this point those who don't like him have not given facts. It's almost like don't vote for him I heard his favorite color is purple. Give me some facts so I can be better informed.
Turned his life around? This man has decades of criminal history and his temper is obviously STILL a problem. Liberal evil media--Tim you pretty much are ALL of the media in this race!? Anyone see the plane with the banner in it yet? This man is a looney tune and a joke and I will not vote for him and I am an avid republican. If that makes me spineless Michael then so be it but I will not sacrifice my personal beliefs. Tim is not a good person.
-AWOL from military
-kicked out of military for smoking pot
-served time in jail
-drunk driving
other than that he's been one fine citizen
that is not fair, Tim D'Annunzio has confessed his sins, he has been forgiven by the people of the 8th district
D'Annunzio reminds me of one of those angry little cartoon characters Bugs Bunny always gets the best of
More lazy and pathetic NON-reporting from stoner-boy Morrill. The Observer blabbers on and on about there being "too much money in politics", but over half their stories on this race have focused on fundraising and money. All Morrill had to do to "write" this "article" was read a campaign finance report on a website. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
Again, say what you will, but if you have any knowledge of politics in NC, you'll see the value in Tim's endorsements, some of which are listed below. Additionally, I wonder how many of you Rhinos actually live in the 8th district.
Readers like you all are the reason why the Charlotte Observer is a laughable publication.
Tim's Endorsements (to name a few):
The Independence Caucus
The Conservative Party of North Carolina
Change the Congress in 2010
We the People NC of Cabarrus County
We the People of the Sandhills
Michael seems a little ticked that he didn't get the endorsement of the CO. In fact, the only people who have endorsed Tim are the people who have never met him...if you meet him you automatically don't like him. Maybe next time Timmy!
All the candidates have notable endorsements. Huddleston and Johnson both have endorsements from NC and local government officials. Tim doesn't because the people in this district don't want a common criminal as their rep!
Tim's list of endorsements is lengthy but quite unimpressive. As others entered the race, his background became public, his antics on stage and in the face of Justin Burr, Tom Fetzer and Suzanne Rucker, folks began to realize exactly what they had in Tim D'Annunzio. D'Annunzio has embarrassed himself, his staff, the Republican Party and the 8th District. $1 million is an expensive lesson and I'm sure he has learned absolutely nothing from the experience. Funny, blockheads are like that sometimes. The voters reject you tomorrow Mr. D'Annunzio.
Sounds like self-thunder to me.
Also, re: "endorsements, some of which are listed below". Those groups have a total of about 80 members, right?
want to bet?
D'Annunzio 41%
Johnson 24%
Jordan 21%
Huddleston 14%
how about that?
Come on, 80 members? You're way off. At least 100.
Is that you posting again D'Annunzio? I've missed you.
If election held in February D'Annunzio is the guy. Time was not his friend. D'Anunzio will be lucky to finish 2nd and can only hope for runoff.
Your numbers are skewed D'Annunzio campaign!
D'Annunzio will really have to turn his folks out May 4th if he wants to do well. I would encourage him to keep his instructor's license current and not to look for place in Washington just yet.
41% for D'Annunzio does seem a tad high
this one is over, D'Annunzio wins in a landslide
seriously, who can defeat Kisell in November? let's not waste our votes here.
probably only one candidate that can beat Kissell in November at this point
41%---aww that's convenient--no runoff? yea right!
D'Annunzio is gonna wish he had some of his D'Money back
a man with this much money will not listen to anyone IF he gets in office.
Tim D'Annunzio = the Republican version of Cynthia McKinney. The man is a complete nut-case.
Closet boy needs to come clean and stay away from airport or public restrooms parks and playgrounds .
Does he know Lindsey? Barney? Larry? Mark Foley?
Did he get his views from Ted Haggard? Does he know Haggard? Has he ever been to Colorado?
Why is he hung on gun barrels and firing them?
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