It also plans to spend $800,000 on ads against Rep. Bob Etheridge in the 2nd District. The 30-second ads are scheduled to start Tuesday.
The ads, which will run for a month, are expected to criticize their votes for the federal stimulus and other programs.
"Government spending is crippling the economy," said Steve DeMaura, the group's president. "Washington has refused to listen to the people of North Carolina and job creators across the country. When we said 'no' to the so-called stimulus package because it would ultimately threaten job creation, Rep. Larry Kissell voted 'yea.'"
DeMaura told that as of mid-August, his group had spent $6.3 million on the 2010 elections. In the S.C. GOP gubernatorial primary, it attacked Gresham Barrett, who lost a runoff to Nikki Haley.
Kissell spokesman Christopher Schuler said the campaign is puzzled by the attack.
"The Congressman has a lengthy record of standing up for small businesses time and time again," he said. "That's why the Chamber of Commerce thanked him for his vote for the stimulus, his vote against cap and trade, and his votes against the healthcare bill.
"You can look at last week's groundbreaking at Celgard to see that the Stimulus is creating jobs here in North Carolina."
The trilion doillar stimulus didn't stimulate anything but debt and Celgard was bought and paid for by the tax payers based upon the fraud that is global warming and the fraud that green jobs are our immediate future. Lets hope this clears up his confusion.
Kissell's done a good job. I'm a business owner and I'm going to vote for him and Burr. They are the only ones who give a damn about people who work for a living.
Pretty simple, the private sector is the enemy of the Democrat/Progressive/Socialists in Washington. This November will be a bloodbath.
I cant believe Kissell is defending the stimulus. What planet is this guy on?
Pro business? More like anti-worker fat cats!
funny how alot of people forget how George Bush rang up the deficit while he was in office and the economy tanked when he was in office also. Obama hasnt helped out either. All these tax incentives stimulated car manufacturers and heat/air and real estate until the incentived ran out. Kissell has my vote mainly cause he voted against the Obamacare, going against his party,
I agree with the Pro Business Group's stance to point of out the votes Kissell has made that hurt North Carolina businesses. He has turned his back on the common folks who voted him into office, it's time to send him back to North Carolina before he really becomes one of the D.C. "FatCats"!
Another group that has been started by the Republican (just say no) Party. What did you expect?
Mrs. Kissell better get the Clorox ready. The only cleaner that will get the skid marks out of Larry's shorts.
The truth will finally be told about Larry Kisell. Don't renew any Washington leases Larry and dust off that teaching certificate.
Thank you sir for 2 disappointing years of public service. Will you and Nancy Pelosi remain close friends?
I really hate that for Larry Kissell. He had such a great shot at becoming a mediocre member of Congress.
I can't say that I'm all that fond of this Kissel clown, however I will say Harold Johnson is a complete and absolute boob.
Hopefully this "pro business" group will manage to actually demonstate how the stimulus hurt temporary job growth, and will also mention that Richard Burr ataged a filibuster to block small business tax cuts.
Bush isn't on the ballot, sweetie.
All candidates for public office should be forced to campaign in the nude.
25,000 unemployed plus one Congressman Kissell.
25,001 without jobs in 8th district. Good work Larry, way to take care of the constituents.
Kissell votes with Obama and Pelosi 96% of the time. Do you need to know anything else? Kissell needs to get out of DC and let someone else give it a shot.
'Kissell votes with Obama and Pelosi 96% of the time'
What do you expect Kissell to do- he IS a democrat!
IF you don't want more spending, then best NOT VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT as that IS what Democrats do-is spend your money on social programs as most are lawyers and NOT business people.
Democrats love social programs as people perceive THEY will get something for free! So it keeps Democrats in power as the perceived 'free' stuff, keeps people votin' for them!
Democrats believe ALL people are stupid and ONLY gov-co knows best. IF you like this then vote Democrat.
IF you DON"T like this, then vote AGAINST democrats, and yes it IS that simple!
January, 2009 and this country is in a recession heading for a depression losing 750,000 jobs a month. This month, 1 1/2 years later, depression/recession talk are gone and economic growth (albeit slow) has returned thanks to the stimulus. Only a moron can ignore those facts.
Now the President wants to keep middle-class tax cuts while raising them for the wealthiest (i.e. $40 million CEOs). This change would help close the federal budget deficit. Again, only morons and Republicans choose to ignore those facts.
what is 'ya, ignaant?
I find it interesting that the anti-kissel commentors are almost all anonymous... just like the group that is funding the anti-kissel ads.
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