Judge Tim Smith, a Democrat, sent Republicans and unaffiliated voters thousands of fliers headlined, "Why do leading Republicans believe Judge Tim Smith is the right choice?"
"The mailer was clearly meant to deceive Republican voters into believing that Tim Smith has the support of the Republican Party and conservative leaders across Mecklenburg County," the party said in a statement. "This is simply not true."
Though judicial races are nominally non-partisan, both parties are promoting their own candidates. Mecklenburg Republicans support Smith's opponent, Matt Osman.
GOP vice chair Claire Mahoney said she's concerned about the party being associated with Smith "in any shape, manner or form." Smith, elected in 2006, has been reprimanded twice by the Judicial Standards Commission.
"There really wasn't an intent to mislead anyone," Smith said. 'They can go to my Web site and see the list of supporters I have, and if they have time they can pull up the registrations of the nearly 1,000 on there and they'll find that a lot of them are Republicans."
Asked who among them would be considered "leading Republicans," Smith named several supporters, none of whom are well-known Republicans. The most prominent former Republican among his endorsers is one-time Charlotte Mayor Eddie Knox, who is now unaffiliated.
"They're are some leading Republicans who support me," Smith said, "but who prefer to remain anonymous."
Just goes to show the failure rate of the dem agenda...judge needs to go spread his own wealth around then pipe up about politics
I thought these were nonpartisan elections...
does nonpartisan mean you tell Democrats you're really liberal and Republicans that you're really conservative?
Isn't it entirely consistent with candidate Smith's record to do something so disingenuous and reprehensible? Fortunately, voters with respect for justice and honesty have a clear and positive choice here. Matt Osman is a man whose record reflects his own character and his commitment to public service. He has gained support and endorsements throughout the community and he can be counted on to honor his oath and pursue justice as a jurist.
Once again a Dem trying to get votes using fictitious information! LOL
Matt Osman IS the best choice and ONLY choice here :-)
How can a judge use mis-leading information? Isn't that a conflict of what he is suppose to represent?
What Smith's supporters don't want to be indentified! No surprise there. The man is scum. How did people like this hold an office of honor?
Good grief this man is foul. A friend of mine recieved this mailer and was totally mislead. And the fact that Smith is fudging about who supports him makes this all look very suspisous.
How do people like Smith manage to get on the bench in the first place? Charlotte's district courts are disgusting
I received the postcard, I have checked Smith's website, all the information appears to be factual. I don't get what the issue is here. Doesn't his opponent want democrats to vote for him?
He got on the bench by lying to the voters. Just the type of person dems want this year.
"Information on post card factual"? What is factual about the opening statement 'Leading Republicans believe Judge Tim Smith is the right choice.' Who are these supposed leading Meck Republicans? McCroy? Vinroot? Myrick? Rucho? James? Summa? Bryan? Brawly? Horn? (to name a few.)I don't see their names on his website.
I hope someone in the media makes a REAL story out of this. Our district court judges NEED a bright light shown upon them.
this guy has a future in congress
Matt Osman has been formally endorsed by Richard Vinroot, Pat McCrory, Thom Tillis, Phil Summa, Rob Bryan, Carl Horn, Andy Dulin, Warren Cooksey and Edwin Peacock and by CharMeck Court Watch. The latter is the real organization that regularly provides observers in the courtrooms and has for some time. Another group with ties to the man who the state has barred for life from any attempt at running for judge is now sporting a similar name. Those people have endorsed the candidate with the reprimands and the misleading mailer. What's that old saying about birds of a feather?
Matt has worked hard to get votes everywhere. In a general election you need Republican and Democratic votes. What he hasn't done is lie to anyone about who he is and where he stands. Smith said he would vote AGAINST his own wife when she was running for office to pander to the current office holder. Character is the central qualification for being a Judge and Smith has none.
He would vote against his wife?
If you look at the postcard, no names of "leading republicans" are provided. Why not? That's misleading in my book - 1) Why should I have to do research to find out who they are, and 2) why can't I find out who they are? To me, it's simple - there aren't any, and therefore, it's a false statement. That's a BIG problem. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on.
Young Matt seems to be crying because Smith is finally fighting back and more importantly fighting for every vote, both Democrat and Republican. Truth is Matt is using time and space in the Union County DA's Office to campaign for a Mecklenburg County office. That would seem to be much more serious than trying to define who a "leading Republican" is or isn't. What about it Matt ?
Just found this story. I know the local judges races are at the bottom of the News barrel but I am shocked this particular story is not generating any interest with the local media since Meck County district court judges seem to be where all the scoundrels are these days. These judges (especially Smith whose wife works at the PD office)are the ones who continue to let repeat offenders slid back onto the streets. Now we have Smith a sitting judge with 2 reprimands, a campaign finance reprimand and false advertizing to his credit and we wonder why we have so much crime in our beautiful city. How can Smith put offenders in jail when he acts just like them?
Just saw a remark by some "anonymous" calling Matt young. Yeah he is younger than Smith but Osman is old enough to be President of the United States and he was 34 when Smith got not SECOND reprimand. I guess age doesn't equate with good judgement as far as Smith is concerned
From what I read Matt Osman has very limited courtroom experience,went to a very suspect law school ran by Liberty University and seems to running solely to overturn Roe vs Wade or at least stop legal abortion locally. A Judge race should be non-partisan. Matt Osman has been to the Uptown Democratic Forum at least 3 times and attended the Black Caucus as well, asking for their support! So what if Smith sends a postcard to Republicans, Good for him !
So Matt is running to be the Judge
that will protect the 700-Club's interests here in Charlotte even though Matt doesn't actually practice law here?
Isn’t it interesting that when the Smith camp finds their man’s behavior indefensible, they start swinging at the opposition with faux fear mongering while ignoring their own guy's bad behavior which is publically documented.
Do you think the reason Smith is called Judge-Hug-a-Thug around the court house is because he himself is unable to control his bad behavior? It is easy for him to relate to the thugs.
Lib scum now resorting their typical usual dirty tricks and lies knowing their 15 minutes of fame with their WH fantazy coffee boy as Slick Willy correctly called it is quickly coming to an end. The 1st tuesday in November is upon us.
The new real conservative T-Party will take over now ... Its all over but the crying for the crook libs both dem and gop all the same.
I have personally meet Smith on numerous occasions and have always wondered about that simmering temper which obviously is just below the smiling facade. His two reprimands were results of his inability to control his temper and behavior. I have always wondered if that is why the man is so lenient in court because he relates to the accused- especially in DV cases. Funny now that he is trying to use DV as a forum for his reelection. Me thinkest the man doth protest too much
Matt Osman graduated from Pat Robertson's Regent University and is running on the Pat Robertson ticket. Republicans who want to keep decent judges on the bench who are not beholden to the right wing agenda of the religious right should support Judge Smith.
What the ---? Since when is the Black Caucus not considered biparitsen? Is that some stupid white a$$ thinking just because I am black, I am a Democrat? Got news for you buddy. I am as Republican as my back side is black.
The attacks on Regent Law School are so lame. Not only are there many Regent Grads in the area but it is just pathetic Smith has no legitmate platform against his opponent so he uses a smear. Fear mongering won't help you Tim
Dark Chocolate said...
What the ---? Since when is the Black Caucus not considered biparitsen? Is that some stupid white a$$ thinking just because I am black, I am a Democrat? Got news for you buddy. I am as Republican as my back side is black.
10/07/2010 11:55:00 AM
Yea and Im a flying toilet.
I have read all these comments pro and con Smith and find them for the most part interesting, even the guy who thinks he is a flying toilet or maybe that was a fly in the toilet, I wasn’t sure. But the bottom line is this : The character and moral discretion of the man. I have been a FaceBook friend of Judge Tim Smith and know for a fact that until quite recently he had numerous pictures of himself dressed as a drunken pirate, leering and grabbing at busty, scantly clad “wenches” one of which was his wife Jackie. There was also a picture of Smith passed out on the floor at some beach location. He must have been proud of this behavior since he posted the pictures. In one post, he even waxed on about wishing he could be a pirate! Those pictures have since been removed-duh. But I am sure they are still out there because once something is posted on the internet it is there for eternity. All this to say, does Smith sound like a man we want on the District Court Bench?
Does anyone else get the feeling that Tim Smith is actually the one who is criticizing "Young Matt" on this forum? What are you going to do for a living when you lose the election "Old Timmy"?
From Regent University's website: "Our mission is to serve as a leading center of Christian thought and action providing an excellent education from a Biblical perspective and global context in pivotal professions to equip Christian leaders to change the world."
Osman is one of Regent's "world-changers" in the mold of Pat Robertson, the founder of Regent University and well-known religious crackpot. Would a Judge Osman follow the law in making decisions or would he choose instead Pat Robertson's kooky interpretation of a Biblically based government in which even Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Methodists represent the "spirit of the anti-Christ"?
Given a choice between a pirate and Pat Robertson, I'll take the pirate any day. Ahoy maties, can we start appointing judges now instead of going through this circus?
Smith you are grasping at every imaginable straw you can find to keep your judicial position. Why could you have not been a better judge? Since this is non-partisan election the issues is not you trying to gain republican ground (not likely), the issue is that once again everything you do seems shady. Try, to be a role model and example for your position and maybe you would fair better. it is just not in your nature.
OMG Just read through the reprimands. I had no idea, Smith was such a loose cannon. I will certainly be voting Osman over the drunken pirate, Christian-hating bad judge.
I know Matt Osman personally and professionally. And I can tell you that the comments regarding:
1. Young Matt seems to be crying because Smith is finally fighting back and more importantly fighting for every vote, both Democrat and Republican. Truth is Matt is using time and space in the Union County DA's Office to campaign for a Mecklenburg County office. That would seem to be much more serious than trying to define who a "leading Republican" is or isn't. What about it Matt ?
2.From what I read Matt Osman has very limited courtroom experience,went to a very suspect law school ran by Liberty University and seems to running solely to overturn Roe vs Wade or at least stop legal abortion locally. A Judge race should be non-partisan. Matt Osman has been to the Uptown Democratic Forum at least 3 times and attended the Black Caucus as well, asking for their support! So what if Smith sends a postcard to Republicans, Good for him !
3.So Matt is running to be the Judge that will protect the 700-Club's interests here in Charlotte even though Matt doesn't actually practice law here?
4. Matt Osman graduated from Pat Robertson's Regent University and is running on the Pat Robertson ticket. Republicans who want to keep decent judges on the bench who are not beholden to the right wing agenda of the religious right should support Judge Smith.
5.Osman is one of Regent's "world-changers" in the mold of Pat Robertson, the founder of Regent University and well-known religious crackpot. Would a Judge Osman follow the law in making decisions or would he choose instead Pat Robertson's kooky interpretation of a Biblically based government in which even Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Methodists represent the "spirit of the anti-Christ"?
Are all completely wrong and show a lack of interest in a reasonable and fair election.
Matt doesn't use the Union County DA's office for his campaign. In fact, he has maintained his work schedule and caseload throughout the whole of the campaign, and has not missed a single assigned courtdate or hearing.
Matt has served both the United States Navy, practiced civil law, and the Union County DA's office over the course of his career - which spans nearly 10 years of legal service. Nearly all of his legal career has been in the courtroom.
Matt Osman and Tim Smith are both entitled to campaign for every vote. Neither is entitled to be dishonest. Where is the evidence that Matt Osman has been dishonest? Tim Smith on the other hand can't prove what "leading Republicans" support him. He has been on the bench and been reprimanded twice. It matters.
Matt Osman went to Regent. It is an American Bar Association Certified law school - like every other law school in NC, except Charlotte School of Law and Elon School of Law. It is a Christian Law School. He passed the NC Bar and swore to uphold the US and NC Constitutions. Last time I checked, so did Judge Smith. The First Amendment includes the freedom of religion. I guess Judge Smith has a problem with that part of the Constitution.
As for Roe v. Wade - that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and I'm pretty liberal. No district court judge has the power to overturn Roe v. Wade, and won't be addressing abortion in court. Ask Judge Smith how many times it has come up. The answer will be zero.
Go meet Matt Osman - ask him yourself. I think you'll find that he will be the fair, reasonable and honest judge that Mecklenburg County needs. Not one who can't control his temper, and needs to make up claims of support because he's scared of losing.
Regent University was founded in 1986 as the CBN University Law School. The American Bar Association (ABA) denied accreditation in 1987. It gave the school provisional accreditation in 1989. Full accreditation by the ABA didn't occur until 1996.
Not sure that Regent University is running for anything, but people interested in the facts will want to know that it is a fully accredited institution whose graduates are serving with distinction in careers throughout the nation. One of those law school grads is the Governor of Virginia. Accredited universities provide education and information, not indoctrination. Anyone who knows anything about the accrediting process of the American Bar Association would know the steps and length of time between the formation of a school and its formal accreditation. And, by the way, at what point has it become a negative to be known as a Christian?
There are Republican lawyers supporting Judge Smith. Does being the vice chair for the Republican party give that pwerson the right to proclaim who is a leading Republican and who isn't? Seems that the point of this article is that there are folks in the Meck GOP who wants to decide who is a "leading Republican" and who isn't. Tain't none of their business.
Absolutely disgusting content from ONE of his reprimands: "Judge Smith misused the power of his judicial office by attempting to use his official position and influence for the purpose of assisting a family member in a domestic matter in which he had a personal interest. Judge Smith’s actions described above evidence a disregard of the principles of conduct embodied in the North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct, including failure to personally observe appropriate standards of conduct to ensure that the integrity and independence of the judiciary shall be preserved (Canon 1), failure to act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary (Canon 2A), using the prestige of his office to advance the private interests of his sister (Canon 2B), and initiating ex parte communication in a pending proceeding (Canon 3A(4)). Judge Smith’s actions constitute conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the judicial office into disrepute (N.C. Const. art IV, § 17 and N.C.G.S. § 7A-376(a))." How repulsive?
Last time I checked - the Meck GOP might have a say as to who would be considered leading Republicans. But again, the issue is that the leading Republicans are NEVER listed. Not who they are, but the fact that they aren't named. If Judge Smith is such a great candidate - then why remain anonymous?
Jim's Blog says that Judge Smith named several repubicans when he interviewed him, yet Jim chose not to name them because "he" didn't think they were important. So I went to the website www.judgetimsmith.com and looked myself. I saw a former member of the Meck GOP Executive Board, a former State Magistarate, a former GOP district Court Judge Candidate, several high profile republican attorneys, republican Doctors, and many other citizens that are republican and well known. Sneaky? Maybe. Dishonest? No. Politics as usual? Probably. Looking at this in the clear of midnight, sounds like the powers that be at the Meck GOP are embarassed that so many republicans are supporting an incumbent judge in a non-partisan race. Bet they would call them "leading republicans" if they were toeing the party line!
I will concede that the post does not consider any of Smith's republican supporters "leading" Republicans, but:
Asked who among them would be considered "leading Republicans," Smith named several supporters, none of whom are well-known Republicans. The most prominent former Republican among his endorsers is one-time Charlotte Mayor Eddie Knox, who is now unaffiliated.
"They're are some leading Republicans who support me," Smith said, "but who prefer to remain anonymous."
Read more: http://campaigntracker.blogspot.com/2010/10/leading-republicans-cry-foul-on-judges.html#ixzz11m0oWY4S
The fact that Smith himself states that Leading Republicans who support him prefer to remain anonymous bothers me. Tremendously. If he is such a great candidate - why remain anonymous - nonpartisan or otherwise?
There's a list of some of Judge Smith's supporters at www.reelectjudgetimsmith.com. And yes, there are Republicans on that list. Judge Smith gave the reporter specific names, though he doesn't identify party affiliation on his website. The party bosses are ticked off because they expect everyone who calls themself a Republican to toe the party line. The GOP party bosses want to dictate to all party members and expect no dissent. That is what the Republican party has come to.
This whole election calls to mind the school mascot election on the comedy, South Park. If you haven't seen it, you must. The children have to vote between a giant douche and a dirt sandwich, prompting them to realize that many elections come down to a very similar lesser of the evils approach. This has perhaps never been more clearly borne out than in this race between Tim Smith and Matt Osman. As a liberal, Democrat, pro-choice, Atheist, I should be clearly in Tim's camp, right? Unfortunately for him, I am also an intelligent, practicing attorney and a firm believer that the quality of judges' character and knowledge truly matters to the administration of justice in Mecklenburg County. I will, therefore, be voting against the giant douche, but hoping the turd sandwich doesn't let his dogma override the administration of justice.
Hilarious episode. Unfortunately, the South Park analogy does not work in this situation. After reading the TWO the ethics opinions published by the Judicial Standards Commission as they pertain to Tim Smith, it seems that electing this circus clown (Tim Smith) would be worse than electing and giant douche and turd sandwich all wrapped into one person. And just think, if the Commission only got wind of him twice, he has most certainly gotten away with much more. This man has serious ethical problems as apparent from the TWO published decisions. If the citizens of Mecklenburg re-elect this fat pirate with a mustache, then I'm moving so criminals don't get out of jail and steal my stuff.
The unfortunate thing that seems to bother no one else is that Tim Smith has stopped signing on to defend himself. Maybe he just now read the ethics board opinions about himself and agrees. Or maybe it was his public defender wife. Either way it doesn't matter, it is just good that they now realize he is a disgusting gross worthless shame to the robe.
Judges fall under nonpartisanwhich means they are not voted on as republican or democrate. I know a lot of republicans that are supporting Tim Smith. I am one of them. Also, you might want to take note that the only thing Matt keeps yelling is that Tim has been reprimanded. The thing that sparked the reprimand was that Tim felt a family member was not being treated fairly by having an illegal exparte. These days you can't take too seriously what the judgicial standards commission does because they are part of the problem also. Wake up Charlotte and get involved in what is actually going on and quit just reading what's on the surface. Matt Osman has no record one way or another, but he was solicited to run for judge against Tim by a group of good ol'boys.
When bloggers call candidate names, they need to back it up with some facts. Judges are nonpartisan. This is petty news reporting. It seems the observer has chosen its candidate. Everyone knows Tim Smith got his reprimand because something that was happening wiwth a family member. One of the judges was having an illegal exparte with an attorney and he called them out on it. The judicial committee should have reprimanded those people. OOOOps, I forgot, they are part of the good ol'boys system which voters need to break up immediately. Elect Tim Smith!!!!
Please watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_K4_u50_Cg
Dear posting individual (Tim or Jackie), if the FIRST reprimand involves Tim's sister as a victim and this caused the first problem, then please do explain how, as a judge, Tim Smith was justified in the SECOND reprimand at yelling and threatening Assistant District Attorneys doing their job? This behavior is even more inexcusable and even more gross. You are a terrible judge and have pathetic character. Anyone who votes for Tim Smith forfeits the right to complain about crime in Mecklenburg County. Getting rid of Tim Smith is the single action that would have the greatest impact on crime in this county.
And you have to ask yourself: Why does Tim Smith and his supporters hate God so much? Guess it falls right in line with his character. No accountability to a higher power or the VOTERS. Figure it out, Tim Smith does not care about the people who vote.
All of this discussion about republicans supporting Tim Smith is hilarious! Everyone in the defense bar know this clown is off his rocker. He gets "endorsements" solely on the off-handed chance he actually wins an election because people don't know who they are voting for, then "supporters" are rewarded in the form of "dismissed" or "not guilty." It's like paying an insurance premium. Who likes the insurance company? No one with an ounce of sanity actually supports this joker. Even the people who give this joker campaign money are worried about their kids getting hurt by the thugs Tim Smith lets off the hook.
Hi, I am Eddie Knox. For those of you who do not know me, I am a former Mayor of Charlotte, a former state senator and I also have practiced some law over the years. I am writing to encourage you to support my friend, Judge Tim Smith as he seeks re-election to his seat as a Mecklenburg County District Court Judge.
I have known Judge Smith for nearly 30 years and have watched him grow as an attorney and as a judge. He has strong Christian values, is compassionate and very well studied in the law. Over my career I have appeared before dozens of fine judges and I think that, in comparison, Judge Smith is a credit to our District Court Bench. I sincerely believe that Judge Tim Smith possesses the wit of the late Judge Bill Scarborough, the heart of retired judge Phil Howerton and the knowledge of the rules and procedures of the law like the late judge Brent McKnight.
Before and after taking the bench, Judge Smith has been extremely active in our community. He was a member of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice for nearly 16 years, where he taught numerous classes to educate attorneys and remains very active in the Academy’s Mock Trial competition. He is a level 4 volunteer for CMS, serves on the Academic Internship Advisory Board, and previously served as a substitute teacher. Judge Smith is active in his church, served as a Girl Scout leader, has volunteered at the YMCA, coached baseball and softball, volunteered for UCP/Easter Seals, was a member of the Kiwanis, participated in the Susan Koman Race for the Cure, Alzheimer walk, was locked-up for Muscular Dystrophy, has visited schools to discuss the courts, mentored children to become better at reading and math, coached a CMS chess team, was recently honored with a community Service award from the New Outreach Christian Center, and I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Judge Smith has an unbridled passion for serving others. He doesn’t just talk-the-talk, he walks-the walk!
Judge Smith has a well earned reputation as an outstanding judge. He is known for his efficiency, innovation and depth of knowledge of the law in each of the many courts in which he presides. Judge Smith has never shown any favoritism based on race, economic condition or who the lawyers are. He is patient with folks who do not have an attorney and takes the time to explain the legal basis for his rulings. He is often sought out by attorneys and Assistant District Attorneys to handle complex legal matters.
I whole-heartedly support and endorse Judge Tim Smith. As stated above, he is doing a fine job and there is no compelling reason to replace him. I ask that you vote for Judge Smith and encourage your friends to do likewise. If you have financial resources, you can make no better investment in our Judiciary than to send his campaign a contribution. Please join me, my wife Frances and the rest of our law firm in supporting this fine public servant.
Warmest Regards,
Eddie Knox
Hi, I am Eddie Knox. For those of you who do not know me, I am a former Mayor of Charlotte, a former state senator and I also have practiced some law over the years. I am writing to encourage you to support my friend, Judge Tim Smith as he seeks re-election to his seat as a Mecklenburg County District Court Judge.
I have known Judge Smith for nearly 30 years and have watched him grow as an attorney and as a judge. He has strong Christian values, is compassionate and very well studied in the law. Over my career I have appeared before dozens of fine judges and I think that, in comparison, Judge Smith is a credit to our District Court Bench. I sincerely believe that Judge Tim Smith possesses the wit of the late Judge Bill Scarborough, the heart of retired judge Phil Howerton and the knowledge of the rules and procedures of the law like the late judge Brent McKnight.
Before and after taking the bench, Judge Smith has been extremely active in our community. He was a member of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice for nearly 16 years, where he taught numerous classes to educate attorneys and remains very active in the Academy’s Mock Trial competition. He is a level 4 volunteer for CMS, serves on the Academic Internship Advisory Board, and previously served as a substitute teacher. Judge Smith is active in his church, served as a Girl Scout leader, has volunteered at the YMCA, coached baseball and softball, volunteered for UCP/Easter Seals, was a member of the Kiwanis, participated in the Susan Koman Race for the Cure, Alzheimer walk, was locked-up for Muscular Dystrophy, has visited schools to discuss the courts, mentored children to become better at reading and math, coached a CMS chess team, was recently honored with a community Service award from the New Outreach Christian Center, and I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Judge Smith has an unbridled passion for serving others. He doesn’t just talk-the-talk, he walks-the walk!
Judge Smith has a well earned reputation as an outstanding judge. He is known for his efficiency, innovation and depth of knowledge of the law in each of the many courts in which he presides. Judge Smith has never shown any favoritism based on race, economic condition or who the lawyers are. He is patient with folks who do not have an attorney and takes the time to explain the legal basis for his rulings. He is often sought out by attorneys and Assistant District Attorneys to handle complex legal matters.
I whole-heartedly support and endorse Judge Tim Smith. As stated above, he is doing a fine job and there is no compelling reason to replace him. I ask that you vote for Judge Smith and encourage your friends to do likewise. If you have financial resources, you can make no better investment in our Judiciary than to send his campaign a contribution. Please join me, my wife Frances and the rest of our law firm in supporting this fine public servant.
Warmest Regards,
Eddie Knox
Hi, I am Eddie Knox. For those of you who do not know me, I am a former Mayor of Charlotte, a former state senator and I also have practiced some law over the years. I am writing to encourage you to support my friend, Judge Tim Smith as he seeks re-election to his seat as a Mecklenburg County District Court Judge.
I have known Judge Smith for nearly 30 years and have watched him grow as an attorney and as a judge. He has strong Christian values, is compassionate and very well studied in the law. Over my career I have appeared before dozens of fine judges and I think that, in comparison, Judge Smith is a credit to our District Court Bench. I sincerely believe that Judge Tim Smith possesses the wit of the late Judge Bill Scarborough, the heart of retired judge Phil Howerton and the knowledge of the rules and procedures of the law like the late judge Brent McKnight.
Before and after taking the bench, Judge Smith has been extremely active in our community. He was a member of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice for nearly 16 years, where he taught numerous classes to educate attorneys and remains very active in the Academy’s Mock Trial competition. He is a level 4 volunteer for CMS, serves on the Academic Internship Advisory Board, and previously served as a substitute teacher. Judge Smith is active in his church, served as a Girl Scout leader, has volunteered at the YMCA, coached baseball and softball, volunteered for UCP/Easter Seals, was a member of the Kiwanis, participated in the Susan Koman Race for the Cure, Alzheimer walk, was locked-up for Muscular Dystrophy, has visited schools to discuss the courts, mentored children to become better at reading and math, coached a CMS chess team, was recently honored with a community Service award from the New Outreach Christian Center, and I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Judge Smith has an unbridled passion for serving others. He doesn’t just talk-the-talk, he walks-the walk!
Judge Smith has a well earned reputation as an outstanding judge. He is known for his efficiency, innovation and depth of knowledge of the law in each of the many courts in which he presides. Judge Smith has never shown any favoritism based on race, economic condition or who the lawyers are. He is patient with folks who do not have an attorney and takes the time to explain the legal basis for his rulings. He is often sought out by attorneys and Assistant District Attorneys to handle complex legal matters.
I whole-heartedly support and endorse Judge Tim Smith. As stated above, he is doing a fine job and there is no compelling reason to replace him. I ask that you vote for Judge Smith and encourage your friends to do likewise. If you have financial resources, you can make no better investment in our Judiciary than to send his campaign a contribution. Please join me, my wife Frances and the rest of our law firm in supporting this fine public servant.
Warmest Regards,
Eddie Knox
Hi Eddie. Just for the record, I don't give a damn what your opportunistic ass thinks. I'd post this three times, like you did, but I think once is enough to get the point across. Thanks and Best Regards.
I find it a little interesting that the folks attacking Matt Osman for being a Christian seem unaware that Tim Smith describes himself as pro-life, pro-gun and a born-again Christian. I guess he described himself differently to them.
Eddie didn't post it a single time, let alone three times. Tim or his wife Jackie posted it. They also sent it out via the re-election campaing committee in an e-mail. Look at the times it was posted--11:41, 11:42 and 11:47 pm. Eddie was sound asleep in Lincoln County--oh yeah, that's right, Eddie can't even vote for Tim because he isn't a Mecklenburg County resident anymore. Don't you love it?! The biggest supporter/apologist/defender Tim can muster on here won't even be able to vote for drunken pirate. Look it up for yourself--Haden Edward Knox is a registered LINCOLN County voter. Get some sleep Tim, you're going to need your energy.
Mr Knox I don't suppose either you or your buddy Smith have enough local knowledge to know that not only did Smith's opponent, Matt Osman, clerk for Brent Mcknight but Matt was also one of Brent's proteges. I can just imagine the outrage in the McKnight household over your letter. And how dare you even thinking of comparing Smith to a man like Brent McKnight. Attoneys all over town must be hack up hair balls right now.
OMG you should hear the indignation at the court house today over Knox comparing Smith to Howerton, Scarborough and McKnight. Funny thing is I am sure Eddie did not write that letter. It was written by Smith and sent to Knox who was unwise enough to forward it before reading it through. Eddie, why do you want to align yourself with such a poor character?
Federal judge Brent McKnight was one of the finest men I have ever known. Every time we have an opening on the US Supreme Court I am reminded again of what our nation lost when that brilliant and honorable man left us. To use his name in the same sentence as a person whose most memorable accomplishments in the courtroom are not one, but two official reprimands is an affront, but to dare to compare someone of Judge McKnight's character and respect for his oath of office with a person who doesn't even have the decency to leave the bench after being reprimanded is disgraceful. I am shocked that Eddie Knox would allow his name to be used in this way. Sadly, it is not at all shocking that the candidate he has so foolishly endorsed would trample on Judge McKnight's memory. How much more proof do voters need to see how unfit he is to discern truth or administer justice?
OK this should make everyone laugh. According to NC Campaign Finance Reports which are posted online both Eddie Knox and Beth McKnight (widow of Brent McKnight) have contributed to Matt Osman's campaign agianst Tim Smith. Beth contriubted on April 13 and Eddie on May 13. How committed can Knox be to Smith if he is sending money to his opponent as well? Knox is a fool to let the Smith camp use him and embarass him in such a manner and Brent McKnight must be rolling over in his grave that anyone would compare him to Smith.
One minute the Smith camp is castigating Osman for being a Christian and in the next minute Knox sends a letter out on Smith's behest prasing Smith for his "strong Christian values". According to the Smith camp being a Christian is a bad thing so why would Knox want to include that in his edorsement.
*Email in my inbox from Eddie Knox=$60 to RR cable
*Overhead gossip about this blog on way to buy a coke=$1.25
Another bad judge in our District Courts = Priceless.
Please oh Please don't tell me we have another Bill Belk on our hands with Tim Smith. Let's get our courts cleaned up.
When Judge McKnight said all rise the courthouse foundation lifted. He was a man of honor and dignity. Smith's honor is found in the fact he probably has his name on a plaque for drinking every beer at a Hooters.
The people of Mecklenburg County need a Judge not a joke. Vote Osman
I am pretty sure that letter needs to be investigated. It looks like the CBS documents about George Bush's military service. Timmy & Jackie S may be crafty with the cut and paste function on the computer (the whole practice of law or ethics generally, not so much). Or, just maybe the more logical origin of the scandalous and worthless reference letter maybe that the cunning Allen Brotherton (law partner of Knox who regularly appears before Smith) requested that Knox write the letter to curry favor with Timmy, thereby hoping to obtain favorable treatment IF Timmy won on account of voter ignorance. Smith LOVES some complimentary letters and endorsements (that is the topic of this article after all). Eddie does not come anywhere near Timmy in district court. Regardless, if anyone has ever appeared before Timmy or even heard him say one word, they know nothing in that letter represents his character. That man is the most rash, red-faced, pompous, loves him some me, unethical, extremely cognitively challenged, very large jerk in the courthouse. I want compare him to a liberal version of Rush Limbaugh, but not quite as smart (I know, that's saying a lot). No, no, no, wait.... he is the Captain Underpants of being extremely soft on all crimes. Yeah, that's it.
Smith attacks Osman for his Christian views yet according to Smith's Facebook page he wrote:
Tim Smith I was truly blessed by attending church at Weeping Willow AME Zion Church today and particularly glad that my chidren were able to worship with me. As usual, God gave the pastor a message that seemed to be directed directly at me. Thanks for the very warm welcome from all the members. I left feeling encouaged and wit...h the joy of the Lord in my heart. I appreiate Rev. Henderson's comment that many candidates come just to visit, but "Judge Smith joined us today today to worship!" Best luck with your revival this week, keep adding souls to the Kingdom!
See More
October 3 at 11:53pm · Share · Flag
Why would you attack Osman's faith while claiming your own?
The Big Man said you can't serve two bosses. So which is it Smith?
Smith's attacks on Osman's faith were reprehensible at the best. See above comments if you are not familiar with what he said. Now Smith has started to claim Christianity!!! It would be the most accurate of statements to call Smith a hypocrite at the very least. But honestly the Smiths are their own worst enemies so I don't think they can even recognize this about themselves which makes you wonder how Tim could be a good judge of others.
After reading all this mud slinging about Tim Smith, just makes me want to solicit more votes for him. At each election, I NEVER vote for the person whose campaign is slinging mud.
1. Tim, quit posting comments. How many times do you need to be reminded?
2. Seriously, you are the reason for this article and then you are going to try and pull that card?
3. If you want to vote for yourself Tim, all I ask is that you remember that you also live in Mecklenburg County and those terrible decisions could possibly spill over to the North end of the county and affect you and your family.
4. Did it never occur to you during your term (before now), that all of these terrible things you did would be brought up at election time? Did that never occur to you? Did you think you were tenured or had a 12 year term? Or did you stay up at night reading the Knox letter and trying to reassure yourself that everything would be okay in 2010?
5. Judgment day is coming for you.
6. And lastly, I leave you with this bit of confidence because it is all you have to lean on: just maybe, just possibly, you found enough criminals not guilty (the population of which is able to vote), that they may all decide to vote for you on that fateful day. Because there is no doubt that the number of people you let off or under-sentence exceeds the number of voters on election day.
One more thing Tim (or Jackie), It is not mudslinging when the Judicial Standards Commission agrees. It is fact that you are not proficient in the ethics department.
Please look at this link! Every single time I look at it, I almost pee my pants laughing! Notice Smith front and center with his classic smirk!
BOO HISS!!! BOO HISS!!! BOO! HISS!!! Hope God forgives you guys for being so un-Christian-like, rude, and slanderous.
Dear "BOO"bird,
It is NOT slander if that which is stated happens to be the truth. Even a judge as lacking in ethics as Tim and a lawyer as lacking in legal knowledge as Jackie understand that principle--if they don't, God help us all.
Whoa! I just saw that Judge Glass House (aka "Timmy TunZ") has been throwing stones and pulling the Christian card! That is crazy if you have been anywhere near him! This is the first I have seen of this. And then you want to make light of the poor judgment you made by stating: "My opponent is running on a single issue. I have been reprimanded by the Judicial Standards Commission. I have accepted responsibility for the approximately 10 minutes during the last 4 years I exercised poor judgment and have been found fit to remain a judge by the Judicial Standards Commission." See http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2010/10/11/1755638/timothy-smith.html#ixzz12NRzsu8E
Ridiculous Tim!
Truth is, TunZ, you have exercised poor judgment for four years, nonstop.
Hey everyone! Look! Eddie Knox really did contribute to Osman. It is on this link to the BOE: http://www.app.sboe.state.nc.us/webapps/cf_rpt_search/cf_report_detail.aspx?RID=106329&TP=REC
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That letter is not worth the paper it was written on!
The irony of all of this is that since I voted early, it is too late to have any impace on me.
And you want know why mutt messiah Obama "reparations collection agency" is wasting 3 times what even big spender Bush wasted and collecting less taxes due to his socialist anti-business commie ideology?
How about his latent subtle reparations freebie loot party for black farmers who were only 33,000 strong but suddenly doubled to 66,000 now?
Get this govt welfare FREAK and his ilk OUTTTTTTTTT before they turn America into 3rd world red ink Africa. This is getting past insanity. Who really owes who here in all reality?
Igorant liberals and Obama.
Does Judge Smith know that Obama is NOT a "Leading Republican"????
Shouldn't a judge of Mecklenburg County be someone who actually practices law in Mecklenburg County?
Osman does not.
If he wants to be a judge, he should move to Union Co., where he works, and run for judge there.
This seems to be a simple concept.
Dear Former Colleagues and Friends,
I know you are all busy, but I wanted to share the below letter with you. One of the reasons I am a District Attorney today is because of Brent McKnight's impact on my life as a mentor and a friend.
This letter is from Brent's wife and I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
John Snyder
North Carolina District Attorney, District 20B
On Behalf of Matt Osman for District Court Judge
Dear Friends,
Each year that judges are on the ballot I receive phone calls from friends wondering which candidates are worthy of a vote. We/I have not been involved with the NC District Court since 1993 when Brent moved to the Federal Courthouse, so I'm a bit out of touch with the current judges and candidates and have been reluctant to speak up.
This year, I was apprised of a situation involving the contest between a Democrat incumbent, Judge Tim Smith, and Republican Mr. Matt Osman. (Although the race is officially non-partisan, party has become an issue in this particular race.) A letter was sent out by a local Charlotte attorney endorsing Judge Smith that contains the following sentence:
I sincerely believe that Judge Tim Smith possesses the wit of the late Judge Bill Scarborough, the heart of retired judge Phil Howerton and the knowledge of the rules and procedures of the law like the late judge Brent McKnight.
You can read the letter in its entirety, along with other comments pro and con concerning both candidates at the following blog:
Read more: http://campaigntracker.blogspot.com/2010/10/leading-republicans-cry-foul-on-judges.html#ixzz12lFZEcrX
I have never met Judge Smith. But I have met Matt Osman. Someone who wrote on the blog even went to the trouble to investigate and report that I contributed to Matt's campaign, which I gladly did. Since some of you may have received the letter quoted above, I wanted you to be aware that I support and endorse Matt Osman for District Court Judge and hope you will vote for him. I don't know Matt well, but am acquainted with him, his family and his character. He grew up in the church we now attend and interned for Brent one summer while he was in law school. I am glad to see that a man of his intellectual caliber and integrity is running for District Court Judge. I'm sure he could make more money elsewhere, but he places high value on public service, as evidenced by his service in the US Navy.
The blog references that Judge Smith has been reprimanded twice. Unless things have changed significantly since we were involved in the state courts, I remember these reprimands as rare. The board that issues them, at that time at least, never did so lightly or without a full investigation into the matter. In other words, they were usually well deserved and sometimes long overdue. Those reprimands alone would keep me from voting for someone.
It's nice to know that Brent is still considered a standard to which a judicial candidate should aspire, but I didn't want you to think this letter represented a commonly held comparison. Please feel free to share this email with your friends. I just wanted to assert my first amendment rights and speak up on this one!
Hope you are well and enjoying this gorgeous fall weather. Don't forget to vote in November.
Beth McKnight
I am a first time poster but very much an insider. I can't understand why a sitting districting attorney seems to be using his office to support a candidate for Judge in a neighboring county. Although I am not surprised considering his office regularly pursuing non-meritrious cases in district and superior court. I too knew Judge McKnight very well and I do not believed her would have every stooped so low to write the letter written by his wife. Seems to be guided solely by the two being fellow christians as opposed to any legitimate reasoning. I can tell you that court is no please for doing "gods work" as we already have too many judges doing someone or somethings work and non concentrate on following the rules!
Hey nice grammer Smith supporter!
Does anyone else agree that the "first time poster" but "very much an insider" is in fact not a first time poster and is in fact Tim or Jackie? Well, at least you did not lie about being an insider. But seriously, why do you have no ethical standards? It is so obvious. Do you really think everyone else is so stupid?
I have been a police officer in this county for many years. I have seen first hand Judge Smith in action. He does not follow the letter of the law, but rather the letter of "Judge Smith's Law!" He wouldn't know probable cause if it slapped him in the face. I don't know where he went to law school, but he needs to go back for a refresher. He has certainly earned the reputation of hug-a-thug-Smith. You wonder why crime is so high, it's because he lets all the "crack heads" go with no punishment or a slap on the wrist. These are the same people who are breaking into your home's and vehicle's. The only people he is helping are the criminals. He could care less about the victim's of crime. It is no wonder that the majority of his campaign signs are sitting in front of crime infested neighborhoods. He is a disgrace to the position he holds! Get him out of there!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! WOOOOO!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!!! TIMMY TIMMY TIMMY! WOOO!!! You must be so bitter!!! Yes! Karma is a ______!
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