"THE BEST SUCCESSOR, if Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner takes the exit ramp this fall (after a debt-ceiling deal and the release of his white paper on corporate tax reform, but not before non-stop politicking): Erskine Bowles, White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton. The West Wing is a little scratchy about remarks Bowles made during Simpson-Bowles deficit commission, but he's credible and confirmable. You also have to list Roger Altman, investment banker and deputy Treasurey Secretary under Clinton, just because he always gets mentioned."
Bowles, a Charlottean, said in an email this morning that he's not interested.
"I am not interested in any full time job in the public or private sector. I am looking forward to being useful in part-time endeavors in the for profit, not for profit and public sectors of the economy."
Plus, he was leaving for the beach with his grandchildren. "Life is good," he aid, "And I'm very happy."
Thanks for nothing Bowles. Because of your lame ass campaign for Senate we're stuck with Richard "Dick" Burr.
Great. Another idiot to lead this country closer to third world status. Do the American people a favor Bowles and decline the offer.
The best successor is Peter Schiff.
irksome bowels. Why dont somebody just step on it?
Erskine is an honest, hard working smart man. He doesn't need a job running a bankrupt institution like the US treasury. He has more sane and productive opportunities to choose among.
how many times do we have to reject this guy!?
H845 is offically the law of NC
Forced annexation is DEAD.
This will lead to the retro de-annexation vote by citizens in all 100 counties who are declaring the past 60 plus years as illegal and devoid of democratic voting by We The People. Only 3 states in America have such liberal laws that are even then abused meaning 47 states allow for a vote.
Clearly this will turn back the clock on counties like Mecklenburg Guilford Forsyth Wake or others who has abused its privleges.
Mecklenburg citizens could go back 50 years and undo all annexations. The future looks bright and less taxed.
Cities like Charlotte or Raleigh could shrink in size by 50% easily with de-annexation especially with the GOP in control permanently.
This would allow for more smaller brand new cities to develop without the monster thieves in power and the voters back in control to dictate their own destinys.
Its official H845 ends all forced annexation in NC and they must vote now. Cities are deadmeat.
Ultimately de-annexation will shrink cities in NC by 50% or more.
Suburban cities and areas will thrive as larger cities die from lack of taxation funding and become wastelands of poverty and blight.
The classless society of Marx liberalists is officially doomed.
With the GOP firmly in control in Raleigh and soon in DC in 2012, America will rebound and socialism erased from existence.
Plans to abolish the IRS will be implemented as the age old rigid class system re-instituted permanently. US borders will be tightly sealed by the military with orders to shoot to kill all intruders. Hardcore illegals will be rounded up and taken to remote islands and dumped to make certain they dont return again.
Americas population counting illegal scum will be reduced from 320 million to 250 million in short order.
In the end America will be populated by 100% US citizens only. No exceptions.
Bowles or McColl at Treasury
Erskine Bowles would be a great secretary of the Treasury if someone could talk him into serving yet another hitch for his country. Where have you gone, LBJ of the "Gentle Persuasion?"
Bowles has most definitely earned his retirement time at the beach and elsewhere, but he would be such an able treasury secretary, why he probably could have induced those strong Federalist era rivals Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson to sit down and talk turkey over national finances.
Hugh McColl is another Carolinian with proven experience in and deep philosophical commitment to effective national budgetary policy who could serve with distinction as head of the Department of the Treasury.
So clearly there is no dearth of worthy and independent-minded Carolinas candidates fully capable of assuming leadership of this position in President Obama's Cabinet.
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This will not succeed in fact, that's what I suppose.
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