Moore is holding a fundraiser Monday in Charlotte's Myers Park neighborhood. That's not far from the home of Republican Mayor Pat McCrory, who's apparently weighing his options for a gubernatorial race.
The list of hosts for the fundraiser includes at least a half-dozen McCrory contributors including banker Amy Brinkley, investor Nelson Schwab and businessman Tom Nelson.
Whether or not McCrory runs, the fundraiser could be bad news for the three Republicans already in the race and hoping to tap Charlotte money.
The list includes people known more for contributing to Republicans than Democrats.
Among them: attorney Russell Robinson, retired bankers Cliff Cameron and Hugh McColl Jr., philanthropist C.D. Spangler and businessmen Chuck Hood, Rusty Goode and Charlie Shelton. For good measure, Moore's also lined up Charlotte Bobcats owner Bob Johnson.
His campaign hopes to raise at least $100,000.
Moore is running against Democrat Beverly Perdue in the primary.
Well, if ever there were a guber, McCrory's it.
Moore is not "poaching on McCrory's turf" as much as fellow Republican Bill Graham - who apparently lays stake to McCrory's own name. Typing in "" takes you immediately to Graham's campaign website.
Face it RICHARD MOORE will be your next Governor; This guy has it and Southerners who like OLD TIME Religion and follow ART POPE your day is leaving everywhere; Even the Old deep South dont act silly like People in Charlotte; Get ouit of DEVIL worship and go to a real church and hear the word of God , not the word of SATAN.
People are getting folled into DEVIL WORSHIP at some CHURCHES.
Jim...the Hugh McColls of this world...or at least of North Carolina... give overwhelmingly to Democrats. Just thought I'd point that out. :)
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