Johnson's comments, in interviews with the Observer, echoed those former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro made in March.
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she said, just before the resulting firestorm forced her to step down as an adviser to Obama rival Hillary Clinton.
"What I believe Geraldine Ferraro meant (is) if you take a freshman senator from Illinois called 'Jerry Smith' and he says I'm going to run for president, would he start off with 90 percent of the black vote? And the answer is, probably not.
"Would he also start out with the excitement of starting out as something completely different? Probably not. He would just be a freshmen senator ...
"Geraldine Ferraro said it right. The problem is Geraldine Ferraro is white. This campaign has such a hair trigger on anything racial. It is almost impossible for anybody to say anything."
Hey Bob Johnson, don't you have a basketball team to mess up, just like you had a TV channel to mess up a few years ago? You wouldn't be where you were if you were other than who you are, so go away. Run your yap to someone else who actually cares.
"Geraldine Ferraro said it right. The problem is Geraldine Ferraro is white. This campaign has such a hair trigger on anything racial. It is almost impossible for anybody to say anything."
It's not that the CAMPAIGN has a hair trigger, Bob. It's OUR SOCIETY that has a racial double-standard.
Now excuse me--I must go attend my White Political Caucus meeting.
Bob Johnson needs to take his Billions and go on. I could care less about his views on politics. He's been such an asset to Charlotte - NOT! Throw in the 2 Kens and, well, we sure miss Hugh McColl.
Would Hillary Clinton be in the same place if she were male?
Hey, Bob Johnson may be right, but who cares. For once being black is not working against you. Obama is a great candidate. Look what we had with Bush, would he had the president if he was not a Bush.
bob johnson needs to stick to basketball and shut his stupid mouth up!hey i guess he's getting ready to make who's your caddy 2? can we get our hornets back and send those bobcats packing what a f...... a......! he is. uncle tom johnson!
Dam!!! at least when George Shinn was here he didn't say stupid crap like nut job Bob Johnson.He has to be the most idiotic black man since O.J. Simpson I mean did he even understand what Ferraro said in a way she was also referring to him to.Hey d..khead look in the mirror you're Black too!!....on the outside that is.
I gotta admit it. Bob Johnson really is a class act. Anyone that goes to the trouble to bring the Charlotte Jumper Classic to Charlotte is a great guy in my book...and yes...he's exactly right about Obama. He's a lot of fluff, but I've yet to hear any substance whatsoever out of the guy. Keep up the great work, Mr. Johnson!
Well, B J may have found his nich and to many people try to be to PC. I wonder if he and MJ see eye to eye on this. When someone says what is really on their heart. I have more respect for them. At least you know where they stand. Jessie Helms did not back down and took a lot of heat for it. Now Bob Johnson is catching the heat along with Mrs Ferraro. What ever happened to just being straight-up and honest and telling the truth.
Well, B J may have found his nich and to many people try to be to PC. I wonder if he and MJ see eye to eye on this. When someone says what is really on their heart. I have more respect for them. At least you know where they stand. Jessie Helms did not back down and took a lot of heat for it. Now Bob Johnson is catching the heat along with Mrs Ferraro. What ever happened to just being straight-up and honest and telling the truth.
Thank you! Thank you! Mr. Johnson. I have been waiting for someone to confirm what is really the truth that Obama loyalists can't hide but admit as truth.
I'm a Bobcats season ticketholder, and I'm absolutely disgusted with Mr. Johnson's insistence on continually supporting the corrupt Clintons.
There are plenty of white people in this world who will vote for McCain because he's white. And blacks for Obama. And women for Hillary. So, it's stupid to point fingers at one side.
I will say this, I am white and I am voting for Obama not because he's black but because he's professional and well spoken and educated and well traveled and everything I want in a leader and sharp and quick on his feet and everything I think a leader in this day and age needs to be - everything George Bush isn't. I don't mind Hillary, just think she's more of politician and Obama is a bit raw, he can work. I used to respect McCain and if he was a bit younger, I would go for him. I just lost a ton of respect when the Bush campaign lied and said he fathered an illegitimate son and he didn't fight back. I think he's a coward when it counts the most.
Bob Johnson is a friend of Bill Clinton's and he's doing his best to support his friend's wife. I mean, come on people... give the guy a break.
I'm not voting for Hillary but enough of this jumping on Bob.
Good ol' Uncle Tom Bob Johnson, pleasing the white man or woman in this case. I think it's funny how he demonizes the black community with anti-obama remarks and then exploits black culture through BET to get rich. Wake up Bob, you're a black man too!
I think BJ should concentrate on improving the standards of his BET network as opposed to continuing to degrade society which such debasing shows.
I think he is worried that if you have a moral and ethical leader such as Obama his ratings of his trash TV may plummet.
In my opinion it was Bob Johnson's BET has caused more harm to the black community then any white person has since jim crow...and this is a black man saying this.
Bob Johnson wouldn't be where he is today if he weren't a black man -- who exploited his own people by promoting destructiive mysogynistic rap music. He made his millons, retreated to his ivory towers (with the Clintons) and now looks down on everyoe else because he "made it".
Bob Johnson is jealous of Barack Obama becase unlike him, he is beholden to NO ONE, he is for the people genuinely -- not motivated by the almighty dollar and misplaced, loyalties.
When Barack Obama is elected as our 44th President, he will become without question, the most powerful black leader in America and in the eyes of many, the most powerful individual in the entire country. What makes the egomaniacal Bob Johnson so frantic about Obama's candidacy, and the strong prospect of his election as
president, is that that will in-fact dwarf even BJ's stature and accomplishments. Currently, BJ
relishes being ONE OF the most powerful black leaders in America, along with Oprah, Cosby and a few others. Once elected, Obama will be in a league all his own and nothing that Johnson could ever do in his lifetime could even approach that accomplishment. That's what he so fears. It's not that he really cares at all about Hillary. Johnson doesn't really care about anyone or anything, unless it somehow will ultimately flatter him and/or his own image.
Obama, most likely will win the primary and the election. Then, maybe BJ will stop his whining and shrink away from this highly revealing debate.
Bob Johnson created a television channel that did nothing but retard the socialization and self esteem of a generation of Black children. He has no right to pass judgement on anyone or offer his opinion on any matter.
He owes an apology to Barack Obama and to Black America for intentionally trying to destroy a generation
Bob and Geri are right. That's why we had so many other Black presidents.
OK BO supporters, Bob Johnson is SPOT on with his comments here (but BET is still a trash factory). BO is interesting, exciting and new and a helluva public speaker. BUT...he is getting 90+% of the black vote in certain areas of the deep South, just like Jessie Jackson did back in the 80's. So for those of you who STILL don't get it, here it is again. Black people will vote along racial lines to a greater degree than whites, as evidenced by all the exit polling in the current primaries. THERE IT IS. Black people show racial bias too!!! Just like white people do. That is the point he is trying to make. Unfortunately, many of you out there have been soooo conditioned by the media to believe that White America somehow has a MONOPOLY on racial bias/racism. It just ain't so. Again, just look at the polls. So WRAP your "open" minds around this concept: BLACK people a racist too. YEP. It is true. Accept it, admit and move on. Once you do, the rest of folks in the majority might actually be willing to engage in a meaningful discussion on race without fear of being called a KKK member.
Boy doesn't the ownership of Larry Bird and M L Carr look even better now? We could have had them instead of "absent Bob" and "MJ." Bob pay back the millions that Time Warner gave, even Time Warner does not need a "Litter Box" that a bunch of millionaries play in to have it's name on it.
Hey Bob, what about Hope and Change? This is no way to go about bringing Hope and Change to this country. I mean, we all need some hope and change, right?
What is the difference between Barack Obama and John Edwards?
Pick a color.
uh, there were some factors that contributed to Obama gaining overwhelming numbers in the African American community. Many didn't believe he could even win the nomination prior to Iowa. And even with a win in a state with an overwhelmingly white population , AfrAm voters still did not flock to him. It wasn't until the Clintons ran that boneheaded primary (one in which Mr. Johnson made a memorable contribution to BTW...)in SC that caused the seismic shift.
But Johnson is just doing what he does best - spreading ignorance to the masses!
And the Bobcats would be much more successful with Larry Bird as an owner; if you want to get racial.
I am very close to never attending a Bobcats game again. As yes, we do attend. Keep running your mouth Bob.
There are a LOT of reasons not to vote for Obama. I could care less that he's bi-racial. What bothers me is that Obama is an empty suit with no ideas. People who follow him are either African American, and just doing it cause he's half AA or to young and stupid to know better. Obama is nothing but empty slogans and pretty speeches.
The truth is....Bob can say whatever he wants. But what's the point? It's like saying he wouldn't be a billionaire if he were white? So what? So what to Ferraro too. If Hillary were smashing Obama would this even be coming up? No, but the truth is... winning hurts, and so does losing. Now that's the truth.
Bob Johnson has really dug himself another hole with his racist comments. No wonder he is puzzled that not many people in Charlotte like him. He can't always have the right things to say!
What an incredible load of crap posted here. (Most of)You people make me sick. Crawl back under your rocks, please. Ferraro's comment was astute, and as usual in the muckfest, completely isolated and revolted against because it spoke the truth no one is "comfortable" talking about in the over-the-top-PC public eye. Race is always at play in the elections in one way or another. That's the way our society is - big deal. Black and white folks are not exactly the same beyond skin color - it's not something to be ignored - it's reality. That's the point. Obama's not perfect, neither is Clinton, but they are virtually splitting the vote for one reason or another. Obama has race on his side and doesn't have to deal with the political venom following the Clintons. That's why he's winning. Yes, he's a reasonably good candidate, but considerably better than the others? I think not.
Hey blog administrator you going start censoring.This isn't China communist butthole
Some of you posters are funny. Bob doesn't own BET anymore. Nor has he for a very long time. And how do any comments about Obama ever demonize the black community? I wasn't aware that comments about pone individual could be cast upon an entire race or culture. How idiotic.
Why in the world is it such a bad thing to point out that Obama has gotten where he is in this race partly due to his race? Granted I could see all the uproar if he or anyone said that was all he had going for him. But the truth is Obama being half black does boost him to a degree. There is nothing wrong with that, just a fact. Hillary has the same thing going for her due to her being a female. Heck, it's about time if you ask me.
The point should be who is best qualified to be the next President. IMO, none of the three "main" candidates are qualified. Obama talks a good game about the Iraq invasion, but he also talked a good game about it when he was running for Congress in 2005. Back then he said he would never vote to fund the war. Yet since he has been elected, he has voted to fund it every single time to the tune of over $300 Million. Hillary says she never would have asked to go, yet voted for it twice. McCain has come out and said he has no issue with us staying there for another 100 years policing the area. And not one of them is talking about the declination of the US Dollar and how it is backed by absolutely nothing.
We need someone who is not just going to tell us what they will do, but someone who has actually done something. That their voting record backs up what they say to us. The ONLY candidate that foots that bill is Ron Paul. He voted against the Iraq invasion back in 2002, has voted against funding it, has a plan to get the Dollar up again by actually making it worth something.
Bob Johnson, like him or hate him, is correct here. Barack Obama is the leading candidate today, mainly because of his skin color. Hillary Clinton is a high-profile candidate,because her last name is Clinton, not because she is a woman. If Mr. Obama was white or if Mrs. Clinton was JUST a Senator with the last name Jones, neither would be leading. Neither is prepared to lead a nation. We could be jumping from the Bush frying pan into the fire...though it's hard to foresee a worse example of Presidential material than our current one.
Bob Johnson better hope more people vote for Hillary than go to Bobcat games.
You go Bob. My pastor says, If your going to tell-it. Then tell-it-all brother. Some one else said about being politically correct. I might even buy a ticket to see the Bobcats .....
Bob Johnson may be right, but the country is blind to Obama'a stupid remarks and sweet talking nothings. Obama is a head case. However, picking will be thin this November.
What if Barry Obama was 1/4 black, which he is. Its always the race card with the Dems.
I admire Bob Johnson for speaking his mind about Obama, because quite frankly... he's right. If Obama were a white man he would be a TOTAL after thought in this election. Honestly, I'm a white man and would vote for a black man in a second IF he were qualified. But I don't think for a minute Obama is simply because he has NO record. Sure he is an eloquent speaker... but outside of that, what has he done? Not much. You don't pull the voting lever based on 'eloquence' you pull the voting lever based on who can do the absolute best job for the country... and I don't think Obama is the person for that job.
What does it mean to be "Black"? Being raised by a white woman and an Indonesian man in Jakarta & Honolulu? Oh, but his skin is a little darker. Our society hasn't gotten past judging people based on their skin color.
If Michael Jordan ran for President, he might even start out with 60 per cent of the Duke vote.
I have never been to a Bobcats game and never will go. I refuse to give my money to Bob Johnson.
In support--sadly and strangely lacking in the prior posts on this topic--of entrepreneur Bob Johnson, he is exactly on the money; every point he makes is crystalline in its rightness and on-target perspicacity. It is embarrassing to see the below-room-temperature delta-minus types spout off in their cheery ignorance and braindead fashion. Is it, perhaps, because they cannot conceive of individual-minded persons of the black persuasion? Can they not acknowledge the truth that were obama-the-inexperienced-and-racism-supporting (Wright, McPeak, Farrakhan, Bill Ayers, etc.) anyone of the white coloration, he would be at best pruning the garden in his suspiciously below-market-price backyard with his egregious, ungrateful and nasty wife, not running for a presidency he evidently does not merit and cannot really say he deserves? If these persons of questionable IQ are so hot to trot out their foppish naivete and dumbitude on politics, why are so many comments tagged 'anonymous'?
Two things. I love how the commenters who so adamantly agree with Mr. Johnson post under "Anonymous".
Second, what Mr. Johnson says and the supposed purporting of facts he uses to agree with Ms. Ferraro is even funnier. Senator Obama DID NOT have 90% of the black vote from the beginning. It was not until after Super Tuesday, and the Jesse Jackson mess that Mr. Obama started to gain an enormous majority of the black vote. As a matter of fact, before Super Tuesday, the majority of older black voters were firmly in Hillary's camp.
Try using fact based statements. Guess that's not so likely when all you can do is point to a man's color to show why is so popular--and not his ability to motivate people as far back as his speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. Perhaps, people are just sick of the old Washington backdoor political machine and being talked to like they can't even feed themselves yet.
oh, the guy who become a millionaire from black exploitation television; and pimped out an entire generation of black youth, for profit. yeah, i remember him now.
Bob Johnson needs to stfu he is one of the single most reasons why the black race is so f'd up now he made billions off the backs of our youth with his trash TV he need to be ashamed of hisself. Bob Johnson has never done one thing to help black youth. He's been the worst example of a black man I have ever seen. He's trash. He has no business critizing anyone.Anyone that would name a so-called pro basketball team after himself is a Egomanantical jerk.
Bob Johnson is correct. I am black women from Chicago who supported Obama for his run against Alan Keys (he was imported from Maryland after a Republican sex scandle). Look at the men, yes all men that were elected and the seat changed from Dem to Rep or vice vesa and Obama was the only AA. If fact he was the only AA man elected since Ed Brooks (Carole Mosley is a women). If he were white let's say like Sen. Thune from SD who defected the Senate Majority leader, would you be losing you sanity and accusing good people of being racist? No, because Thune or even your Sen Burr would have not made it past the 1st Primary. I supported Barrack against the slated Dem canidate against my best business interest. I supported him to represent our state in the senate. When the real Barrack is shown, and it will happen, just think about presential nominee Burr. Would he have had a chance as a 1st term senator?
Bob Johnson I am really shocked about your comments about Obama. You are forgetting it is the black man who made you to be filthy rich? I told my family never to watch BET.
Without black people you were not going to make the millions you have made. You are jealous of Obama because he has brain. Go to hell with Billaries.
This dude is corny. First of all black people make up like 13% of this country so 90% of 13% is not going to get you elected, second his name is Barack Hussein Obama, that alone would make some people say hell no to voting for him, third he is a black man running for president and he didn’t even get the backing of the black caucus, or Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton he is simply about bringing the country together and bringing change for the greater good of all americans. Bob Johnson is a joke fam, pure ignorance.
Some of you are very funny. You come to Bob's defense when he says something stupid but don't want him in your city when he's trying to bring the NBA back to Charlotte. Bob ever think the only reason he got the team was to fill a quota? Obama only got 90% of the black vote after Hill said that the civil rights movement was pretty much pointless because only a president could give them freedom and Bill with his "well Jesse won SC too" comments. Hillary can't run her own campaign, how can she run the country, she's already ran out of money, had no back up plan past super tuesday, can't debate on the issues because Obama's ideas are better, faked a cry and complained to get some simpathy, claims she opposed NAFTA and the Columbian trade agreements, while her husbands supports both, thought she got shot at while running from a plane in Bosnia, brought peace to Ireland, bowled a gutter ball on Ellen, and takes shots to try and forget all of this. McCain, Mr. War and glory did have the balls to fight back in 2000 when W. attacked him, so now he's joining him in attacking al-queda where they are in Iraq (laughs uncontrollably), wants more tax cuts for the rich in a country that's already bankrupt and being saved by China, the same China that sells us toys with lead paint, medicines made of sheetrock, seafood with more Mercury than the the planet. Flip-flopped on helping people in the mortgage crisis, doesn't know who we are fighting in Iraq so he needs a Democrat to tell him, his wife steals recipe's and says they are her family's, is being sued for violating his own bill.
Bob - you are exactly right!
New elected Obama began plotting his presidential race as soon as he entered the Senate.
If a newly elected woman- any race - had done that - she'd be criticized for "lack of experience."
And you're correct - Obama has played the Race Card to the max!
"Race Man" - how Obama played the Race Card and blamed Hillary --
The DC establisment and elites support Obama!
Oh - and the DC establishment includes the media that supports Obama 24/7.
He's good for bu$iness - just like Britney and Paris.
Obama is a media creation and they won't scrutinize their media darling - who LIED about his own father to obtain the Kennedy endorsement!
Washington Post -
And who gives a damn what you think! I'm a 56 year old white woman originally from Mississippi, (born to a racist father who believed black people "weren't capable of learning" and were nothing more than animals, and my older brother was a KKK member), presently living in the Atlanta metro area, and Obama offers America the only hope this country has had since JFK.
Bob Johnsons comments only show that you can be wealthy but STILL be 'owned'. Many people 'owe' the Clintons -- that's not new. I have long been embarrased and hurt by Bob's degradation of African Americans on BET. He regularly found a way to show the WORST of what our community has to offer. I am not surprised by his comments but only saddend that,as wealthy as he is, Bob Johnson is merely a minstrel show in a nice suit!!
what's with all the anonymous?
Hey Bob baby,
there's a lot of spectulation about why you even showed up to defend Ferraro not to mention a little late, that is if you were hoping to help american's to understand where she was coming from so that she might not to have to step aside. I think people are giving you way too much power as to think that you can have any influence over any outcome other than your own.
Oh yea, except those of us who are not thinking for ourselves, and are in need of input on a topic were not even thinking about , from those who's comments can make it into the newspaper.
Speaking of speculation you only speculated what Ferraro's meaning was. I wonder, if it is an issue so important to comment on for a newspaper why not call her and ask what she meant. That way you could quote her instead of speculating her.
Then you could stand alone with your comments not needing them to align with others whom you can reference and explain their meaning.
Here's a question Bob. Do you think your comments as to why Obama is where he is, are useful to anyone?
Is the mention of your long time friendship to the Clintions necessary
considering the initial topic.
What was your purpose of doing the interview?
Believe me, if I had your Phone # I would call and ask.
Bob was right. geraldine should not have been forced to leave her position but that is what obama wanted and thats what obama got. is there anyone out there that has the nerve to say that its not true? and if you do say it then prove it. thats the rub. obama does not have what it takes to be prez, but everyone sees this at a chance for a black person to be prez so they close their minds to everything else. who puuled the race card first? thats right, obama. he purposely injected race into the contest because he knew it would get black folks mad enough to rise up against the country. now he sits back and watches. will he ever truly explain why he attended that church for 20 yeras? you say he did explain. no he didnt he merely shifted the focus to white folks being racist. his wife has a bad habit of doing that too. i expect that he will win nc though because like i said, people are closed minded.
The argument that Obama is where he is because he is black is just baseless. Since Obama doesn't fit the stereotype of a black man (thug, inarticulate, lazy, low-self esteem, uneducated, misogynistic) that Bob Johnson helped promote with his crap of a network BET. Obama is not the individual who created BET it is Bob Johnson who has made his fortune off of the exploitation of the black communities image. Being black is not an advantage of any sort in the United States of America unless you want to play sports or entertain (areas that Bob Johnson seems to like to make money.)
Obama is part of the new generation of leaders black and white that are working hard to move beyond this countries ugly past. He is doing this through trying to allow this country to judge him on the content of his character not the color of his skin. There is no affirmative action in politics. You either can campaign and connect with the people and raise money or you can't.
If Geraldine Ferraro and Bob Johnson can make this statement about Obama then the counter statement is true about HRC, McCain and any other white person who seeks public office.
The only reason you are where you are is because you are a white man or white woman. So Ferraro if you where a black, asian or latina woman you would not be where you are. Now doesn't that sound stupid. I would like to believe that everyone running in the presidential race has worked hard and earned the right to seek the highest office in our land.
First of all, Obama did not "START OFF" with 90% of the Black vote. Obama won Iowa WITHOUT the Black vote. Second, Bob Johnson needs to be concentrating on what to do about his empty statdium during basketball season instead of showing how ignorant he is. If he would of studied the market here in Charlotte, he wouldn't be complaining in the newspapers about the low attendance & how companies are not buying club seats. On Barak Obama's worst day he is still 100 times a better man than Bob Johnson will ever be.
OBAMA said the same thing as Ferraro about himself in 2004. Any candidate who gives the finger during a rally is not getting my vote.
Would Hillary be in the same place if she were male??? NO. She would have sealed this nomination up.
Bob Johnson is extremely jealous as wellas envious of Obama. Johnson is envious of Obama's intelligence and his ability to enage people without exploitation.
It's the likes of Bob Johnson and Rev. Wright that is creating the racial problems in this country. It's pathetic.
Bob is surprised Obama is making such great progress in bringing about change in this country, a progress not made by any in his category. And by the way - Bob, Geraldine Ferraro is wrong; Barack Obama is NOT BLACK. He is mixed race - his father is black, but his mother is white from Kansas. So OBAMA IS NOT BLACK.
Just who is Barack Obama anyway?
Posted: 09:23 AM ET
Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday denounced comments made by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Ed Rollins
GOP Strategist and Former Huckabee National Campaign Chairman
Who is Barack Obama? What does he really believe?
These are the unanswered questions about a man who could be the 44th president.
That is why there is such a curiosity about him and why the public and media is looking closely at his wife, and his minister and, before this is over, every other element of his life.
Here is what we do know. He is extremely articulate and extremely ambitious. You can throw bright into the mix, too. But what he really is, is inexperienced. No one in recent times has jumped to the front of the Presidential express quicker or with a thinner resume.
He served a few years in the part-time Illinois state Senate and worked part-time as a junior associate lawyer drafting wills and real estate documents.
Prior to law school, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago, whatever that means. He ran voter registration drives and through knowledge he learned from that experience, he got elected in 1996 to a State Senate seat.
Conveniently, Obama ran virtually unopposed after he legally challenged the qualifying petitions of the incumbent and his other three primary opponents and got them thrown off the ballot. Winning the Democrat primary meant victory because Republicans offered only token opposition in the most overwhelming Democrat district in the state.
Before he had served out his term, Obama ran for Congress and got crushed by incumbent Bobby Rush in a primary. He also chose not to vote on many controversial measures in the legislature.
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Filed under: Barack Obama • Ed Rollins • Election 2008 • Raw Politics • Rev. Jeremiah Wright
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