"Of course it's worrisome," N.C. House Speaker Joe Hackney said today. "You'd rather not have that environment. But people aren't going to blame Rep. (Tricia) Cotham for Mike Easley's problems."
Hackney, who met with new Mayor Anthony Foxx Tuesday afternoon, was also scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for Cotham, just as he's done for other Democrats throughout the state. Despite the bad run of publicity for some members of his party, the Orange County Democrat doesn't expect to see big losses at the polls, at least for the state House.
"There are some pick-up opportunities," he said, "And we really think we'll be able to pick up some seats on the House side."
As you can see, there's obviously a shortage of common sense already there and reinforces the apparent need to replace them all.
Please keep thinking that. The Republicans will hand the Dims their arse on a platter in 2010 and 2012, thanks to Obama's Socialist agenda.
PALIN 2012!
The Country see`s the True color of These`Democrats (Liberals)...Big Changes are coming...............
Democrats will do just fine because persons with common sense "really" have grown tired of Republicans and their perpetual obstructionistic agenda. They are just a bunch of contrarians that relish any chance to bicker. Progress is not a word in their vocabulary. Do you really think will will return to that scenario. Not anytime soon! Hackney is correct, Democrats will make big gains because sensibility and intelligence are in again.
The only pickups the Dems will get in 2010 are the Tiger Woods type of pickups !!!
I would say Jim just printed the Democrat press release but it is so poorly done he must have edited it. Either way it is cheaper than a paid ad I guess.
Jim, you should really have some 8th grader review your work before you print it.
9:08 is delusional. Jim Black, Mike Easley, and the list goes on. Pretty hard for Dems to duck responsibility when they've been in control this long.
This state has been run be democraps for decades. Despite the high crime, high taxes and extensive corruption they keep winning after buying votes
Thank you straight party ticket voters who are too stupid or lazy to understand the issues
The Democrats and weak spined Republicans will be lucky if either pick up any seats in 2010.
They both have allowed this madness to go on and should all be evicted. None of them deserve a damn thing from We The People except a big kick in the ass on the way out the door. We are coming for you crooked politicians on both sides, that is a promise.
Right on 9:38, they will be lucky if we are not in full Revolution by next Fall. They will all be held accountable. All of the politicians should brush up on the US and NC Constitution, as most of them are in violation of their oaths.
But the Republicans have nobody ! Zero.Their Bench is empty. Palin and Sanford to lead your ticket and a bunch of wussy, hairless men locally ! Good luck with that.
Hackney.... if ever a politician had the right name it's this guy. He's a party hack.
Is he taking bets?
I'm with you 11:20...I'd love to take bets on this one. The guy is obviously not the brightest crayon in the box. But, what can we expect from the party who seems bent on cramming government healthcare down our throats despite a clear voice from the majority of American's against it.
The republicans arent much better...but take it to the bank...they will pick up seats in the NC House and will likley take control of the NC Senate. And after doing so, the GOP needs to make sure they send thank you cards to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid...and of course Mike Easley and Bev Purdue.
Jim, You've been at this for a long time, maybe it's time to move on.
Look for the Republicans to make some in-roads in the counties around the Research Triangle area of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. Democrats have tended to act in a heavy-handed manner since the party's impressive national victories in the presidential and congressional races in 2008, but this is no way to build consensus.
North Carolina Democrats are great at "reaching out" when the Democratic Party is not in power in Washington, but especially here in the Triangle, they tend to get a little pushy when good fortune comes their way in national campaigns.
Tar Heel Democrats should practice what they preach no matter which party controls Congress, the White House, the N.C. governorship and the N.C. General Assembly. These political attitudes come in for special importance at the county level in each region of the Old North State.
The political reality is this - the I-85/I-40 arc, from Cabarrus to Johnston is the fastest growing area of the state, and is Republican. As that area's influence increases, the old power base east of I95 will lessen. The big thing about 2010 is that the legislative and congressional districts will also be drawn based on the 2010 census. We can then base the NC districts on what they should be based on - county boundaries, not the gerrymandered wreck we have now that basically created a seat for Mel Watt, and divides the Charlotte Region between 4 congressional districts.
In the 2008 Obama coattail landslide, at least 7 NC Senate seats won by Democrats could turn with 3% or less of the vote...WITH THE OBAMA COATTAIL. Two of those seats are held by retiring David Hoyle and Julia Bozeman. I am confident the GOP will take at least seven seats which would make the Senate 25/25...which would still give the Democrats control with Lt. Governor Dalton breaking ties.
The House is just as interesting. Six seats were won by Democrats with less than 52% of the vote...a six seat swing would have the House at 60/60.
Again...this happened in a year when NC voted Democrat across the board. With 2010 almost certain to bring out far fewer voters...there is NO WAY ON EARTH the Democrats will pick up seats. They better be praying that they can just hold enough to retain power.
P A L I N 2012.
Couldn't have Hackeny's point better myself.
You morons run with that.
Let's bring back Jesse Helms ! He never acheived a damn positive thing for North Carolina but like
Half Term Governor Palin, he stood
for something !
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