A new poll in the 8th District Republican primary shows no candidate close to the 40 percent needed to avoid a runoff.
The poll of 400 likely GOP voters by Diversified Research was commissioned by Harold Johnson, the longtime Charlotte TV sportscaster who now lives in Concord.
Taken April 6-7, it showed Hoke County businessman Tim D'Annunzio at 20 percent, Johnson at 14, Hal Jordan of Charlotte at 9 and retired Army Col. Lou Huddleston at 6 percent. The margin of error is nearly 5 percentage points.
Results for the other two candidates, Lee Cornelison of Charlotte and Darrell Day of Hamlet, were not available. Both have trailed their rivals in fundraising and organization.
Campaign reports due out Thursday are expected to show D'Annunzio, who made millions selling his body armor company, has spent more than $800,000 of his own money in the race.
If no candidate gets 40 percent, the top two finishers would face off in a June 22 runoff.
UPDATE: D'Annunzio has released numbers from a poll he commissioned in late March. That survey, by Pulse Opinion Research, puts him at 26 percent, Johnson at 12, Jordan at 11 and Huddleston at 6. The margin of error is 4.5 percentage points.
"The last thing I want is a runoff," D'Annunzio said today. "I think we're going to win it going away."
Good job Tim. The Disturber and Moronill keep putting you down and you keep soildering on!
Just wondering if Mel Watt is up for reelection. I can't remember reading an article on his opponents.
Wonder why? Could it possibly be that he votes as the Observer wishes, but perhaps Kissel does not. I did see the story about SEIU forming a third party to target the "blue dogs" that don't vore in lockstep with the current Marxist leadership of the party.
Don't worry Observer, the People have connected the dots. And you wonder why your business is failing?
I've been saying it since January, this will be a close race likely headed for a runoff. Revelations of D'Annunzio's arrest record, illegal drug use and shameful conduct while a member of the US military, not to mention his reckless behavior as a candidate and blogger, has allowed the race to tighten. He has lost a great deal of support, respect, credibility and can not possibly defeat Larry Kissell in November. Vote for one of the other guys.
If Tim ends up in a runoff you're going to see an outpouring of support for whoever his opposition ends up being. Florida already has Alan Grayson, we don't need our own version of insanity representing us in Congress.
5 percent margin of error? That's huge! And this was an internal poll done by a campaign meaning it was more than likely biased. So virtually all of these guys are tied.
I would keep an eye on Huddleston and Jordan...they have a lot of support-more than most let on.
Tell me about Tim's drug use. If he is in favor of decriminalization of marijuana I am all in favor. It is about time some politician made a true stance on this issue.
But since the earlier poster seems to have firsthand knowledge, please share. Or shutup. Larry Kissel could be defeated by a dog.
Read his blog if you want to find out more about his past, christswar.blogspot.com. I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't approve of legalizing drugs so I doubt Tim is either.
HMM, our last 3 presidents have admitted to using drugs during their lives(Obama, Bush, Clinton).
I guess it is not so important for the highest office in the land, but NC District 8, now that is a BIG DEAL!
Was D'Annunzio's poll before or after he admitted to being kicked out of military for illegal drug use, drunk driving and assault? Of course he has done another poll since then and is not sharing those results. Those results show exactly what were in the news today. Let me remind Mr. D'Annunzio that character still counts and that he has none. Dead heat/run off. Hate it forhim, he had the race locked up until the truth was learned about him.
Did someone say D'Annunzio wants to legalize marijuana?
D'Annunzio said, "I think we're going to win it going away."
Earth to Tim D'Annunzio, come in Tim. Are you smoking the wacky weed again?
Go Tim!
I'll be voting for Mel Watt because he will make sure his constituents remain poor and uneducated. This will be great because they will never cut off the hand that feeds them and they will never figure out what immigrants have known for a long time about the country.
I love being a Democrat, it makes me feel like a plantation owner.
People, Tim has nothing to do with dope.He also has no arrest.I know that the ones that are saying this are his opponent's.
For the person that said he was kick out of the Military don't know what he is talking about.Why would the Military do bussiness with someone they kicked out of the service.
None of you know this man to lie about him the way you do.Remember what goes around comes around 10 times fold.I volunteer to help our district,and I check out the each one thats running,I go with the one that is right for us.Tim is that Man.My name is Jim Webb and I live in Rockingham.
Good ole GOP ! Going to tear themselves apart in a bitter Primary and lose in the Fall because of it. As to D'Annunzio's record and views, he's starting to look more like Nick Mackey than Ronald Reagan !
"Earth to D'Annunzio supporters." So you're saying Tim LIED when he admitted to being kicked out of the military for hitting the bong and discussed his rap sheet? Visit the link below around March 20-25 or so. He discusses these patterns of bad judgment at length.
anon 10:48, that is so true. It is an exchange of welfare benefits for votes. You never hear the Democrats saying you can make it on your own in this country, like immigrants have been doing for generations.
To Jim Webb, you should "check out" your candidates a little better.
Tim D'Annunzio, March 22
"Once home, I fell back in with the same crowd and it wasn’t long before I was in trouble with the law. I was arrested on several misdemeanor charges and eventually served several months in the County Jail. These no longer even show up on my record, but in the name of the whole truth I mention them.
Upon again seeing that there was no future for me in Philly, in 1977 I again enlisted. After over 7 years of service and being honor graduate or the highest achiever of every one of my military endeavors, and a member of the U.S. Army Parachute Team, the Golden Knights, I was discharged, Honorably, in 1984 after testing positive as having smoked Marijuana.
In 1992 I was returning home from dinner one evening and rolled my truck. I called the accident in and the wrecker and the State police came. The officer was required to give me a breathalyzer. I tested at exactly the legal limit. I was charged with DUI. In the next several days the DA reviewed the circumstances and the evidence and all charges were dropped."
Timbo liked to smoke weed and get drunk. He admitted it. So what?
our elected officials have been high on something for years. d'Annunzio will fit right in.
Guys I did check out Tim D'annunzio.I did not check back in his records when he was a young boy.We all have had bad things happen to us when we were young and stupid.But he did not get kick out of the Army.He got out with honorable discharge.He is an honnest man and if he was not he would have not told anyone about it,now would he.But since you are and angel and done no wrong,I guess I better go cause I don't want to be in a house that is made out of glass with you.
Sir, D'Annunzio was a MAN in his late 20s and early 30s when these instances happened, NOT a boy. In these parts we call that a MAN who should be making good decisions that impact his life, not poor ones. Ironically one must only be 25 years old to serve in the US House. Guess our founding fathers thought mid twenties was man enough to make sound judgments. Smoking pot in the military while stuffing parachutes for your fellow soldiers is irresponsile and reckless. After testing positive for smoking marijuana D'Annunzio was KICKED OUT (discharged) of the US military. The bottom line is that had he not tested positive for smoking marijuana he would have remained in the military. Drinking and driving is also irresponsible and reckless. The voters of the 8th District will NOT write this off as a boy's transgressions rather it will be viewed as a MAN'S reckless behavior that endangered the lives of others. This pattern of behavior and lack of good judgment put others at risk. I won't mention the Fayetteville stage fiasco or supposedly going after State Rep Burr. I guess at 52 D'Annunzio still has a little bit of boy in him.
Man you Harold Johnson goons are desperate.
This race is going to be decided by Republican voters who want real common sense leadership in Washington. One year of Larry Kissell has been enough to tell me that we have a very important choice to make on May 4th, and I hope my fellow Republicans join me in making the right decision.
Is anyone else going to the Cabarrus GOP picnic on Saturday? I encourage you guys to join me there so you can learn about each of the candidates first hand and hear about their plans for the Eighth District.
Go TIM! Kick that carpetbagger's wrinkled behind!
They should just do rock, paper, scissors and call it a day.
By the way, anyone know who is running against Mel Watt? Can't remember reading it anywhere here.
Oh, well, I guess if anyone ever gets close in the polls, they'll start writing stories all the time about him or her.
The only way Mel Watt will ever be voted out is if the welfare checks start bouncing. That may be soon with the debt predicted to be 100% of GDP.
Isn't Harold Johnson from Mel Watt's district? Too bad he didn't try to find a job closer to home, huh?
Go Lou, Harold and Hal. Kick that pot head's bottom!
Yes, because pot sucks. LOL.
That pothead is winning, and there aint nothing you old men can do about it.
Go D'Annunzio!
D'Annunzio has poured almost $1,000,000 into this thing and is only polling at 20% and dropping??
$1 million spent in ANY other US House primary and the candidate is polling over 50% and the race is over! Come on D'Annunzio, get it together.
i have met d'annunzio, asked him something about his past, and he literally went off on me and said "i don't need your vote." wow. do you think he'd listen to anyone if he wins. d'annuzio is full fledged crazy. the question is who can beat kissell. the other candidates are nice and i could live with them - not d'annuznio though---but the only person with the persona that can beat kissell is harold johnson. our goal is to beat kissell. at this point, we just need another republican in the house...so vote for the person that does NOT have the crazy past and the one with a good persona which is Harold Johnson. the media will eat D'annunzio alive if he wins and kissell will win.
read D'Annunzio's blog
i am a Christian person and am not cutting down his religion but he admits the problems with his past. you know we all did one or two things when we were young. but D'Annunzio did A LOT of things and some were only 10 years ago when he was old enought to know better.
We were at a Cabarrus County Republican political dinner last weekend and EVERY 8th district candidate was there but D'Annunzio. The table he bought was empty. Not one of his people came to represent him. That tells me basically said, "screw you Cabarrus County, I don't need you." so how is he going to treat Cabarrus County residents if he wins. I had an open mind and was undecided until that point now I know the rumors I have been hearing must be true about how wacko D'Annunzio is. I heard he walked off a stage during a debate because someone made him mad. Now, I can see that after him not even showing up for this important dinner or even sending a representative.
The 8th candidates are probably feeling this way:
D'Annunzio, what else can they dig up from my past
Huddleston, I am out of money
Johnson, my 1st campaign, where do we go from here
Jordan, I am out of time
Dey, Cornelison, what about us
does it not bother anyone that D'Annunzio has spent so much money...close to 1 million dollars. he is a millionaire so he does not know what it is like to worry about money. plus, he just blows 1 million of his own money on a campaign no big deal just change to him. i can only think about if he spent just 500,000 and gave the other half to a struggling school to help keep teacher jobs. that is my main concern with D'Annunzio is that he just goes around spending millions like it is no big deal. He obvious can't relate to me a solid middle class family barely making it each month and trying to hide the financial stress from our kids so they won't worry. last, it is also concernign that he has spent 1 million on his campaign almost 3 times what other candidates have spent and he is not leading...that kinda reflect on the weak candidate he is. i think he thinks he can just buy his way in.
We must share what we have learned about Tim D'Annunzio with every voter, friend and family member! we know. Do not attack D"Annunzio but educate those who have not made up their mind. We owe it to the 8th district, its voters, our children and the Republican party. D"Annunzio can not defeat Larry Kissell in Novemeber with his background. Take a friend to the polls on May 4th.
Reminder. Tim D'Annunzio is the ONLY candidate in the race with an arrest record. That is important for the undecided voter to know. Would like to know the specifics of each arrest.
Larry Kissell (i):
$676,145 raised
$362,744 spent
$325,800 left
Lee Cornelison
$15,116 raised
$6,489 spent
$8,626 left
Tim D'Annunzio
970,578 raised
895,775 spent
74,802 left
Darrell Day
16,082 raised
5,421 spent
10,660 left
Lou Huddleston
184,460 raised
169,192 spent
15,268 left
Harold Johnson
307,765 raised
63,707 spent
244,057 left
Hal Jordan
169,498 raised
125,320 spent
44,177 left
Go TIM! Don't let these clowns from Iredell County get you down.
Like the self proclaimed "Big Mouth" from decades ago, they aint even from here.
sounds like some of D'Annunzio's supporters are smoking the wacky weed too
"earth to D'Annumzio, come in Tim."
Yup, people under SEVENTY still have fun. Give it up old man fetishists. You sound desperate. What part of crazy old man farts from Iredell County don't you get?
So, this news story is about how Tim D'Annunzio is WINNING among real voters and the comment section is full of Harold Johnson supporters attacking him for it.
Makes sense.
And here I thought he was a sweet old man running a positive campaign.
Not the Harold Johnson I used to know.
I'm actually voting for Huddleston
Good choice. Does D'Annunzio have any staffers left or just family manning the blogs?
I'm sure Huddleston appreciates your vote, but would probably rather have your money since he's been cutting himself checks since January from donor funds. Look it up!
P.S. The old guy from Iredell County is a self funder loser that'll die before he takes office. Just saying.
Good news for D'Annunzio. Willie Nelson says pot is safer than cigarettes. Let's party dude.
I have not made up my mind yet but I do know I will NOT be voting for D'Annunzio. I find him totally creepy. People who are over religious worry me. I am a devout Christian but I can't relate to D'Annunzio. It is kinda the Coy Privette Syndrome. Anyone but Tim.
D'Annunzio is a complete idiot and if you vote for him you are a dumb a... idiot.
mmmm....who to support....i can't decide....but do know i will NOT be voting for the wife beater, pot smoking D'Annunzio turned religious zealot.
what's up with Jim Morrill's hair?
Pretty harsh, let's stay civil gang, we're all Republicans. I heard D'Annunzio did not inhale.
If pot is less dangerous than cigarettes will the military take D'Annunzio back? Just saying.
Will any seniors be voting for Tim D'Annunzio? Their staff has not been bashful on how they feel about the senior crowd. D'Annunzio's staff has been quite vocal in letting us kmow they don't have much use or respect for seniors. Guess D'Annunzio does not need their vote on May 4. Huddleston, Johnson or Jordan will happily accept their vote.
I'm as "civil" as a war. And right.
Might as well vote D'Annunzio y'all.
He already won when you recruited your guys from Statesville clown college.
Let me remind Huddleston, Johnson and Jordan to be nice to D'Annunzio and his staff, one of you will want their votes in November.
You're confused, it was d'Annunzio who tried out for Ringling Brothers clown school. He did well too but he failed the drug test.
Our district would be far better off with Lou in office. Go Huddleston...show Tim who's boss!
Who wants Lou Huddleston, a man who was unfaithful to his wife while working at RLM, to be up in Congress? I don't want a "Colin Powell Republican" what the heck is that anyways? A Democrat
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