The poll by the Democratic-leaning firm shows Obama's approval in the state is 46 percent while disapproval is 50 percent. But, says polling director Tom Jensen, "The big concern for Democrats at the state level is that voters unhappy with Obama are planning to vote Republicans for the Legislature this fall by a margin of 80-6."
Republicans are optimistic about winning either the House or Senate or both this fall.
The PPP poll comes out the same day as a new Washington Post/ABC News poll that shows public confidence in Obama at a new low.
Thank you Mr Potato Head.
It should bring them down. Obama is bringing our entire country down around us.
He has already thrown them under the bus why not drag them too.
Who did this poll? President Obama is the best we've had in MY lifetime. I'm 76. We're putting another Democrat in the US Senate this year, and more Democrats in the State legislature as well.
Interesting. I'm only in my 50's and he's one of the two worst we've had in my lifetime!!
Obama will go down in history as being worse than Carter.
So long as he drags that idiot Elaine Marshall down is all I care about. I'll evaluate the rest on their own merits. But, Marshall? I'd vote for a unripened coconut over her.
If you think any President can come in behind eight years of Republican rule and correct the mess the republican party got us into in four years you are crazy. Bush has destroyed this country and it is going to take more than 4years to correct all of his mistakes. The Republican party had eight years to do whatever they thought was best for the country and look at what happened, war, recession, and unemployment, remember these problem were here when Obama went into office, this whole issue for some not all is race. If you can get past that then you can see it is going to take time to get this coutry back on its feet and running. Republicans had eight years to do what they wanted to do and they did nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing and for the that fact the government as a whole.
Typical article from Morrill. One for the home folk. The right will not like you anyhow Jim, no matter how you try. In North Carolina , as well as most of the southern states, it is still about race.
Dear Anonymous 04:03:00 PM:
I agree Bush messed things up terribly, but didn't he have a Dem Congress his last term? Yup. He didn't do it alone. Time for Obama to hike up his big boy britches and take some ownership.
It's time to stop blamming Bush for this mess. It's time to step up fellow Dems and accept responsibility. Wait until Healthcare hits. We have already been told that our premimums are going up next year to accomodate the 26 year old rule. Dems, face the music!!!! You are spending money like a drunken sailor with NOTHING to show for it other than mounting debt and more government intrusion into our lives. I'm mad as hell and can't wait to vote the bums out. By the way, I am a registered Dem in the process of changing to an Independent.
Bush may have gotten us in the toilet but Obama has added a heaping helping and is working on his flushing technique. His idealism and push for a legacy is going to bankrupt us all and he's more interested in leaving his mark than he is on helping the country.
Barry promised 40 acres and a Unicorn ! Give it up!!
I hear that there were three people, living in a cave near Murphy, NC who were surprised by this "news". Uh,DUH!
Also, most people tend to forget that the bank deregulation law was signed by Bill Clinton.
Anonymous 3:15
Either you have alzheimers or you haven't been paying much attention.
In your lifetime even includes that "can do no wrong, liberal icon FDR"!
This guy is totally disregarding the US Constitution. The US Supreme Court tossed out his drilling moratorium and he just says "no problem" and issues another one! So much for the rule of law.
Bush the baptist was the one who baptized the mutt Messiah into the WH.
Only prob is if thought Bush was bad this dummie who made 600 on his SAT is spending three times what Bush did.
Folks, our country is facing an economic collapse in the next two years that has been brewing for many years. Our appetite for borrowing/credit and making both easy accessible has led to this. This isn't just because our current president's policies, although he has thrown gallons of fuel on the fire by spending us into oblivion(see Cloward and Piven Strategy). This disease that will cause our economic collapse has been brewing for about 100 years. Take care of things now by getting out of debt and preparing your family to survive tough economic times. Learning new skills, such as gardening, may come in quite handy. Remember what your grandparents may have taught you about preparing for a "rainy day". Lastly, I hope I am so wrong about this, but I am pretty sure I am not.
Some people are just down right stupid. You put a man in office and expect him to correct or fix 8 years of national, public shame and disgrace in 1 year/5 months. The you use a polling of 98% whites to justify your writing here. If this is not some sick you know what? I will have to say a lot of minds in this country are sick. It is a lot like 70% of the minds in this country
have no clue of history. A history of failure, shame, disgrace and helplessness push on the people by a fail previous Administration. An you know what they say about history, you can walked around like you are dumb if you want to and have no memory. Don't worry it will repeat itself, and take you with it. The economy is not some giant microwave where you just press a button and out comes instant gratification from 8 years of foolishness and sin from lost out of touch leaders. Also to the foolish who call this a poll. A 95% white I call you up poll is not a poll but a foolish dream.
The economy is not some giant microwave where you just press a button and out comes instant gratification from 8 years of foolishness, failure and shame as well as great sin from lost out of touch leaders Who for some, thought that if they form a foolish party, walk around with tea bags on their heads and show just how mean, hate fill and nut job delusion they can be. Some how this will fix their microwave lust for an instant fix. The only thing you get in an instant is just that a instant. Here now!! gone in an instant of time. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
The economy is not some giant microwave where you just press a button and out comes instant gratification from 8 years of foolishness, failure and shame as well as great sin from lost out of touch leaders Who for some, thought that if they form a foolish party, walk around with tea bags on their heads and show just how mean, hate fill and nut job delusion they can be. Some how this will fix their microwave lust for an instant fix. The only thing you get in an instant is just that a instant. Here now!! gone in an instant of time. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
A history of failure, shame, disgrace and helplessness push on the people by a fail previous Administration. And you know what they say about history, you can walked around like you are dumb if you want to and have no memory. Don't worry it will repeat itself, and take you with it.
The economy is not some giant microwave where you just press a button and out comes instant gratification from 8 years of foolishness, failure and shame as well as great sin from lost out of touch leaders Who for some, thought that if they form a foolish party, walk around with tea bags on their heads and show just how mean, hate fill and nut job delusion they can be. Some how this will fix their microwave lust for an instant fix. The only thing you get in an instant is just that a instant. Here now!! gone in an instant of time. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Republicans had a President for EIGHT years, but the Senate and the House were CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS!
On September 11, 2001, did President Bush come on the television that evening? How long did it take Obama to go to the Gulf? And exactly WHAT IS HE DOING ABOUT IT? Picking up a twig? Nice photo ops but not much help is he? Oh, he's planning his vacation right now!
Nov 2010
ObamaCare - repeal
Obama - Impeach
Democrats - vote out
I'm a registered democrat. In November 2010 I will be voting straight republican.
You all keep saying "the Senate and the House were CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS" Yes but who has the veto vote. And that is correct these polls do not represent the entire nation and you will find that out in the fall no one here on my job or in my house hold was called to participate in this poll, and I find that poll hard to believe because as you said under Bush it was controlled by Dems and it still is controlled by dem with a Dem president so somebody is lying in these polls. I am not on anybody side here because both sides have failed the american people, we people going into politics for the wrong reason they go in for fame and forturne. Jobs are going oversees companies are off shoring jobs like crazy and they wonder why no body is buying and why the economy is in the bag because there are no jobs. And companies are sending jobs oversees faster than you can blink your eyes. if the Republicans want to ensure we have money to pay the deficit down they need to tell there corporate buddies to go and bring the jobs back to America your money is over there.
Democratic pollster who still yearns for his wife to again win public office. Prez isn't bringing these weak-kneed incumbents down. They did it all by themselves by spending more time in building up their personal coffers than looking for their constiuents. Or should we say, 'former' constituents.
A pox on all who posted in defense of Obama. By creating the "evil white man" straw man, you have led the poor and ignorant astray. Now that the white man can't pay for your lazy a$$, who you gonna' turn too? Idiots, you are all idiots
The democrats will lose the US House, come close if not lose the US Senate, lose multiple Governorships, and lose many state House and state Senate majorities. Which is really exceptional given it is a redistricting year. They will blame Bush...I don't care who they blame.
By spring 2011, Hillary Clinton will resign as Secretary of State and by summer 2011 she will declare that she is the only hope of the Democrat party to retake the White House as it will by then be a forgone conclusion that even with every robotic mind-numbed black vote in America, the socialist Obama will not see the inside of the Oval Office ever again.
Then by November 2012, the GOP will have a good moderate on the ballot again and Hillary will become our President. And like her husband, she will usher in a decade of economic growth (not due to her skills...due to the common cycle) and there ya have it.
The same idiots who thought that Barack Obama couldn't win NC in 2008 are at it again...squeaky wheels still munching on sour grapes. Well I voted for Obama in 2008 and I plan unwaveringly to vote for him again in 2012. The thing I remember is candidate Obama saying that after 8 years of Republican mess, change would be have to accomplish. All Republicans have done is try to block every effort to improve this country in an attempt to see Obama fail. Why? So that can run village idiots like Sarah Palin in 2012. Barack Obama will win NC again because his supporters aren't on these websites 24/7 spreading lies. We just vote!
A short spelling lesson:
The last four letters in American.........I Can
The last four letters in Republican.......I Can
The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats
End of lesson.
Test to follow in November.
say it ain't so
Does Morrill do ANYTHING anymore but quote polls and campaign finance reports?
Guy's the laziest sunnovabiotch around.
Does Morrill do ANYTHING anymore but quote polls and campaign finance reports?
Guy's the laziest sunnovabiotch around.
AGREED. He supports democrats at all cost. No objectivity. Check his past posts and articles. What a joke.
As others have said, those who keep blaming Bush for the economic mess tend to forget a couple of things:
1) Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act that effectively allowed banks to become speculators: "The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007–2010. [4]" - Wikipedia
2) Barney Frank and Chris Dodd coerced banks to eliminate red-lining to sub-prime borrowers and banks offset this increased risk through CDOs and via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
3) Democrats have held a House majority since 2006 and in 2008 have held both House and Senate
4) Bush left the country in a 3 trillion dollar hole. Obama has increased this to 14 trillion in under 2 years.
5) Obama has taken control of many of our country's 'foundations': healthcare, finance/banks, energy, sovereignty, etc.
Folks, there's a reason why only 13% of Americans polled believe he's helped our country with the $800 billion dollar stimulous package and that a majority consider his policies to be Socialist at best.
I predict Obama will be looked back as one of the worst Presidents our country has elected and further delayed economic recovery (similar to Roosevelt's policies) that extended the Depression to over 7 years.
While many voted for "Hope and Change", few asked exactly what this meant in terms of policy. Thanks to the nightly news, none of this was adequately vetted before the election and Obama won entirely on a populist mentality.
"Republicans had a President for EIGHT years, but the Senate and the House were CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS!"
Your biggest problem is that you think that the propaganda coming from Fox and the right wing echo chamber is news.
For 6 years the Republicans controlled the HOUSE, the SENATE, the WHITE HOUSE, and the SUPREME COURT. and they drove the country into the ground. By all means, let's put them back in charge.
Could someone actually give an example of how Bush ruined the country? I read in the comments that "Bush has destroyed this country" but no one ever gives an example of a policy or veto or anything that ruined our nation and it's economy. Enlighten me with facts and not the same hype.
"You all keep saying "the Senate and the House were CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS" Yes but who has the veto vote."
FYI - Bush vetoed 12 times. Clinton, 37.
This was praised by the Wall Street Journal, owned by Rupert Murdock--who also owns Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. This is no reporter. He doesn't do enough background work to know what is going on in politics at the simplest level. Why not just ask the lady who wanted to pay doctors with chickens how President Obama is doing? And if you want real fear, check jobless rate at end of Bush and 2 years later after President Obama. For 60 years Presidents have tried to do anything to make healthcare better. In the fight of his life, President Obama won. Anyone with a sick family member better vote for him. When medicare is gone under the republicans, insurance companies will turn you down for being old--and most likely to get sick. Good luck. You'll need it.
Well it looks like the white race has no hope now since Obama is finally pulling the race card on Al-Qaeda terrorists for killing all his native Africans. Using Barrys (Jesse Al and Oprah) logic if they want to kill people then go bomb some white people or bomb Iraqis or maybe US soldiers.
Thanks for the article, very effective information.
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