In a Q&A with Raleigh's WRAL, McCrory, a Republican, was asked whether he would consider running for governor again or even the Senate.
"Yes," he replied. "Running a state-wide race was a great experience (except for election night!!!) and I am proud of the campaign we ran. We participated in (and most believe we won) every debate and proved that a candidate can run an effective, positive campaign. We lived within our fundraising means, didn’t take any loans, and ended the campaign without any debt, just in the same manner I promised I would govern."
McCrory never addressed a possible Senate run, presumably against Democrat Kay Hagan in 2014. But he was critical of Perdue who, he said, "has done an about face on about everything she promised during our campaign."
"I definitely haven't closed the door on any future political options up to and including governor," McCrory told me this morning. "I think I'd be foolish to close doors."
Last week, after opting not to run for Congress from the 8th District, McCrory didn't want to talk about his political future. "Right now my total focus is on completing my term," he said.
Did anyone ever notice that the mayor pronounced Charlotte, Shore-lit before he ran for governor. Hey I'm just sayin'.
Well, after hearing him this morning on WFAE, if he does not change some of his ultra-conservative positions and continues to lash out at the current administration, another run for governor will likely have the same result - a loss.
Bev will defeat herself. I regret casting my vote for her. If Pat runs, he has my vote.
Go Pat. Can we have another election now? Before this once-great state goes even further in the tank?
Unless hes a glutton for punishment he better stay away from shedevil plus he wont be mayor & Obama will get the straight ticket bloc voting and he'd lose Meckco again.
Nice guy tender hearted Pat who had his whittle feelings hurt and still crying like a baby a yr later is way out of his league with big bruiser Bev ... She'll eat him for a light snack next time ...
Why on earth would anyone in this region vote for Purdue? What has she done for Charlotte or North Carolina for that matter?
8/25/2009 01:16:00 PM - I totally agree. He is out of his league (and out-of-touch with reality). I used to think he had good intentions and was just a little slow to recognize the changing winds of politics but now I can see that he is just totally clueless. He is just setting himself up for another bruising.
I hope Mayor Pat runs again, he has been great for Charlotte.
I sure hope Mayor Pat takes on Bev again. After everyone sees all that she HASN'T done for NC, he'll be sure to get the votes to win.
The only, repeat, ONLY reason Perdue won was because she was a Democrat and rode in on Obama's coattails. McCrory was, and still is, clearly the better candidate. He would not have taxed us to death if he were elected as Perdue has done, which is a foregone conclusion when you elect a Democrat. And the only reason the Democrats won the election was because all the blacks (I refuse to call them African-Americans, because 99.9 percent of them were born here, not Africa) voted Democratic, and that, combined with the vote of the knucklehead white liberal tree-hugging Democrats who want a socialist government, put the most unqualified person in presidential office ever. In just a few short months, this country has gone to hell. People need to come to their senses, realize they voted for the wrong people as another blogger has done, and vote for Pat and other Republicans next time around.
I supported McCrory until he became the only gubernatorial candidate in the country to have George W. Bush campaign for him. That turned my vote to Purdue. However, McCrory is right. She has turned course on a number of issues, and has paid the largest city in the state little more than lip service. Purdue is an embarrasment to North Carolina. And that, from a lifelong Democrat, and proud of it.
I'd like to see him take another shot at it. By the time 2012 rolls around, and the Socialist party has attempted several more atrocities to go along with their attempted government takeovers of the banking, automobile and healthcare industries, perhaps more people will not choose the stupid way out and vote straight-party.
Let me repeat that so that no one misses it - VOTING STRAIGHT-PARTY, EITHER WAY, IS STUPID. Smart people study the issues and the candidates and cast votes for those that will address the issues the best way possible.
If NC voters were smarter and voted for candidates instead of parties, Pat would already be governor and we wouldn't be in the fix we are in today.
WHoever made the comment to label McCrory "ultra-conservative" must have their head in their a. Look at his policies, he is more Dem than Repub. He is just not a Socialist
Bev Perdoo-doo has done one thing, she is raising our state sales taxes!!! She is nothing more than a taxing Democrat!! Go PAT!!
We wish he would be the lifetime mayor here. He represents the city better than anyone ever has even if he is from Greensboro.
These 2 duds running espec the tax cheat lib is a joke.
As far as blacks use of African in their name maybe they think whites are too dumb to figure it out.
Can we get McCrory back on the Nov ballot for mayor, please?
Oh great. So again we won't have any options for a better governor. There should be a law against having only the same choices twice in a row!
Between the two, I'd vote for the lesser of two evils: Perdue.
Run, Pat Run. If the idiots voting last time didn't punch a straight ticket you'd be there today and we wouldn't have tax on taxes!
Blaming McCrory's loss on straight-ticket voting is as bad as blaming the arena vote outcome on bundling! He sucks. So he lost. Look at all the crap we're left to deal with in charlotte now that he's gone. He didn't keep up with infrastructure, didn't say no to developers and didn't do enough to recruit businesses other than banks to come here. He sucked as mayor and his political career needs to be over now.
Thanks to ALL the morons who voted straight party for our current Governor. Even more funny are the idiots who are complaining about Purdue now and they voted for her.
McCrory's spent his whole tenure here sucking up to the banks, Uptown and the corporate special interests. The rest of the city is a mess.He would do the same in Raleigh and accomplish nothing for us.
Perdue was the default name for that 40% of the population who was instructed by their Pastors and community organizers to vote a straight party Democrat ticket. (When this is done by Republicans the talk becomes removal of the tax exempt status of the church yet other groups routinely do it and no one has an issue...double standard?) The rest of the vote she got from those who had absolutely no clue of the issues or positions. For Mecklenburg to give her a majority of its vote is beyond belief. How is that vote working for you guys with the outer belt money she promised, or the stimulus money, or economic development promises and the list goes on. I guess if you live off the taxpayers she is great for you. It is the dumb leading the stupid.
Straight party did not get Pat. In NC the Presidential race is excluded from a straight party, one punch vote.
Philip Isley, lone Republican on the Raleigh City Council, would be a good candidate.
It's funny that the people in Charlotte hate Eastern North Carolina so much, but Charlotte and Eastern North Carolina are the reason why Pat lost. Great job.
He had my vote in '08 and he'll have my vote next time too....
I would like to know what you guys think Pat would have or could have done if he was elected governor?
He would have been forced to do the same things but you guess would have hailed him because he is a "conservative" republican!
Whoever runs against perdue has my vote. Why she bothers to have a Charlotte office is beyond me. And people are surprised by this?
Go Pat. Impeach Bev Perdue!!!!
Perdue raised taxes because our state constitution dictates that the budget must balance. We can't run a deficit.
Pat McCrory is a conservative who loves George Bush and is on repeat when it comes to republican party talking points.
He was a much better mayor before he decided to stick is head up the conservative party's rear end.
anon 8:25 doesn't know how "All blacks voted". The same way that I don't know if all of the Klan voted for Palin/ Mccain (though they probably did). The country has gone to heck in 8 months? Where were you for 8 years? Keep voting against your own best interest. Just reading your post I'd be willing to bet you are not earning over 250k a year as any Palin/ Mccain voter should be.
McCrory certainly has my vote in the 2012 election. PerDONT has done nothing to rebuild our state from the way Easley left it.
McCrory won the Election Day vote by over 10%, what got him was the early voting Obama wave.
Obama is already unpopular and tanking fast, won't happen next time around
Do you think Gov McCrory would be able to wave a magic wand and solve all of Charlotte's problems? That just having a Charlottean will make a big difference? No it won't. He can't just pronounce Charlotte laws, stop dreaming.
The statehouse is dominated and run completely by Democrats. That is not going to change. The Gov has limited influence to begin with. After all the bashing of the Legislature Pat has done, they would never work with him and it would only result in more of a quagmire.
NC Governor is one of the most powerful in the Country, they have Line Item Veto Powers.
McCrory could use his power to steer funding to Charlotte and Western NC which routinely gets shafted by the Eastern NC Democrat Machine, which if you ever visit you'll notice how nice the roads and such are out that way. Its that way for a reason.
Go McCrory! Don't worry about Governorship, get that Senate Seat!
Anon. 1:50 PM: You are wrong you know... If you take all of us that voted for Mike Munger because we didn't want either McCrory or Perdue... add those votes to McCrory's total... and this past election would be different. (Within the percentages anyway.)
Don't make it an easy black or white issue here - some of us didn't want either one of them. So don't blame me - I'd vote for Munger again in a heartbeat.
Even if McCrory managed to squeak in, he would be Gov of NC not just Charlotte. In his new job he would need support statewide to reelected. It would not be Charlotte front and center. Some of you really need to get over this victim complex. The economy is bad everywhere. McCrory would be in the same ratings basement as Perdue is in.
Anon 5:28 you are on the mark - Sandhills vers Charlotte and Wetern NC. It goes beyond parties and to the original settlers of this area. Maybe those who pulled that Dem straight ticket enjoy South Blvd, Morehead, undersized interstates, large classrooms, etc, etc, etc. Bubba in Rocky Mount really likes the new road to his hog farm
Think next time you get a chance to put a hometown representative in a leadership role.
You have to love the mush-headedness of the liberals on here: "OMG dood McCrory is teh same as Boosh!!1"
McCrory is still fuming about the straight ticket voting loss in his own home (ditto Gore 2000) where he has been the most popular mayor ever. He can even crow about the Purdue beltway screwing.
The great state of Mecklenburg may be great and all but adjacent counties lived up to their billing as being in the greater metro area voting against Purdue. They dont call it greater for nothing and now we know the rest of the story.
Anon 1:16:
Ha ha! You call the hillbilly commonly known as Bev Perdue a "big bruiser?" Pat McCrory has more integrity and drive in his little finger than Perdue has in her body.
Then again, she is from Eastern North Carolina...what can we expect. Not the brightest region in the state.
To George W. Bush,
F---U and thanks for coming here and screwing me. (remember 2000 and 2004?)
Signed, Your ex-friend Pat M.
ps go to hell
To black voters of CharMeck,
F---U too and thanks for being lazy straight tick voters after all I did for you for 14 yrs. (remember the new arena, new train and bobcats?)
Signed, Your ex-friend Pat M.
ps go to hell
Quite useful information, thanks for your post.
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