The S.C. Democrat is one of 20 congressmen -- and the only one from the Carolinas -- whose seats Palin's SarahPAC is targeting after Sunday's health care vote.
Spratt, of York, has survived 14 terms in a district that's consistently gone Republican in presidential races. Two years ago he got 62 percent of the vote while John McCain was getting 53 percent.
"We’re paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election," Palin wrote on a Facebook page with the 20 seats literally targeted on a U.S. map.
SarahPAC could mean an infusion of money to the campaign of Spratt's only declared GOP challenger, state Rep. Mick Mulvaney. Spratt had a 6-1 financial advantage over Mulvaney at the end of December.
In Sunday's health care vote, Spratt found himself in the spotlight and at the microphone as he managed speaking time for Democrats, and introduced Sspeaker Nancy Pelosi.
According to Rock Hill's Herald newspaper, Mulvaney began circulating an e-mail petition minutes after the House approved the health care bill. He asked 5th District voters to "formally reprimand" Spratt by voting against him in November.
Hell hath no fury like a lady scorned. In this case, it is Lady Liberty.
You are right, Lady Liberty will stick her torch up some a**** this Fall.
And so it begins, there have been at least seven separate cases of vandalism/arson against Democrats since the passing of the bill. Death threats, cutting of gas lines, bricks through windows, etc. Apparently, when some people don't get their way via political means, they decide domestic terrorism is the next step.
Sarah's fueling the wingnuts with her antagonistic rhetoric.
Bull crap Komodoman, you are just spewing the crap from the state run media. Just like the racial slurs on Sunday, made up to stir controversy. We all know the Saul Alinsky tactics. The overwhelming majority of Americans don't want your communist garbage. Losing NJ to a Republican, and Massachusettes? Really? There is going to be hell to pay at the polls only, now where else.
Gee Komodoman, sounds like Obama's friend Bill Ayers. Don't you think they know what lights a fuse and could possibly be making this up? After all, Obama is the biggest liar to ever sit in the Oval Office, surrounded by Marxist revolutionaries.
Keep drinking the Kool aid and spewing the hate, fellas! Seems like you've got nothing left to offer other than more insults.
Let us know when you get an original thought.
Not surprised you submit everything anonymously...typical of a coward.
Amen Komodoman. Why are the wingnuts calling the half-guv what she is--a carpet-bagging, mental midgit who has no business getting into local Congressional races? Doug Hoffman, anyone?
The Democrats aborted 4000 babies today. And your worried about a brick. Your priorities are in question with your rediculous comment
That's funny, Obama is the one surrounded with Marxist revolutionaries who advocated violent overthrow of the government in the 60's. They realized they could implement "Evolution" instead of "Revolution". That is what we are at the end of now. Amnesty will assure votes and the permanent "Transformation of America". Anyone opposed will be labeled a racist. Protests will be marred with the same false accusations that are currently being made about harrassment. It is not the "Tea Party" folks that resort to prank calls and anonymous threats. Most of these folks would be happy to do it to your face, if they were so inclined. Also, since the overwhelming majority of the military is right of center, it would not take much if the goal was to take anything over. Don't believe me, just ask the troops that are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan and have been dealing with Obama's rules of engagement. You want to see someone upset about your messiah's idiotic policies? Try walking up to one of them and asking.
Komodoman, what is your plan to force the American people into tyranny? How do you plan to disarm us and the military? Will you be coming to my house to disarm me? The only way I hand over my "arms" is one round at a time.
Komodoman, you asked a poster earlier about using identity/screen name? Just letting you know, some folks practice OPSEC and realize that others may be able to track them from repeated screen name use on other sites, as well. As for you, I already know where you like to eat and travel, just sayin'. Some folks around here aren't as stupid as you think.
Anon 5:43: I'll add to your post by saying: this is the reason you don't call people cowards, while leaving breadcrumbs that lead directly to you.
Fascinating - you guys just love to threaten anyone who dares disagree with you! You complain about tyranny then you issue threats against me personally??? What happened to the Free Speech you so love to trumpet on your issues?
So, will you be throwing rocks through my windows, too?
Anon@5:43 - I have to admit you did give me a good laugh! Your ominous threat to Komodo - "some folks practice OPSEC..." and you already know where he eats and travels was a good one!
What you really meant to say is you Googled his screen name.
Lighten up, Francis.
When you google a screenname, you will also find info on other sites regarding location, age, gender, possible address, and work location. People should watch out how much info they supply, especially those that cast first stones. Identity theft rings use this technique all the time. Just a suggestion to folks that like to call names and act tough behind a keyboard, Francis.
Hey commode, don't think anyone is going to waste time coming to your house. You had asked why some people didn't use their name and I think you got the answer. We would all love for you to keep using your first amendment right and please talk as much as possible. It is always great to know what the other side is thinking. It is when someone is trying to shut down speech that you know they are tyrants in the making.
All other things aside, that Sarah Palin has one hot set of thighs.
I agree, Palin is one hot piece of a**.
Democrats cry about a brick through a window, yet Republican Cantor doesn't cry about a bullet going through his window Monday.
Also, I don't see the Democrats apoglizing for their parties' actions, nor is the media reporting threats against conservatives.
You know, I'd take Hillary right now(not take her in the physical sense, oh god, just threw up in my mouth a little). Anyway, I'd take her because you know she wouldn't let any man or world leader screw with her.
Nutty Tea Party guys at a polling place. They look kind of scary.
Remembering Bill Ayers? How quaint. If you don't like spending money to help poor sick people ,just pretend its for an unnecessary war. I believe the government should have the power to regulate the insurance companies.They taken advantage too long. I like some government intervention .
Like millions of others , I have Federal flood insurance on my home. Works great. I haven't heard of a teabagger yet dropping their flood insurance.
So, anon 4:41, would you be okay with the Feds forcing you to buy insurance under penalty of jail time?
Nice to see that you think bombing the Pentagon and police stations are "quaint".
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