Organizers say the $300-a-plate dinner, billed as "An Evening with Sarah Palin," could bring 5,000 people to the Charlotte Convention Center.
"It's going to be a night about America," says Eric Jones, director of the Blue Ridge Educational Resource Group. "We're going to talk about what makes America great, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. She seems to have the heartbeat of a lot of people in our nation right now. We're not seeking to make this a political event. It's just about America."
The next day, Palin -- along with former First Lady Laura Bush -- is scheduled to headline a Blue Ridge-sponsored Women's Expo at Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro. About 2,500 women from as far as Michigan and New Jersey are expected for the free event.
Blue Ridge is a year-old non-profit that works to fight drug abuse and teen pregnancy in the Wilkes County area. Jone says the group hopes to build a residential drug rehab center and a home for pregnant teens.
He declined to say how much his group is paying Palin or Bush. "There's nothing free," he says.
A portion of dinner proceeds go to Victory Junction camp in Randleman.
UPDATE 3:18 p.m. The June appearance will actually be Palin's SECOND visit to Charlotte. She's also scheduled to address the NRA annual meeting at the convention center on May 14.
No thanks....this is why I am a Liberterian. This lady is no better than Obama.
I would like for the Republican Party to give me a viable candidate someday.
She is a total douche. Katie Couric pressed her SEVERAL TIMES to NAME a newspaper she reads. Miss Twitt ducked the question. She is a moron.
Even better is a parody of
You're so Vain"
Anon @12:29pm-
Why on Earth would you care what kind of candidate the Republican Party would give you if you're a Libertarian? I wish "Libertarians" like you would stay true or just defect back to your Republicans where you're more comfortable.
It is amazing how scared the Dems and liberals are of Palin. If you weren't so scared of her you wouldn't work so hard to attack her all the time. You would just ignore her because you would know she would just fade away. But you don't. Because you know she speaks the truth and it is a threat to your evil ways.
Relax. Don't be afraid. She is here to help you. You just need to accept your errors and repent.
On the dessert menu for the dinner: Half-Baked Alaska!
Anon 1:41
She "ducked" the question because she was offended at Couric's condescending tone. She had written editorials published in major newspapers prior to the question, which led her to believe either Couric was unprepared or condescending.
You can think of her as you wish, but to imply she is a "moron" because she wouldn't (which is different than couldn’t) name a newspaper is ignorant on your part.
Republicans, please please nominate sweet Sara for your presidential candidate in 2012. She is such a wonderful person and so knowledgeable about everything. Maybe the "first dude could be her vice president. They are both so wonderful and American. The only thing is that I would wish that Sara would not talk about her husband being one of those secessionists. Sara, don't run on the teabagger's ticket. We need you in the Repuglican party.
So its to be a history lesson? Because the current gov't sure isn't usign the bill of rights or constitution! I wish I could go but don't have $300 to spend on one dinner.
Democrats scared of Palin? Come on, get real. What dream world do you live in? We don't have evil ways, that is all in your mind. Get some help.
Sad that this trash has to bring her teabagging to Charlotte. I am excited about getting a large crowd together to boo the living hell out of her and yell LIAR!
Thank God that Katie Couric made her show just how bleeding dumb she really is. Maybe Oxycottin Rush will be her first running mate! God save us all.
Me give $300.00 for an evening with Sara Palin? I thought prostitution was illegal here in God's country. NO thanks, I don't believe she would be worth it.
They couldn't pay me to sit and listen to this devil's lies!
I wish Mayor Foxx would publically condemn this visit. All the rednecks and racists will be out in force. Maybe the damn Ballentine trash will come out of their shell since their last Klan meeting.
To the absolute fool who made this statement above: "If you weren't so scared of her you wouldn't work so hard to attack her all the time." --- What BS! All you right wing nutjobs do all the time is attack President Obama, so I hope that means you're scared as living hell of him!!
In about 30 years we will look back on Sarah Palin and realize the country had reached its lowest point.
That militia group should have thought Sara Palin was the antichrist. That would have been a little more believable!
Her and the rest of the republican teabaggers will split hell wide open for their lies and hate!
I will bet you anything she thinks Charlotte is in South Carolina!!!
You guys are way to serious! That is how we got into this mess with the current Congress and President. Lighten up and just appreciate her hotness as a MILF. Of course, that is as long as she does not speak. How 'bout we vote for her as President and have James Earl Jones do all of her voiceovers. AGREED?
Naturally the Charlotte racists are trolling here as everywhere, making obscene comments about the President and James Earl Jones. This piece of trash doesn't even belong in the same sentence as those two. I can't wait for President Obama's visit! Thank God almighty!
The article should read, "SPEND AN EVENING WITH SATAN PALIN"
I thought she would be at the NRA convention before sure about your dates there Jim?
Maybe when she arrives here, they will bombard her damn limosine with eggs and fruit like they did to Bushy when he illegally stole the election. First time in history that's happened.
She'd have to pay me $300 to attend. To dine with one that took like 6 colleges to graduate from ONE undergrad school + failed to keep her daughters pants up be4 18 + failed to complete ONE term in the state with the fewest people + failed to win as VP ...
constant key word "(has) failed" in so many areas of life. Being popular doesn't = being successful, as she has showed.
why would you use palin for a dinner about "america"? if thats what america is represented by i am a little ashamed of our country
I'm sure Joe The Plumber could afford a $300-a-plate dinner!!
She should just stick to her book signing deals and reality TV. That is where her fan base will come from anyway.
No thank you. Sarah Palin talks too much like a valley girl. I just can't stand the way she talks. It isn't the words or the message, it is just the way she says things.
It doesn't help that I consider her as big as an idiot as the people she rallies against.
She's a complete moron and those of you who think otherwise, sanity is also in question. Please, she really is a consevative machine "pole dancer". Throw money to the pretty face. IDIOTS!!!
Most the bloggers against this foxy babe are actually quite "small" men who don't pack the length to even be in her league.
She's the DEVIL, Dontchaknow?!!!
She QUIT her elected position! Reason enought she should never be voted into any office again.
Please Please Republican's, I beg you to nominate her as your savior in 2012, it will make it that much easier for Obama to get back to work!
A president that actually does what he says he is going to do, what a novel concept!!!! OBAMA 2012
So funny to see all the haters out in force. You all are so scared of her it is laughable. But what should I expect from someone that probably still likes Obama. One day you will realize how bad Obama's plans are and how right Palin is about America.
I just hope it is not too late for our country.
I'd rather lie with filthy dogs. At least I wouldn't have to listen to the English language be tortured with flag waving false patriotism with some religious zealot notions thrown in.
The conservatives need to produce a leader that doesn't come across as a raving moron. First Dubya, now this ... well, whatever Palin is (other than someone who quits her elected office).
I miss the old days of moderate Republicans. Such a pity.
obama pelosi reid have pretty well proved who the insane are over the past year.
Obama has done what he said he would do? LOL What part of honesty and upfront dealings did he use to pass the HC bill? What part of transparency did you see when he shoved the HC bill down our throats?
Obama acts like he is smarter than Americans and knows better what we need. Since a bunch of you idiots elected him he must be right. You all are too stupid to take care of yourselves and need Obama's socialist government to do it for you.
Not me. I didn't vote for the fool and I'm not responsible for the destruction of America his party is bringing upon our once great nation. One Term President!!!
I would rather go to the other GOP meeting.Well, unless does she to lap dances and how much?
I would rather go to the other GOP meeting.Well, unless does she to lap dances and how much?
I'm not afraid of Sarah Palin. I'm afraid of what Sarah Palin would do to this country in a higher office. The last "plain-spoken American" who served as a flag-waving patriot in the White House took a surplus and drove it into massive government expansion and the worst deficit in history, invaded a sovereign nation without provable cause and without global support, gave us the Patriot Act that snooped on private citizens without due process, was involved with a vast (and questionable) firing of US Attorneys...
It's not that I dislike Former Governor Palin. It's that I don't know for what she stands other than the usual flag-waving rhetoric that the last administration used to send the nation (and therefore much of the world) into the toilet.
So someone, please, educate me as to why Ms. Palin is worth $30 a plate dinners, let alone $300, and why anyone thinks she has the makings of the Leader of the Free World. Please.
So, what's the title of this $300 event? Fleece the rubes? Guess Sarah figures this is a pretty good way of separating them from some of their government financed extended unemployment benefits, since it's become known that a large portion of the tea-party crowd is now unemployed and without health insurance. The irony is precious.
Wonder how much of the social safety net dollars they grab with one hand while waving their "Say No to Big Government" & "Get government out of my Medicare" signs with the other? If it wasn't so perverse, it'd be funny.
$300 per plate? But not a political fund-raiser? Ok, where's the money going then? How does someone who stepped down from their elected term in office as Governor continue to stay relevant?
Our government is broken, we need to vote out every incumbent until someone takes office who will do the job and not just line their pockets with SIG, PAC and Lobbyist money.
We're closing libraries and schools and laying off teachers... $300 a plate to see someone who quit her public office is what some Charlotteans consider a good use of their money?
What has She accomplished that would make a dinner worth $300? Sounds like she decided being governer of AK was too difficult since she left half way through her term. Charging $300 a plate in one of the worst economic times doesn't sound like something Jesus would be proud of. Or the people that would pay $300 to go. Palin doesn't scare me nearly as much as the people that think she is godly. Why not hamburgers and hotdogs at Freedom Park if she's so American?
You folks are so ignorant. You're bashing the dinner and don't even understand what it is supporting. Go to the Blue Ridge Educational Resource Group website and see this is their mission:
Blue Ridge Educational Resource Group is a new North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation whose purpose is to affect the issues that plague our society such as poverty, drug abuse, and teen pregnancy in a positive manner using every means possible. Future plans are to establish a Maternal Home for pregnant teens, a residential drug treatment facility, and a Children’s Hands-on Museum in Wilkes County.
So what part of this agenda threatens you so much? You all act so stupid. You probably voted for Obama LOL!!!!
No thanks. Paint is drying at my house that evening so I am going to watch that instead.
When Sarah Palin arrived on the national stage she struck me as the GOP's secret weapon. The more she opened her mouth the more disappointed I became. She does not possess the stuff of the level to which she aspires. She continues to be beautiful and spunky.
Sarah Palin is GHETTO:
-Quit her job
-Got Baby Daddy Mama Drama
-Wears clothes she can't afford
-Has a Weave
-Speaks in wierd Slang
If you like Palin you are a racist. If you disagree with Obama you are a racist. What total crap.
Anyone else think her plane will get 25% of the way here and then turn around?
The headline said spend a night with Sarah Palin. I'd like to spend a night nail'n Palin.
The more this woman talks the less credibility conservatives have.
Sarah's a beauty queen .She craves adoration. Look for her as a third party candidate in 2012. No chance of winning , but she doesn't want that . Just stardom. She'll hurt her own party ,but she don't care,she'll be forever in the history books ,like Ross Perot.
As long as she doesn't ever do an interview she'll be fine.
I can see South Carolina from my house!
She may be a moron, but she's an Ultra-Conservative moron, and that's why people love her so much.
Sarah Palin is laughable. She has done noting in her short career on the national circuit, but alienate John McCain on the campaign trail. His advisors got to know the real Sara Palin and hated her. She was the dead weight of the ticket. The right is making a star out of someone her own party tried to shut up. She has become an entertainer, signed a deal for $1 million a show. So, if Elmer Fudd was in town; I would learn more talking to him. Enough said!!!
Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to ALL women (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc.). She is not qualified. There are lots of women who have the job knowledge, skills and abilities to lead our country (President, etc.). Sarah Palin should step aside and allow a real woman who has the leaderships skills to take the nomination for either party (Dem or Repub).
Yeah, Mr. Jones, we'll see just how "not political" it turns out to be. If she wants to complain about Obama and the government, who is going to stop her? You? I don't think so. So, all of you yahoos get ready for some confused, mean, loud hollering from this crazy lady, but hey, that's probaby why you're paying her the big bucks. If you want to pay a loud-mouth to talk trash, why not get Joan Rivers?
Strange that Palin is respected and voted as Governor of a State that has over 60 percent of Independent Voters.
Since we Independent Voters spend time researching the person, and not the party, we are able to vote for the person and not the rhetoric.
It has been shown that the average person spends more time researching a new car, than they do the person they are voting for.
From reading these comments even that may be wrong. It may be a lot less time than anyone expected.
It's amazing that Dumbacrats take jabs at Sarah Palin, but what about your beloved Joe Biden? Talking about a moron...he takes the lead! What has he done except stick his foot in his mouth several times? Especially when he told a paraplegic to stand up to be recognized! Dumbacrats really have a winner...ha!!!
Anon 2:39 - why are you so uptight. James Earl Jones has the best voice in the world. I was not referencing his color. Are you that overly sensitive and uncomfortable in your own skin. Wow, you need to get laid my friend. You can meet me at Uptown Cab and I will make sure you have some fun.
The whole point was that Palin is a hot MILF, but I simply can't listen to that voice. Get it together, my friend!
PS: Observer please get at least one conservative writer or editorial member?
Go to to see how you can help get us at least one conservative at the Observer.
Someone above really showed their ignorance in talking about how she hurt the McCain campaign, etc.
If she did, why did McCain have her in AZ last week helping him campaign?
You folks really show your ignorance with your posts. Keep it up. You are a laughing stock. I agree with the other poster that said you all were so stupid you probably voted for Obama!!
Would Love too! Sarah is Great!...A True American....Not a Socialist or Communist...Just a Good American..You Betcha!
I think there are tons of repeat posters here. Spamming if you like. The sheer hatred of Palin is astonishing. It hasn't abated one bit since she came on the scene in 2008. As far as Couric goes, how about all you journalistic experts check her ratings. How do they look? I honestly wish the limp wristed, shrill, media soaked, weak liberal left keeps this crap up, it will be s-o-o-o-o easy in November. Keep it up gang, I can't hear you, your head must still up you-know-who's-behind. Come on, let's hear it for the soggy Democrats. That know everything about everything and are so-o-o-o-o-o much brighter than the rest of the population, they have all the answers maybe they can come up with a plan to not have the freaking HCR Law bankrupt our major corporations. How about it guys? Morons.
I love it she scares you liberals to death doesn't she..You don't know how to deal with anyone that isn't corrupt and immoral. hah! Stick with your Obama and see how far you get and how much money you'll have left out of each paycheck (that is if you're lucky enough to even have a job)..!!
I'd rather be skinned alive, inch by inch for days on end then see this shallow self-serving idiot that gives intelligent women a bad name.
A Definite Coyote Date
Palin tried to have books banned while she was a mayor in Alaska. Why would anyone want to hear her talk about the Constitution and Bill of Rights when she obviously knows nothing about them?
Palin banned books you say?
See what I mean about people not doing research and embracing campaign slogans as true.
Sarah Palin is laughing all the way to the bank with all the money she is making off you fools. Liberals and democrats have nothing to worry about her running for anything again. She's making to much money now to take a pay cut and run for political office. And she's making her money off uneducated fools like the ones that will be at this Charlotte fiasco.
Yes 6PM She is making money like those actors, singers, poets, dancers, writers, speech makers and sports people all over the world that people like to follow.
Oh wait do you only have a problem with her or is it her politics?
Someone has posted that Palin is not corrupt and has good morals. Tell the people of Alaska how non-corrupt she is. Remember her ex brother-in-law and the Highway patrol mess in Alaska and that’s just one of many corrupt things she's been involved with. And her morals are good. Ha. In 1988 she eloped and had a full term baby, her oldest son, 7 months later. Real moral there. Not to mention her parenting skills. A daughter pregnant out of wedlock, a son having his choice of Jail or the military because of drugs, another daughter charged, but not convicted, of breaking and entering to attend beer parties. Real nice woman you have there in Sarah Palin you fools. Don't listen to what she says only, do your homework about her before you rave about how wonderful she is.
Scared of Palin? OMG! The only thing the majority of people are "scared" of is that she would somehow get elected to something. Most people are confused about what the infatuation is with her. We are scared because Bush got elected, so it's not too far-fetched that she get elected, too.
I wish Mayor Foxx would publically condemn this visit. All the rednecks and racists will be out in force. Maybe the damn Ballentine trash will come out of their shell since their last Klan meeting.
Funny how all the psycho republicans eat this devil up. She will burn in hell for her lies and hate. God bless President Obama.
Another Goddam teabagger party! They should all be locked up.
Arguing with her "success" is like arguing with a hurricane, you can call it what ever names you want to, but you just can't fight the truth without making yourself looking as dumb as a door knob.
I'd pick a true patriot like her over "a fundamentally changed Amerikka" any day.
Hope she runs, wins and gets every single "progressive" out of the government ASAP.
Let's assume Palin runs and beats Obama in 2012....Then what?
Anybody would be better thay YOUR current president. He is a LIAR and a thief! Like I need a chronic smoker to instruct me on healthcare. He is dumber than dirt. Ever seen this idiot try to answer a question. One term president enjoy your FUBU president.
Oh, and like Bush was a great president. Morons like you that me wonder why I spent 8 years of my life in the military. Wish you'd defect to Cuba where you would be more than welcome
Good thing the military has Don't ask Don't Tell.
I have asked any number of times what people see in Sarah Palin. I see a woman without intellectual prowess, without much in the way of leadership skills, without perseverance, without a tangible platform that people can point to and say, "This is why I support her."
I hear, however, remarks about her looks, remarks about her being a true patriot (and I'd like to know what exemplifies her patriotism beyond her flag-waving) and remarks about her plain-spoken attitude despite her recent swag-snarfling escapades in LA shopping her reality show.
Again, I'd like to hear Palin fans explain what I'm missing. I'd like to think more of her than I do.
I have asked any number of times what people see in Barry FUBU Obama. I see a man without intellectual prowess, without much in the way of leadership skills, without perseverance, without a tangible platform that people can point to and say, "This is why I support him."
She should be flattered to see all of the postings on this entry(89). When I checked the story about Obama's visit there were only 3 comments. I think there is a jealousy issue amongst the disturber readers. I wonder how many of these commenters are women?
As far as spending an evening with Sarah..she will do.
Anonymous who responded to my post without answering it:
I support President Obama for a number of reasons, primarily:
1. He is focusing our military efforts on Afghanistan, the conflict that we did not finish because of the Iraq War, the conflict we entered with the full support of our allies.
2. He is interested in ensuring that we withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible and leave them capable of self-governance.
3. He is a Constitutional law specialist, and in that respect, I happen to support his understanding and scholarship with regard to the documents on which our nation is founded.
4. He is intelligent and well spoken, and honestly I like someone who is literate and a considerable orator representing this nation.
5. He has established intent to hold CEOs accountable for ruining their corporation when so many executives have gotten millions in salaries and bonuses while screwing up in ways that would get the rest of us fired. Without bonuses.
6. He has managed to begin steps toward universal health care. I myself strongly believe that reform is needed. The HCR bill is not perfect but it's a first step.
7. He campaigned on campaign finance reform (something I'd like to see him follow up on more firmly).
So those are some reasons why I support President Obama. So again I ask...why Sarah Palin? And try to explain without saying, "Because she's not that Socialist Obama."
NB: If you think that President Obama is a socialist, please go back to school and study history. Thank you.
She will also be speaking at the NRA convention in May. You Communist Party members(formerly Democrats) should come out to that event. The cost is $35 to get in. I am sure the NRA members would welcome you with open arms, don't you think? I'll count on seeing all you keyboard tough guys and gals there!
I wonder how many of these comments come from the Observer newsroom, or a bungalow in NODA or Dilworth decorated with Che Guevarra posters?
Palin received more votes for Mayor of Wasilla than Biden did in the Presidential primaries combined. Now that is a joke.
Pretty sure Palin knows that there are 50 states, not 57. Also, she probably knows how to pronounce corps. Doubt that she thinks our troops are bombing and killing innocent civilians on purpose. Pretty sure she doesn't have friends that attacked the Pentagon and killed police officers and said, on 9-11, he wished he had done more. The biggest difference in Palin and Obama is that she loves America and respects the Constitution. Obama has shown disdain for both.
Have you Democrats noticed that your party has been hijacked by Mao loving communists? Did you know that communism involves force against the people? How do you propose implementing this communist philosophy in a well armed country where the military overwhelmingly does not support you?
I'm very happy to have her coming to Charlotte to represent my position on the state of things here in America. I'm glad for a common sense, down to earth approach to politics and our nation. Welcome to Charlotte Sarah, with open arms!
Please, please run for President, Sarah! We could all use the laugh. You're the biggest joke for a politician than we've seen in years.
But, we all know you're just in it for the money and so, if you won't run the POTUS, please continue to rip off the rubes who are willing to part with $300.
The comments here indicate, more than anything, the sheer divisiveness in this country. It's like too many people want NOT to get along. And if someone disagrees? He or she is a communist, a socialist, a fascist, an anti-American hippie, a goose stepper...
We have problems, big problems, in this country with high unemployment, federal deficits, bankruptcies, mortgage defaults.... Name-calling won't fix any of this. For heaven's sake, stop acting like everyone attends rival prep schools, and the other guy is wrong just because he's not part of your team.
Spirited debate is one thing; vitriolic name-calling inspired by hatred and a lack of informed awareness is something else completely.
We used to be the strongest country, and this divisiveness is what is pulling us down. Maybe once we get back to treating each other with respect and conducting ourselves with honor, we'll start working together again.
I'm not holding my breath.
I heard Obama say, "let me ax you a question." real smart Mr. Obama
Sycacuse, that was how the President spelled it on his ESPN bracket. Yea, how are those affirmative action credentials working out?
Bet you won't see many Priuses or fanny packs at the Palin event. I'll bet the men are more manly than the women, also.
The Democratic Party has ruined this country Mr. Jagermeister. YOU GUYS are the root of all evil. The Healcare plan kill babies. I know you libs do not like to discuss that.
So, can we count on you communist weenies to show up for the $35 NRA event? We sure would love to have you there.
I know how Palin can get the left to love her! She could change her name to Sarak bin Laden and wear a burkah.
Why does the left hate freedom?
As long as her daughter is there, i am willing to pay the $300.00...
Why does the left hate strong women?
Dang... for a second I thought the headline said Spend the night with Sarah Palin $300! I thought, gee that is cheap... I would spring for that... those porno films wait a minute! That's not the same women is it??
So.. Sarah Palin doesn't want government making decisions for me and my family. But she's stupid and racist saying for that? Hmm, okay, pass the red kool aid, I guess.
Before bashing her look at what she is saying not from the press but from her websites and Facebook.. She is not stupid but the press wants her to be seen that way.. She her self has even said that there are other candidate's that would make good runners against Obama.. So no ego there Wake up and listen/read what she has to say and not what the PRESS twists. She is only trying to wake up Americans before we have no rights left.
I have a masters in history, minor in economics from a very good school in MA. I think Obama is a Marxist, based on my education on that philosophy. For those that disagree, tell me why.
I think it's amazing how the mere mention of Sarah's name bring out the attacks. The fear of someone who has true conviction and wants whats best for the country is palpable.
You have a lot of nerve claiming Sarah ducks questions when Barry hasn't given a straight answer to ANYTHING since he started running for the office he has totally disrespected and trashed. How do you show loyalty to a man that is selling our future down the drain.
Sarah Palin is a no-brainer! Anyone with a brain clearly recognizes the fact that she does well to come in out of the rain. AirHeads Unite, she's your candidate, now and always!
RE: I think it's amazing how the mere mention of Sarah's name bring out the attacks. The fear of someone who has true conviction and wants whats best for the country is palpable.
You have a lot of nerve claiming Sarah ducks questions when Barry hasn't given a straight answer to ANYTHING since he started running for the office he has totally disrespected and trashed. How do you show loyalty to a man that is selling our future down the drain.
<--- seriously? she opens her mouth and nothing comes out that even makes sense. i don't put my eggs in the other basket, but if this is what you are following, good luck when you go off the edge.
Sarah Palin is scheduled to be a featured speaker at the National Rifle Association meeting on May 14, 2010. Unless the Observer has a different calendar than everyone else, that sounds like her FIRST APPEARANCE IN CHARLOTTE to me.
If Sarah Palin is scared to go on Joy Behar's show, then can she really stand up to foreign countries? Her 15 minutes are up.
Anon 12:10, maybe Sarah decided not to go on that show because it would give Behar a positive ratings bump, instead of the flatline ratings that she currently has.
To the southpark TRASH that posted this: "I wonder how many of these comments come from the Observer newsroom, or a bungalow in NODA or Dilworth decorated with Che Guevarra posters?"
-- I hope you burn in the fires of hell for your trashy comments. I'd rather live anywhere near uptown than with you soccer mom racists down in ballentine. Raising your devils to believe the same lies that you do. Hate breeding hate. God will have no mercy on you.
To all the rednecks and charlotte eletists that dislike President Obama, you just can't stomp your lying feet enough because you are so mad that you LOST, and you continue to lose. Oh, and by the way, one term my ____! President Obama will get re-elected so it will be great to watch all of you throw your little tantrums while you ROT in southpark! There is justice after all!
Yeah, and we DO have signs up all over NODA and PLAZA MIDWOOD telling you to keep your hatemongering, socceer mom bred, out of control children down in Ballentyine so it won't contaminate anything around here. Too bad Sara Palen doesn't go straight to Ballentiyne, then straight to HELL.
Anonymous said...
She will also be speaking at the NRA convention in May. You Communist Party members(formerly Democrats) should come out to that event. The cost is $35 to get in. I am sure the NRA members would welcome you with open arms, don't you think? I'll count on seeing all you keyboard tough guys and gals there!
3/30/2010 07:49:00 PM
Why are you posting threats online? It says a lot about someone that needs a gun to be tough. You must belong to one of those inbred militia groups fighting against your own country. You are anonymous behind your computer screen as well. Exactly what do you think you are going to get from her for $300? I wouldn't go if it were free. She has nothing to say to me as she's not running for office. She will not give her 1 million reality show to run for the toughest job in the world and I don't blame her.
Joy Behar..are your fricking kidding me? What a idiot this women is. I would persoanlly slap her if I ever have the opportunity...I promise that. So if she comes to Charlotte watch the news...I will slap that Biotch silly. If you base your views on following Joy Behar that is no better than those followin Hannity who I would also slap. But if they were sid by side Iwould have to slap Behar first. Will be a great day to read her obituary.
Another piece of trash soccer mom threatening to slap someone. Maybe all you south charlotte women need your damned faces slapped for your eletist hatemongering! I would slap your face twice if you said anything against gays or the President in front of me or my children. Actually, I would slap you all the way back to southpark.
To the poster at 9:29, um...the person didn't say wheither they supported Behar or not, just stated a fact. Read before you post and threaten to slap someone. That's called assault. Wonder if Sarah Palin will post your bail?
I wonder how many of these so-called supporters are actually going to attend? Come on, you have to support her right?
Thanks so much for your article, very helpful info.
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