On election night, the disappointed Hoke County businessman said he couldn't endorse Johnson "and his under-handed campaign tactics." Today he also lashed out at his party on his blog called "Christ's War."
"I am a man without a country," he wrote. "The numbers are in and you are found wanting.There is nothing left. It has been made void and without shape. I am a pilgrim in search of a new world.
"All the scriptural code talk aside (you know Daniel 5, Genesis 1 and Hebrews 11), the only difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party is the speed with which they will take us to hell.The brakes are off - full speed ahead."
This guy's elevator doesn't reach the top floor.
Jim, what are you going to write about now that D'Annunzio is out of the race?
The problem is... he's not at all alone and minds like his are being feed and used by the GOP to further their own aims.
the only difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party is the speed with which they will take us to hell
Probably the most sensible thing he's said since he began his campaign.
This guy's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, the brightest bulb in the pack, a few cards short a full deck, not the brightest crayon in the box, Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse, you get the idea
I thought D'Annunzio won
no country
no class
no intellect
no primary victory
"humiliations galore"
Princess Bride
I'm a Green so I get to vote in Republican elections and I do. I voted for D'Annunzio twice (primary and special) because I thought it would be funny if he actually got in the main election.
I'll just say that I'm not the only one that did it, a bunch of us find him delightfully hilarious. So he doesn't have nearly as much support as his people think.
Good luck with the TV guy, can't be any worse than Deputy Dog from Biscoe.
People are sick of negative campaigning. You blew the campaign yourself by acting like a baby not getting his way.
D'Annunzio is more of a man "without a clue"
Can we stop hearing about this man? PLEASE!!!!
I disagree, I want to see MORE of him. It helps you weed out the psychos when people show up supporting him.
So D'Annunzio thinks we're all going to Hell now?
Maybe he is the Messiah.
the only difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party is the speed with which they will take us to hell.The brakes are off - full speed ahead." * D'Annuzio
Well the Dude has got that part right! Wait until he fiqures out that Jesus does not screw with Establishment politics, Than he will be truly free!
At some point you start to feel bad for this guy and his family. What a disaster for them.
Is he that guy that ran against Johnson? Amazing what a few days will do to a voter's memory.
Tim D'Annunzio is the Energizer Bunny of insane politicians.
"A reporter from the Charlotte Observer has taken what I wrote about the only difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party being the speed at which they will take us to hell, and once again, as traducers always do, added his context to it and then tried to define me by his created self delusions. Next all the other traducers, news media types and other tale bearers and busybodies, pick up on this fictionist’s myth and the next thing you know they are all adding to it and embellishing his delusion with their own self creations. Amazing!"
Soon to appears in a Coen Bros. movie, "No Country for Old, Psychotic Men"
I bet the next photo of D'Annunzio released to public shows an old grizzled, haggard guy with big bags under his eyes and a scruffy beard wearing an old hat. The guy will probably never again get a good night's sleep. Can only imagine the dreams that will be waking this guy up each night for the rest of his life. "Tim, Keith Larson on the phone for you."
I know it would hurt but D'Annunzio should step up and tell his folks to support Johnson. We're all after the same thing, Republican majority.
It is true, Crazy Tim D'Annunzio
poor Tim
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