Potts was listed in fair condition Tuesday. Police later charged a prison parolee from Vermont with his shooting.
McCrory's visit was unannounced and unpublicized. A spokesman for the governor confirmed it to the Observer.
As mayor of Charlotte, McCrory prided himself on a close relationship with city police. He sometimes rode patrol with them. When he left office in 2009, he recalled a police shooting as his darkest hour. Two police officers, Sean Clark and Jeff Shelton, were shot and killed in 2006.
"That was a very emotional time . .. speaking at that funeral, both funerals," McCrory said at the time. "I didn't think I could make it."
Gov McCrory wont have to worry about attending any funerals on this one but the article is typically pro victim-criminal.
Dont forget the 2 good cops shot dead a decade earlier at West Boulevard homes.
Both cop killer thugs will never face death but cost NC taxpayers millions in free room and board.
Since there are 30 Republican Govs maybe GOP Gov McCrory could convince them to send all similar convicted killers too the south Cuban US Naval Base Guantanamo prison penal colony aka Gitgo with the muslim jihadist AQ.
This could save hundreds of billions of taxpayer funds overall but thanks to San Bernadino CA Sheriffs Dept for its great work on the late Dorner cremation too that saved a big wad.
Insurance will pay for the cabin.
Net loss to taxpayers? 0
Send all convicted murderers like cop killers or killers of Eve Carson and other innocents to Gitgo in the same cells with the muslim jihadists who behead their victims?
Great idea since they wouldn't be having fun with the homies in American jails off taxpayers. Convicted felon murderers automatically lose their US citizenship.
Lets see how badass these convicted killers are living with deadly crazed muslims who enjoy screaming to pagan allah while cutting off peoples heads at the neck.
Send them all to Gitgo paradise espec killers spared under the bogus Racial Justice Act BS. And dont even think about any homo activity at Gitgo.
Typical lowdown dirty liberal canniving lowlife scum ...
"Roll Call reports, in a list that rates the wealth of senators in the 111th Congress, that tops are Democrats: ex-Sen. John Kerry who became secretary of state this month has a net worth of almost $168 million.
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney poses with money during a playful photoshoot with Bain Capital partners in the 1980s. (Credit: Boston Globe)
Sen. Diane Feinstein has a net worth of $43 million. Sen. Frank Lautenberg has $48 million. Sen. Jay Rockefeller has $80 million. Sen. Mark Warner, $72 million.
The richest Republicans, by comparison? Sen. James Rische has $19 million. Sen. Bob Corker has about $17 million. Sen. Lamar Alexander has $12 million."
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