Democrats may still control the county delegation (albeit by one vote) but the real power is on the other side.
Thom Tillis of Cornelius is the House speaker. Rep. Bill Brawley of Matthews, in only his second term, has emerged as a player on big issues like the proposed airport authority and the bid for state money to upgrade Bank of America Stadium.
As co-chair of Senate Finance, Bob Rucho of Matthews is leading the effort to change the state's tax system. And Sen. Jeff Tarte of Cornelius, a freshman who represents five of the county's six small towns, has hit the ground running. He'll be the point man on an issue sure to affect a lot of country residents -- fixing the revaluation mess.
Former Democratic House Speaker Jim Black was from Matthews, but was part of a delegation dominated by Charlotte Democrats.
No, Jim Black was part of a corrupt Democrat delegation that ran this state for 100 years.
You mean as the State was one of the fastest growing and most successful in the Nation?
10:54, you mean "fasting growing" illegal alien population, and "most successful" in driving away traditional industries that employed thousands of NC residents of all parties, economic classes, and races. Fixed that for you...
10:54, low information voters should be rendered extinct, but I digress. We had the 4th highest umeployment rate in the country under the corupt hack Predue. If that is your deifintion of successful, no wonder you voted for Obama.
Please dont forget about the soon to be new city of Ballantyne. And furthermore the cities of Huntersville, Davidson, Cornelius, Matthews, Mint Hill and Pineville don't appreciate that belittling term "town" either or maybe we need to call that big black hole in the middle "Charlottetown" who has sucked every square inch of the county they could get their greedy paws on with their high priced over charging attorneys.
The Observer has been oddly silent although on the new NC Legislature reformed annexation laws that took effect June 30th 2011. Thieving NC cities cannot illegally steal/annex without a vote where 60% of the affected voters only must approve in with a democratic vote. Annexation is DOA.
In the end this "power shift" reduce Charlottetown to a mere 3rd world skeleton ghost town with tall buildings like Atlanta or Detroit begging for free billions with the light rail or trolly to nowhere.
Lil Detroit doom and gloom on the horizon espec when both Cat teams are sold and exit in the near future.
Anon 7:27 sounds like a bitter, angry, and desperate person crying out for help. Third world ghost town? Back off the ledge, buddy...
These Republicans leaders in the legislature from Mecklenburg Co.and othes have had already had two years of power to lead the state. Come 2015, it will be interesting to see how our state stacks up against neighboring Virginia and nationally in the areas of unemployment, literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy, new job creation, per capita income and morbidity levels due to major diseases. You can argue over what part of Mecklenburg County,urban, suburban or otherwise you come from, but if you don't deliver the goods the people need to make our state competitive nationally and not just in the South which is what people in this state elected you to do, you can go on out the same door the Democrats left thru and let the doorknob hit you where the good Lord split you.
Face reality. Charlotte is just a BIG BULLY so its good to see perimeter municipalities taking back or getting power on what is rightfully theirs ...
H865 and Bill 5 to reform NC the most liberal annexation laws in the nation since 1959 came 40 years too late and after the great land grab stole most of the county.
Mecklenburg-Strelitz (the original county name since 1752) also needs the City of Lake Norman, City of Lake Wylie, and University City, to go with City of Ballantyne.
With a Republican NC Legislature and favorable Republican governor the time is ripe to carve out the City of Ballantyne and once that is done begin to carve out other new cities by taking back about 50% of the current Charlotte city limits (that was stolen) in order to create all the other new cities. This is called municipality equality and only fair.
We need a reduction of the current city limits of Charlotte back to about the 1970-1980 time range when the land grab annexation began in full force.
By doing this taxes can be lowered as much as 50% and keep inside the coffers of each city rather than redistribution waste extortion on the BIG BULLY only.
Is it too late to return to the old separate city and county school systems too once all this reorganization is done since the QC population would be reduced back to a good manageable 250-300k size again?
Cant wait.
In Mecklenburg about 95% of the county has been seized by the socialist bandits and their lawyers making the new annexation reform bill is pretty much a moot point.
The tens of thousands of property owners who tried to fight annexation over the yrs were laughed out of the chamber by city officials.
Agree. Time to reverse the tables and take it all back in Raleigh.
Nice case of shilling for some mediocre franchise where 70k PSL holders are held hostage for annual ransom stuffed with godawful overpaid unionized brat slobs and shysters making mega millions each and double that in endorsements as TV cable bills rise 2-3 times annually to pay for it all along with gas prices and everything else while income taxes are bumped by the 17 trill inept chief in liar in the WH .
The media constantly gives lip service to education yet NC teachers haven't had a raise in 5 years? And don't even mention the urgently needed new half empty 500 mill NBA arena with only 17k seats while the exquisite 1988 Tyvola Coliseum that cost a mere 50 mill and 24k seats was demolished after a short run.
Why dont terminally ill JR sell it to billionaire NASCAR multi track owner Bruton Smith who wanted it 20 yrs ago and who would never beg on his knees to force already over burdened taxpayers just screwed up the wazoo on revaluation for 2-300 million free loot and you know the costs will double or triple before its over.
Tear down obsolete BOA and build a new one on the line at Carowinds since its a Carolina(s) team.
Had it not been for SC shyster Max Muhlman cooking up his PSL con scheme the franchise would have lasted 5 yrs max and been in LA anyway where the NFL wanted it. No PSL theft scheme in the 95k seat LA Coliseum and a county pop of 30 million on the Pacific with Sierra Nevada Mt range backdrop plus home of Hollywood.
Los Angeles Panthers just a matter of time unless Smith buys it and gives taxpayers a huge break ...
And not a peep out of Obama. Maybe he is in bed with big oil or just gives a rats ass about anyone but himself being a lame quacker.
Gas prices are the #1 killer of the masses and economy and it is all rising in unison. Very odd but telltale.
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