Shuler has been touted as a prospective challenger to Republican Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina next year. A former pro-football player, he's got the name recognition and apparently the money. He had $940,000 in his campaign account at the end of the year, not much less than Burr.
But Shuler might have trouble in a primary.
He was one of only 11 Democrats to vote against the Obama-backed stimulus bill in the House, one of only seven to vote against the conference version the president is signing into law today.
Shuler is also an anti-abortion member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate-conservative Democrats. That plays well in his mountain district but could present problems in a primary, where most voters are more liberal. Attorney General Roy Cooper is also considering the race.
An aide says the Senate race wasn't on Shuler's mind when he cast his stimulus vote.
"It was made because he really felt the stimulus package put before the House was not the way to go," says spokesman Andrew Whalen.
Only a Liberal wacko could say that voting against the pork bill could hurt his future campains, if anything it helped!
This story is a prime example of why the Charlotte Observer is going broke.
Promoting the Liberal, Socialist, Democratic way of life.
The country should have more Heath Schulers in congress. If they kick Burris out of the senate for lying, does that mean the stimulus package did not pass? That is what it should mean. Maybe some others would vote against it now that they are able to see what they were voting for!!
Roy Cooper would crush Heath Schuler in a 30% turnout Democratic Primary in 2010.
Luckily the GOP has no more talent
to run Statewide for years to come.
The name is SHULER not SCHULER. His name is referenced multiple times in the article and spelled correctly. I can't take any of you seriously if you can't remember how to spell a man's name between the time you read it and they time you type a comment.
Jim Neal for Senate!!!
Jim Neal is a man of the people, where he cares more about his neighbors than politics.
Jim, former US Senate candidate, volunteers at local homeless shelters during this economic crisis and helps those in need after losing their job. He is the Senator I want and would vote for.
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