A new survey by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning firm, shows her popularity fell from 34 percent last month to 30 percent. And 53 percent of North Carolinians disapprove of the job she's doing. That's the lowest approval of a N.C. governor since the firm started in 2001.
According to PPP's Tom Jensen, Perdue has lost support in her own party. She once had a 66 percent approval among Democrats. It's now 46 percent.
Since taking office in January, Perdue's hands have been largely tied by a budget shortfall of over $4 billion. She's overseen a state government that's made painful cuts in education and other areas with more on the horizon.
"Previous polling showed she was unpopular with teachers and state employees, two key elements of the Democratic coalition," Jensen says on his blog. "And the realities of the economy have kept her from rolling out and developing the sorts of programs that might win her popularity with progressive voters.
"It's also pretty clear that voters in the state are now holding her responsible for the tough economic climate, where Washington absorbed most of the blame during the Bush years. PPP is finding unusually low approval ratings for Governors in several states right now even as the President remains popular."
You can thank "straight ticket voting" for putting Bev in office.
Wow - what a shocker. Don't worry, Obama will soon follow.
And it continue to DROP, baby.
The lazy ways of the straight ticket voter. Maybe do a little research next time!
should have voted for Pat
Bev can't control the inheritance of a $4 billion shortfall. However she is largely responsible for bringing 1000 jobs to NC/Charlotte. That is the largest announcement of jobs in the United States since 2007.
I talked to hundreds of politically active people and other elected officials, and lost plenty of sleep as I tried to decide if McCrory really was better for Charlotte or NC.
In the end I gave the 51% to Bev. I voted for her with great reservations, but with high hopes that I made the right decision.
I believe that the creation of these 1000 jobs is clear evidence that she was a great choice.
Considering I never saw a governor in Charlotte in my life. She has already been to Charlotte 5 times since being elected, and I hae seen her on two of those occaisions. I think she is doing an excellent job. The budget shortfall i snot her fault. I KNOW FOR A FACT that she supports a $748,000,000 revenue package which will minimize teacher cuts and preserve basic services for our state.
I'm not surprised at this. I am a democrat but vote for the person and I certainly did not vote for Bev. I wrote her a letter during her campaign asking for her stance on some very pointed issues and her response 3 months later was a canned, patronizing response not once addressing any issue in my letter. After becoming governor she talked about what a budget hole the state is in and then leased 3 other offices (along with staff and all the office perks) for herself in the state. So Bev started out wasting state money.
Those of you who voted straight "D" ticket are to blame. You know who you are. Thanks a bunch!
Bev Perdue sucks! And shame on all the Charlottians who didn't vote for Pat and get Charlotte represented in the state house. Maybe you can explain that to your kids when they have overcrowded class rooms and basically student teachers in training next year. Oh and you should also have that conversation with your mechanic when you have to take your car in to be re-aligned since we won't be getting any state money to fix our roads either.
As bad as the budget looks like now, if the sleezeball Pat McCrory had gotten elected things would only be worse.
Bev owes her being governor to the same morons who put B Hussein in office. What did the people who voted for her think they were getting? Now she's trying to raise taxes, while cutting services to the poor, all while trying to ram through a budget that comtains 230 MILLION in pork.
Welcome to Obamanomics.
Instead of a .5 % sales tax hike, she should have pushed the legislature for a 2% increase and then she could have balanced the budget without major cuts. Sales tax is palatable because you don't have to spend wheras you can't avoid suffering property taxes or cuts.
Oh yeah,sure thing you idiots, things would be a lot better under Prep Boy Pat. Morons the lot of you.
Okay, 12:23, the major flaw in your argument is that Bev inherited the problem. She WAS part of the problem. She served in the NC House from 1986-1990; NC Senate 1990-2000; and as Lt Gov from 2000-2008. She didn't inherit anything, she was already part of the family. Democrats have been leading North Carolina for the past 16 years. That's why we are in a mess. And, yes, she's definitely in her position because of straight ticket voting. No doubt about that.
This is what you get when you vote straight party.
Way to go NC voters...you bunch of unthinking morons....
I'm a Democrat who voted Obama/Pat. There are lots of us. However, I don't think Bev is all that bad. She's shown more interest in Charlotte than I can remember any governor showing, ever. Our downturn in revenue is amplified by the huge population growth the state has seen this decade. So I'm not sure Pat could play this hand much better. Of course, the Belk and Brookshire freeways would be brightly lit by now. :)
memo to straight party complainers. In NC the presidential ballot is separate from the others. A vote for Obama DID NOT mean a vote for Perdue. And straight party voting is nothing new. The ballot has been this way since the 60s.
It's a sad state of affairs when so many posters here think that Pat McCrory could do a better job than the Governor. Have you looked around Charlotte, folks? Seriously? Budget shortfalls, massive CMS teacher layoffs... how's Pat doing???
"Whadda bunch of Maroons"
- Bugs Bunny
I'm a Democrat and see so much irony in this story. (1) That she has declined in popularity with teachers and state employees. These were two of her largest groups of support. I guess they are kicking themselves for not electing the guy who did such a good job with their pensions. Smart move to follow their mindless interest group leaders (NCAE and NC Sherriff Police Alliance). (2) Perdue has lost support in her own party. It was largely the Democratic apparatus (like Mark Basnight and the Black Political Caucus) that got her elected. Richard Moore was seen by the powers that be to have stepped out of line and the party made him pay for it. I fear we are going to regret this one.
I love how Republicans report comments that don't appeal to their beliefs and the Observer removes them. You read this board and it's nothing but right-wing hate speech. It's a complete joke!! I've had 5 comments removed in one week, just because I have a difference of opinion. Why even have a message board?
hey darkferi - CMS cuts are coming from state house/bev perdue NOT pat / local government. Do a little research before you chime in.
I don't vote a straight ticket. I was tossing it back and forth on who I was going to vote for. I kept reading comments from posters talking about how McCrory wasn't doing anything for Charlotte, so I figured he wouldn't do any better being the Govenor. Unfortunately I voted for Bev, and I'm still reading negative things about McCrory. It's sad that there aren't any trustworthy people running for office that we can trust and they will work for us. They are greedy and arrogant and they are in office to help themselves, not us.
It amazing me that anyone in the Charlotte area would have voted for Perdue, considering her anti-Charlotte TV ads that ran in the rest of the state.
But like many others have said, it just shows the folly of straight-ticket voting. We, the people, get what we deserve when we blindly vote in the Bev Perdues of the world.
"hey darkferi - CMS cuts are coming from state house/bev perdue NOT pat / local government. Do a little research before you chime in."
Yeah maybe you should do some research befre you chime in... The CMS cuts are coming from the COUNTY -not the city and not the state. The 1010 house budget will cut additional teachers across the state.
"Instead of a .5 % sales tax hike, she should have pushed the legislature for a 2% increase and then she could have balanced the budget without major cuts. Sales tax is palatable because you don't have to spend wheras you can't avoid suffering property taxes or cuts."
- Lucky for you crack doesn't get taxed
"Bev Perdue sucks! And shame on all the Charlottians who didn't vote for Pat and get Charlotte represented in the state house. Maybe you can explain that to your kids when they have overcrowded class rooms and basically student teachers in training next year. Oh and you should also have that conversation with your mechanic when you have to take your car in to be re-aligned since we won't be getting any state money to fix our roads either."
- I'm sorryI don't have time to talk to my kids I am to busy working a second job trying to pay for the Pat's arena that the taxpayers strongly voted against and the .5 cent sales tax for light rail that Pat supported
Don't forget that Bev was in the state legislature when we were spending all those billions of dollars of "extra" money during the good times. Will Gov't never learn to save for a "rainy day"? Well, now it is raining on her popularity! We need another "Joseph" who knew to save up during the 7 good years to survive the 7 bad years.
"We, the people, get what we deserve when we blindly vote in the Bev Perdues of the world."
I just got 1000 jobs less than 2 miles away frommy house because of her. She rocks
She's hot for an older woman too!
STRAIGHT TICKET VOTE BEV. You idiots.. this shouldnt even be an option. Vote for the PERSON, and if you don't know where they stand, then don't freaking vote. It's easy.
She, of all people did not inherit anything. She was right there with the Sleasies making BAD calls. Her stand was all about education - BS. What a group of idiot citizens we are to vote her to Gov. That's what you get when the uninformed people vote. Stay home instead of voting for the good of the country and state.
All of the people who are complaining about straight ticker voters please STFU! It is their right and their choice. Bev is not responsible for the economy at all. The budget and cutbacks had to be done. If you dont' like the fact that teachers got laid off them send you kids to private school. Give Bev a chance. At lease she is doing great things for Charlotte. Cutbacks had to be done because of the mess Bush left this country in face it. President will be there for another 4 years your just Watch! LMAO!!
All those complaining probably want McCory for the stupid NASCAR hall of fame/ and the arena. All you you McCory supporters are morons, idiots. Pat dont' give a hoot about Charlotte or the roads, or the people. Keep falling for it. Go hide under a freaking rock with PAT MCCrory useless behind.
Not the straight ticket's fault? I beg to differ because when I waited in line, there were volunteers TELLING people that the vote for Pres. did not include the straight ticket vote, and encouraged them to do it. Uneducated people don't spend time learning about the individuals. They press the "dumb" button. You know they came out in millions this year too. No disputing that.
She ran on a budget-cutting "no new taxes" promise, which she has dumped as soon as she got into office. What changed between the election and now? The economy was bad then. I say she intentionally lied to get elected.
CRYSTAL Bev has cut the budget and has not raised taxes.
To the person saying " I never saw a governor in Charlotte in my life" - you must be new here. Not only have they all been to Charlotte - we actually HAD a governor from the area not too long ago - Jim Martin!Wish we had him back!
And now you've got some idiot saying they wished Jim Martin was back. Yeah sure thing, bring back Holshouser too. Remember him, the do-nothing shitheel that rode Nixon's coat tails into office? And speaking of shitheels I'll bet all you clowns complaing of straight ticket voting did the same damned thing - McCain, Liddy, and Pimple Pat. Idiots, idiots, idiots.
This is what you get for voting for Perdouche...
Annon 1:51: Yes, isn't that true! Give them credit for one thing: They do know how to play dirty!
Anonymous 3-17: You forget that some of us voted for Mike Munger. Add his 2% to Pat's total and what do you get? The straight ticket voters didn't kill him: Those of us who didn't want either one did.
anon 2:37 (1): The Arena and Hall of Fame are paid for by tourism taxes. So unless you staying in hotels in Charlotte evey night your not paying for it. Bev's income tax increases and .25 state sales tax increase will cost ya a whole lot more than the half cent which the VOTERS approved. This time round the voters have no say and we dont get anything out of the increase other than massive layoffs.
For those of you still defending Bev lets set some things straight.
During her campaign she ran adds Down East saying she would not cater to Charlotte- I think that may have been the only truth in her campaign.
1) She promised Charlotte 485 would start by the end of the year- well not going to happen and it looks like Indy and the Monroe Bypass are going to be delayed just to get 485 built.
2) She said she would "fix" education- well now she is firing 18,000 educators.
3) she called for "prison reform" now 6 prisons in Metro Charlotte alone are going to close. (not part of budget cuts listed in budget)
4) she promised DOT reform- there are still no Transportation engineers on the State Transportation Board and Gene Conti is even more clueless than lyndo Tipet.
5) She promised no new taxes, now were looking at 1/4 cent sales tax increase and income tax increases.
Need I go on...
Her popularity could be 2% right now it doesn't matter. Bev gets 8 years if 485 is almost completed by 2012. I know it, you know it and she knows it. She'll make sure it is. Count on it.
I didn't do it; I voted for McCrory.
That said, she inherited this mess, and while I'm singularly unimpressed by her handling of it thus far, I don't blame her for the mess itself. That lies with those who came before her -- especially Easley.
I'm sure she learned a lot from Sleazly as Lt. Gov. We'll just see how low those numbers will go. Don't blame me, I'm a Dem, but I voted for Mayor Pat
As others have said- she got into office because of ignorant straight ticket voting. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I did vote for Pat McCrory.
Although, much of the mess Bev Perdue has been struggling with is because of the last crook in office, Mike Sleazly- he so easy to buy.
CRYSTAL Bev has cut the budget and has not raised taxes.
You need to check out the story on the Observer's main page. Perdue is proposing a $1.5 BILLION tax hike. And that's for a state that already has the highest taxes in the Southeast.
It's time to IMPEACH Status Quo Bev, who's a Rawleigh insider, MORE CORRUPTION WITHOUT INTERRUPTION, but she wants YOU to
'think' she's above the fray. She's NOT, and she needs to RESIGN today for INCOMPETENCE...she's in WAY over her pretty little head.
Wont it be fun when she gets dragged down by the SLEAZLYs???
She sucks she is so ugly
perdue brought a 1000 jobs huh?
what about the company that made police cars that was thinking on coming to NC?
Perdue didnt even reply back to them so they chose another state.
Perdue = epic fail
I agree the straight ticket vote is the only way she was elected. Bev. Perdue has cut the budget for early childhood education. Our children are the most precious gifts we have, however the day care centers across the nation rank in the top 24 lowest paying jobs. It amazes me, we will pay more to have our pets cared for rather than our children. There is nothing being done to help the lower paid citizen. Illegal immigrants have taken our jobs, don't pay the taxes we do, and receive free government help (Health Care, Education and welfare). I blame our government for taking better care of illegal immigrants than our own hard working blue collar workers.
Rebecca Forbes- NCCPN President
Beverly, If you want to gain the trust of the people in NC, do your part to change cannabis/hemp laws in our state. Agricultural Hemp would bring 1000's of jobs to our farmers and HB1380 would put valuable medicine in the hands of the sick and suffering of your state who need it, Like our Veterans for PTSD. Show you are a real,compassionate to the needs of the people person. Our office is right across the hall from your Western Office. Stop in and see us. We are lobbying against candidates in NC who do not support HB1380- The Medical Marijuana Act. and our farmers want Agricultural Hemp!!!
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