McCrory, who lost the N.C. gubernatorial race in November, said this morning he's become a partner in McCrory & Company. Started by his brother Phil 19 years ago, the company is a consulting firm that works with business clients to increase sales.
"My main focus will be to help clients expand their customer base," the mayor says. He'll also use his network of contacts to bring the firm new clients.
Clients include IBM, Microsoft and Dell, according to Phil McCrory.
It's McCrory's second employer since college. He worked for years in a number of different jobs for Duke.
McCrory this week also joined the board of directors for The company is the parent of LendingTree and other groups such as and
McCrory declined to say how much he'll earn from either position. However filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission show that annually pays directors a retainer of $40,000 and a restricted stock award of $50,000.
At McCrory & Company, he'll make a salary and commission.
Phil McCrory says the company is looking for new office space in the SouthPark area. The company web site currently lists its headquarter address as 4360 Arbor Way, Suite 300. That's the address of Phil McCrory's south Charlotte home.
But - the reason those companies hired the firm was because the guy's brother was the mayor.
"He worked for years in a number of different jobs for Duke."
Can anyone provide proof that he actually WORKED while collecting Duke paychecks?
Jim, did you ever call McCrory at Duke and have him actually answer?
Funnier yet is McCrory's attack on Nick Mackey back in late 2007.
Now Mackey get's elected to public office while ol smiling Pat is finally sent packing by the same Democratic party that connived for years to get him his 7 straight terms as Mayor of Charlotte.
He'll have a heck of a career at as the banking system collapses to rubble.
Pat McCrory is one of the few standup guys in Charlotte politics. I wish him the best of luck - not that he needs it from me.
Goodby Pat! I don't think this man was/is a good mayor for charlotte.
I hope that Mayor McRory will stay in the political arena. He has a lot of excellent ideas. He ran an excellent campaign that only lost because because Mrs. Perdue was able to ride Obama's coattails into office.
I think that Mayor McRory is an asset to North Carolina and he can still do a lot for this state.
The Hickory Hound Blog
Wow....some of these comments supporting McCrory just illustrate how he has DUPED people in Charlotte all these years. He's a skunk, big time!! Do none of you supporters remember how he (and Lynn Wheeler) pushed the coliseum through even after it was DEFEATED in a referendum. Wheeler lost her next election as fallout from that mess, and then if I remember correctly landed a job working for....Bob Johnson. Hmmmmm, sounds like more than a coincidence to me.
McCrory has 9 lives like a cat, he somehow landed on his feet and won reelection, even after the arena scandal.
Perhaps you guys should contact WFNZ, the local sports radio station, and ask Mark Packer about McCrory welching on a bet he made with a radio station in Seattle when the Panthers played the Seahawks a few years ago in the NFC championship game. McCrory wagered 2 tickets to the UNC-duke basketball game, lost the bet, then ignored the Seattle guy's calls seeking payment for almost 2 years before WFNZ was able to get him on the air to address the bet he made (and failed to pay). McCrory was EMBARRASSING as he back tracked with lame excuse after lame excuse on why he never paid the bet.....ultimately joking (I hope he was joking) that he was "drunk and forgot about making the bet". These are just two examples of his behavior, I'm positive there are plenty more less publicized.
McCrory has been an embarrassment to the city of Charlotte for years. I say good riddance. My biggest fear was him winning the gubernatorial race and being in charge of the whole state, let alone the largest city in NC. Thankfully that did not happen...and once he leaves the mayor's office Charlotte may actually have a valid chance of truly becoming a world class city.
I think this state will regret not voting for McCrory. Instead the people elected some lady who sounds like a complete IDIOT! Get ready for HIGHER TAXES.
Your memory didn't serve you well. Lynn Wheeler NEVER worked for Bob Johnson. That might make for an interesting story BUT it simply never happened.
As a lifelong Charlottean, having the arena downtown was the right thing to do for the future of the city. Pure and simple. Thanks Pat and Lynn for LEADING the way and making the right decision even it wasn't the popular one.
higher taxes because perdue won.. have you people in charlotte not checked your taxes. between property and sales taxes.. enaced because of McC roey's salesmanship... you can't call hisshoner soft on taxes
McCrory won seven straight elections with a majority of 20% of the eligible voters.
What's all the hullabaloo over this guy McCrory?
You saw what happened to McCrory when the Democratic voting base came out in mass to vote their interest, in this years race for Governor. He couldnt even carry Mecklenberg County.
So much for Pat. He did allot better when the local Democratic party was throwing him the race for Mayor every other year.
Doesnt his term as mayor run until next year? Is there someone still running the city? I'm confused..
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