"There is a great deal of frustration that Washington is not working," Cunningham said Tuesday during a stop in Concord. "Independents in particular are asking themselves what it's going to take to make government work."
Cunningham is one of at least four Democrats hoping for a chance to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr in November.
Democrats have been on the ropes. Washington is gridlocked. The deficit deepens as recession and unemployment stubbornly persist. President Obama's popularity is hovering around 50 percent.
But Congressional approval is even lower. Most polls put it at less than 25 percent. Even many Tea Partiers blame incumbents of both parties.
"The Tea Party is animated," Cunningham says. "But so are Democrats frustrated that Washington is not working."
The Democrats really are clueless.
Cunningham you are a tool. It's YOUR leftist party and YOUR buffoon president that the nation is rejecting. Burr wins in a landslide.
Who? I mean really. Who is this joker?
Is that the newest "Edwards" from the Democratic party? Whoa Nelly
Cunningham really is clueless. He should realize that Republicans are always for term limits and "throwing the bums out" when they lose major elections. It worked in 1994. Remember Sue Myrick ran on a "term limits" platform (what was that, eight terms ago?). Oh well, maybe he is too honest to imagine the conniving slime he is up against. Or maybe he's just clueless.
All these tea party tools don't have a leg to stand on on if burr wins another term.
This mess didn't start in 2006 or 2008. This as been building for decades.
I don't understand the arguement that wants to put reps back in the majority, and I voted rep for close to 15 years. But then again, I don't listen to limbaugh and beck.
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A Congress of career politicians will never allow us to constitutionally term limit them by an amendment to the Constitution. But we can make term limits happen in spite of them, if lots of us follow these steps in the upcoming Congressional elections (2010, 2012, 2014):
1. Don’t reelect anyone in Congress. Get all your friends to do the same.
2. Always vote, never for incumbents, only for challengers, regardless of party .
3. If your incumbent runs unopposed, vote for his strongest challenger. Especially, never reelect an unopposed incumbent!!
4. If Congress has not passed a term limits bill by 2014, repeat this in ‘16, ‘18, and ‘20
Our only sensible choice is to NEVER REELECT them. All of them! If we drop their reelection rate from 95% to 50%, they will definitely get the message.
The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress, and a new politics, is: NEVER REELECT ANY INCUMBENT! DO IT EVERY ELECTION until term limits is ratified. In other words, don't let anyone serve more than one term until they pass a term limits bill!
The number of ‘good guys’ left in Congress is negligible, so if we threw out ALL 535 of them, we would be better off turning Congress into a bunch of honest, inexperienced freshmen (guys like you and me)
Some of the reasons to favor this approach:
• It will work!
• It gives us a one-term-limited Congress without using an amendment
• It encourages ordinary citizens to run for Congress and win
• It is supported by 70% of the country (see Rasmussen and Cato polls)
• It is completely nonpartisan
• If repeated, it ends career politicians in Congress
• It opens the way to a “citizen Congress” of guys like you and me
* It would open a torrent of fresh ideas to improve our government
• It ends the seniority system that keeps freshmen powerless
• It doesn’t cost money. But you MUST vote! Just don’t vote for an incumbent
• It takes effect immediately on Election Day
• It is the only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to “Throw the Bums Out”
• When the ‘pros’ stop running, ordinary citizens WILL RUN, AND WIN
• If it doesn’t work, do it again and again! It will work eventually, without a doubt.
NEVER REELECT ANYONE IN CONGRESS. DO IT EVERY ELECTION!...until we get term limits ratified!
Nelson Lee Walker of tenurecorrupts.com
Email nels96@gmail.com for your free NEVER REELECT bumper sticker
Pass a new amendment to mandate a single 4 term level for all politicans at any level. One 4 yr term for president and its over. Same for Congress.
Clean house every 4 yrs to stay fresh and new for all of DC. This should be mandated on the national state and local level too. ONE TERM only for all politicans in America at the same level. No exceptions.
This guy looks like he could be Sleazy Edwards brother, egads
Anonymous at 9:11 you should watch Beck on TV. You would learn alot.
I will vote for NO democrats ever again, nor will I vote for a Republican if he/she is a progressive republican.
Senator Burr has worked for us. He deserves to be elected again.
Pass a new amendment to mandate a single 4 term level for all politicans at any level. One 4 yr term for president and its over. Same for Congress.
Clean house every 4 yrs to stay fresh and new for all of DC. This should be mandated on the national state and local level too. ONE TERM only for all politicans in America at the same level. No exceptions.
Anonymous at 8:45pm, I agree with you.
Senator Burr has worked hard for us in NC. He deserves our vote.
Yes, the dems do not have a clue! Sad when a Senator has to decline to run because of the mess his party is causing in our country.
Ever noticed that the Observer has no clue either? If they would get in step with the area, they might sell more papers.
"Democratic Senate candidate hopes voter anger aims at GOP incumbent"
Hope for change.....another BSer
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