D'Annunzio, running for Congress in the 8th District, is having a Machine Gun Social Thursday night. The event at Jim's Guns in Fayetteville runs from 6:30 p.m. "until the ammo runs out!"
For a $25 donation, participants can shoot semi-automatic MP-5s and Uzis. Additional magazines are $25 each.
''It shows Tim's commitment to Second Amendment rights," says spokeswoman Lauren Slepian. "It shows he's one of the most, if not the most, conservative candidates in the race."
Shooters can register for door prizes, which include an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.
Slepian says D-Annunzio, a former paratrooper, has a personal collection of semi-automatic weapons.
Republicans get wackier every day.
I say we send every drug dealer and gangsta rapper out to the event to show the kind of behavior this psychopath endorses.
The sad thing is he's probably going to win the primary bc he's spending so much of his own money for publicity. Larry Kissell is probably praying this guy wins so he can coast to victory in November. Hopefully Republican voters in the 8th are smart enough to see through the "I'm the most conservative candidate ever!" rhetoric...
Anonymous said...
"I say we send every drug dealer and gangsta rapper out to the event to show the kind of behavior this psychopath endorses."
Wow...racist, ignorant - or both?
I'd say both. First of all, if you think supporting constitutional amendments (even if the forum is a bit out of the norm) makes you a "psycopath" - well, I don't think I need to finish that.
Second, if you think only "drug dealers" and "gansta rappers" are the ones he own weapons - again, do I even need to finish?
Anyway, I could go on...but, you get the point. Be more informed next time!
I support the 2d Amendment.
And I also say this guy is a wacked out creep.
"Come and experience the thrill of violence without any of the consequences at a campaign rally for me!"
The country w/ the lowest crime rate in the world is Switzerland. Want to know why? Look it up on your own.
The guy is a nutcase, but most conservative christian republicans have become those already.
Check out that dude's creepy stache.... Did I see him on that to "Catch a Predator" show??
I wouldn't trust him for a second.
An AR-15 is not a machine gun. Never has been, never will be. It only LOOKS like a machine gun. It is a legal civilian version of a battle rifle that is not capable of burst or fully automatic fire.
Please stop using inflammatory anti-firearm buzzwords to describe perfectly safe and legal civilian firearms.
I agree about the creepy stache... ewww.
But what is so scary about a gun that fires more than one round with one pull of the trigger? These guns are actually very expensive and harly ever used by thugs and gangbangers because they are very loud, not easily concealable, and hard to purchase. The people who buy these tend to be high net-worth individuals who have free-time and a lot of discretionary income, just the type of people you want at a political fundraiser no mater your party ID.
Those who are jumping to conclusions here and painting all "conservative christian republicans" as nutjobs seem to be a little uneducated about firearms and there intricacies. I own several and although I have never shot a full-auto, i am not afraid of them either. Actually a thug is more likely to use a shotgun he stole rather than a full-auto because the person who pays $10,000for a full-auto normally has a $2000 safe to put it in whereas those who pay $199.99
for the shotgun will just put it under the bed.
Although like i said, i agree about the stache...
ok, first of all, he has shaved the 'stache. he shaved it BECAUSE he put up a poll on his website and the poll said to shave it...
and this guy could be a congressman.
can we get off the gun discussion and get back to why d'annunzio should not win the 8th district's primary?
This sounds like something the taliban should be sponsoring...oh wait, the kkkristian taliban IS sponsoring it.
Please do your research on cities and countries that ban the right to bear arms. It never ends up well for the citizens. Swiss law requires all households to possess guns. The Swiss government issues ammo to citizens. The Swiss crime rate is the lowest in the world. The Swiss have never been invaded or attacked. Hirohito said that the Japanese would never invade the US homeland because there would be a rifle behind every bush. If you feel like being intellectualy honest, do your own research. FYI, The Constitution and Bill of Rights are for the people, not the government. The government does not have the right to change these rights without the consent of the governed. The insurance the people have to protect these rights is the
1st Amendment, backed up by the 2nd Amendment.
Don't like my right to bear arms? Molon Labe
"Please do your research on cities and countries that ban the right to bear arms. It never ends up well for the citizens."
That lie has been debunked time and time again. No wonder Japan has such a lower crime rate than the U.S.
"That lie has been debunked time and time again. No wonder Japan
has such a lower crime rate than the U.S."
Switzerland has the lowest in the world-they require gun ownership. Debunk that!
It turned out great when Hitler rounded up guns from the citizens, also when Stalin, Mao, Castro, the list goes on and on. Totalitarian regimes require the citizens to be unarmed and unable to defend themselves, that is how their power originates. Debunk that!
When the people fear the government, there is Tyranny. "When the Government fears the people, there is Liberty." Which do you prefer?
Here's a secret, we like guns because they make people like you go absolutely bonkers and start spitting out words like "Nazi", "Taliban" and "KKK".
You have NO idea how much joy we get when you stereotype people punching holes in paper as killers and psychopaths.
I believe the author was acting in good faith and simply did not know the difference and isn't aware that "the google", or better yet, Wikipedia is probably a better source on information about guns than reruns of CSI.
The socialist, moronic left want's to ban guns because it will make it easier for them to take your stuff and redistribute it in thier communist state.
Just look at the criminals that are robbing banks, breaking in homes, robbing people in the streets, they all have the socialist left mindset that, "you have it, I want it, now give it to me".
Think about it, it is what the left lives for.
guns are fun
Look at the demographics of people committing crimes in these united states.
How many people in Switzerland fit that demographic.
se habla verdad
I have to "ditto" the left wing Moonbats criticism of the moustache. It looks like he is a candidate on the 70's porn ticket.
I have a rhetorical question. If punching holes in paper targets is violence, is stapling rape?
No one, and I mean NO ONE should EVER own single AR-15.
That's why I have four. ;)
This is exactly the type of person who gives conservatives a horrible image. Also, don't trust that mustache.....
Why are libs and dems always afraid of legal weapons? "Oh no, it's a gun! Run! Run!" What a bunch of pantywaist sissies.
To 1:24 "When government fears the people there is liberty" North Korea fears its people, China ditto. Sudan, Yemen, I could go on.
I am a Republican and am praying this nut job doesnt get the nomination. We need a moderate Republican so we can win this seat back.
Tarhoosier: In all of those countries you mentioned, the people do not have the right to bear arms. Thanks for making my point. Governments should always fear the wrath of the people, that is Liberty.
To all the anti gun people: If you ever succeed in taking away the right to bear arms, I would be happy to give you mine one round at a time. Molon Labe
Why is he calling it a "Machine Gun" Social if the only weapons you can shoot are semi-automatics?
Anonymous 1:11 "That lie has been debunked time and time again. No wonder Japan has such a lower crime rate than the U.S."
Please don't let facts get in your way. Japanese citizens have the right to bear arms, as well. They can purchase handguns and rifles, and they must go to their local police precinct for a basic lecture on gun safety.
Please do not discount the Japanese culture as another reason for low crime.
"Facts are stubborn things"
"Anonymous said...
I support the 2d Amendment...."
Does that include the part about universal conscription?
CptSnark, you said "Does that include the part about universal conscription?"
The 2nd Amendment reads, as follows: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
I do not see the words you referenced,could you clarify what you mean and give an example.
Jim Morrill, you look like Harpo Marx reincarnated
if you cant make it to the "machine gun" fundraiser be sure to stop by next month when we hold our "book burning" fundraiser!
It may be legal but its still stupid.
Anonymous 2:42: Are you referencing National Socialism(Nazi) strategy of book burning(like deleting/revising history today) that was also paired w/ gun confiscation?
We can nitpick all we want about th guns in question, but the principle of a guy who made millions off the military industrial complex ranting the rebublican line of the 3 G's (God, guns and gays) sure brings a bad stereotype of some bumpkin yelling "Hey festus, Watch this!". This is NOT someone who I would want in our congress.
I guess its legal, just sounds like a really redneck ignorant thing to do. I guess thats the beauty of this country even ignorant bumpkins with Machine guns, or excuse me guns that look like Machine guns, have a voice. Scarry.
I am a registered Republican and after having met this wing-net I am ashamed. He certainly won't get my vote in the primary, and if he wins and is the Republican candidate in the general election I will vote Democrat even if the the Democratic candidate is Mr Magoo. Heck - I'd vote for Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown before I'd vote for this wing-net.
Why limit the publicity stunt to guns? Add in a 4-wheel muddin race, a tobacco-spittin contest, and a litter throwing contest - then you would have it covered.
I thought Progressives were supposed to be the enlightened ones. I have not seen a single honest fact from you yet. When progressives start to lose a debate, they start name calling.
Looks like the "Rednecks" are far more educated on gun laws and government tyranny around the world. Could it be that some of these "Rednecks" have actually travelled to those countries or maybe fought to defend Liberty for those unarmed citizens around the world? It seems as if the Progressives would like to promote tyranny here; however, it will never happen due to the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Just guessing here, but CptSnark could've been referring to the language that begins the Second Amendment. 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of the State' could be seen to allow that Universal Conscription be a means of providing that Security. It's 'typically vague', so we'll have to leave that to the fellas in the Supreme Court to decide...
Again, that's just a guess tho...
Anonymous: Does that mean you think George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the rest of the Founding Fathers were ignorant rednecks? I guess you would have agreed w/ King George and been a loyalist, right? How's that freedom working out for you?
Anonymous 3:05: Not vague if you know what the definition of "Militia" is. Look it up. This is probably the most straightforward document ever written. The Supreme Court does not have the right to change these rights, as they are derived from "Natural Law", as defined by the founders in their volumes of writings about the subject. I know a lot of people may have a different take on this issue, but it is pretty clear to me from reading the independent thoughts of the Founders.
I'm glad I'm not the only registered Republican who has met this guy in person and would never vote for him. It's a shame he's wasting $500,000 of his own money and he's not going to get elected.
Franklin, Adams, jefferson and washington would be distraught if they saw how some of the right wing nutjobs on this board and beyond have bastardized their names. Of course, some of these nutjobs probably think our founding fathers were a bunch of fundie hicks just like them. I think now. D'Anunzio can have fun at his little rat-tat-ta-tat machine gun party all he wants and he and his friends can go around playing bang-bang thinking they're 'real Americans' or whatever. That doesn't change the fact that Kissel is by far a much more superior congressman than he will ever be. Heck, a sportscaster from channel 9 would be a far superior congressman than this guy with the 'chester the molester' moustache.
This guy lives in my hometown of Raeford. He made his forture by selling a company he created, Paraclete. Paraclete manufactures military equipment. He now owns an indoor parachuting facility in Raeford, right outside Fayetteville. With that being said, he doesnt even stand a chance of carrying his home county in Rep primary. Nuff said.
Based on alot of the comments here, this guy really gets the leftie's knickers twisting... I might just have to give this guy a second look...
AR15 "semi-automatic' rifle...run for the hills everyone! Nice attempt making the firearm sound scary.
EVERY gun made today is semi-automatic. Unless you're holding a front load musket replica from the revolutionary war, you're holding a semi-automatic.
Classic move by the gun grabbers, make firearms sound scary.
Kissell is history, no matter which Republican gets the nomination. every other week I get taxpayer-funded garbage in the mail from him, telling me how much he loves spending my grandkid's money. But T give him credit for getting rid of Hayes.
What a great idea. The socialists hate it because they're intolerant and clueless. Gangsta rapper? If a pro-gun Republican used that term in that context I'm sure he would be pounced on for being racist and divisive. Gun enthusiasts come from all walks of American life and Jim's,the gun lovers paradise, is about 2 blocks from the entrance to Fort Bragg, what a great choice. Where do you get tickets?
It appears as if the Progressives have no factual arguments, just the typical "ridicule" Saul Alinsky promoted. I am pretty sure the Founders you mentioned would have picked up their arms against the progressives' statist goals around 1920. Our founders were more Libertarian than anything else and would not stand for the national government in it's current beaurocratic form. Please read what our Founders actually wrote instead of a what a revisionist college professor dictates. The public library is a great place to start, as well archives available on the web. We Libertarians believe in maximum Liberty and would rather deal with the inconveniences of too much Liberty than the inconveniences of too little Liberty.
Anonymous 3:31: Please describe how the Founders would disagree with those you called "nutjobs"(the people on here who appear to have actually studied them and agree with the Bill of Rights in it's original form). Do you agree with these quotes: "He who lives upon hope will die fasting" and "The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots".
Jim, nice yellow journalism. Nothing like using a misleading headline to suck everyone in.
I am an independent and wouldn't give this clown a second look. But none of the firearms you mention in the article are machine guns (FULLY automatic weapons).
And you people wonder why I dropped my subscription to the Observer.
Tim D'Annunzio must be spittin' bullets over this contribution to the re-election of Larry Kissell:
National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund
11250 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
I know some people have a hard time with facts, but D'Annunzio's campaign is who called it a "machine gun social." If Morrill changed the terminology and it was cast as being a nut-job stunt, then the CO would be liable for a slander suit. Truth is an absolute defense against slander.
By the way, I have records from an ancestor who was part of a militia. Every once in a while the Governor would call for a "general inspection of arms," and all of the men of the community had to gather in the square for their weapons to be inspected. That is a "well regulated militia." How does that sound to you?
Derrrrrrr, me gonna vote for him. I like guns. Him likes guns.
5:44, I would take it you think we sould go back to re-enstating slavery, and allowing only white males who own land being allowed to vote if you want to keep the constitution to it's 'original intent'. And yes, I agree, the tree should be pruned every now and then, especially of uneducated right wing fanatics who think they have the monopoly on the Constitution and a direct pipeline to God. Our founding fathers would indeed be laughing at some of the farces people have selectively made of their words.
I Like Guns Music Video
Constitution never endorsed slavery, quite the contrary. Point to the words that endorse slavery, please. There was a huge debate amongst the Founders regarding slavery. Really, did none of you progressives ever study anything that occured before 1913? I could go on about who said what during the original debates between the Founders, but please educate yourself to what they actually wrote, there are volumes available. Do you know why the words "Pursuit of Property" were changed to "Pursuit of Happiness"? Look it up, you may learn something. Also, if you have a problem with the core principles of the founding of our nation, you are free to dissent, that is Liberty.
Here is the thing about this "guy". He is so far right that he gives the Republican party a bad name. Any Repubs should NOT vote for him. The party has already lost the moderates and is run by conservative extremist. If he wins, he will push extremism rather than common sense. The Republican party has to get back to common sense basics or it will suffer more losses than it already has.
Yes, those Republican losses in VA, NJ, and MA were terrible, oh wait...
Liberals are to Ignorant to understand....Glad their Party is falling apart.
Just to clear things up, not that it will matter to the racist, typical red necked hicks that have now replaced "N" word with their new bigoted hate, Jim's is providing the "Machine Guns" and I have organized the "Social". And yes they are real machine guns.
Hiding behind these web sites as "anonymous" is the same as hiding under a the white hood, COWARDS.
You wouldn't dare say these things to my face, but I wouldn't have any trouble telling you this same thing to yours, if you dared.
Tim D'Annunzio
The problem is that you right-wing Constitutional scholars received your law degrees from the NRA School of Law - which wrote the playbook on how to use tried and true propaganda tactics to drive donations.
Hey, Timmy talks!
Trust me my friend, we'll let you know how we really feel when you make an appearance here in Charlotte.
Have fun playing with your toys at the social. Say hi to McVeigh and Rudolph's cousins when they come by.
I like it...we are going to take this country back one way or another....Democrats can go peacefully or the other way...either way....I think all we have to do is just show a gun and these pansies will run out of office...doesn't get any easier. Show your support with an AR-15...Thomas Jefferson would be proud. That is one of our founding fathers for you unlearned Democrats.
There is no way the above "paraclete" is really D'Annunzio. No candidate in his right mind would ever actually post something that self-destructive. I know he has a history of flaming on blogs but if that's really him, he's crazier than I thought.
That was just Tim after dark. Morning after Tim be along shortly to say he'll pray for you.
Let's see what we have learned thus far, 8th District please pay attention here! Tim D'Annunzio: money can buy TV ads but not class or smarts, had promise, candidate has disappointed us. Lou Huddleston: good candidate, nice guy but probably can't win in November. Harold Johnson: Good speaker, a natural, just may be what the 8th District needs. Hal Jordan: would do a great job but probably won't garner the votes.
Have narrowed my vote down to 2 candidates.
Tim D'Crazio for Congress
The Big Guy is our guy.
"Machine Guns" are illegal in North Carolina... check out NCGS 14-409.
2/09/2010 04:49:00 PM "Machine Guns" are illegal in North Carolina... check out NCGS 14-409.
The Conservative Extremist creed: Laws?? We don't need no laws. We got machine guns! Plus, we be social. Hey, BillyBob, let's have us a "machine gun social"!
Machine gun social? You betcha! But we gotta have it in Wasilla so I can keep a close eye on that Putin guy. You never know when he's gonna send them bombers over, ya know?
I like porn mustaches...
I can't not lie.
You white people can't deny...
When a big fat Italian comes walking in the house...
I wanna get with him!
And shave his sisters...
What a tool. Come home Anthony.
The boss misses you.
My wife and I drove out to the event from Charlotte, and had a great time. It was an easy leisurely drive. We enjoyed some great barbeque, and then we fired off a couple of clips because we thought it would be a fun thing to do. It was fun.
It goes without saying that the critics of conservative thought will never be convinced, so why bother engaging. For those who do lean center to right, do not waste another second reading this blather...visit his website, email him your questions, or do like I did and go to an event. Look him in the eye when he answers your direct questions. His answers are solidly founded in a realistic assessment of both domestic and foreign policy issues, and he understands the limits and boundaries of government established by the Constitution.
I am a solidly independent conservative who completely rejects both the Democrat and Republican Parties. I choose to support men and women based on their understanding of our founding documents.
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